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澳大利亚联邦风土人情 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (时间:2006-1-9 10:02:36 共有 人次浏览) 澳大利亚人既有西方人的爽朗,又有东方人的矜持。他们兴趣广泛,喜欢体育运动,如冲浪、帆板、赛马、钓鱼、赌赛马、地滚球运动、澳式橄榄球及游泳等都有众多的热衷者。在悉尼市,若不会游泳,将成为人们嘲笑的对象。在商港达尔文市,由于白天温度很高,因此游泳一般都在晚间进行,该市的市民尤其喜欢喝啤酒,据说啤酒销售量仅次于联邦德国的慕尼黑市。 居住在澳大利亚一些部落辖区内的土著人,仍然保护着自己的风俗习惯。他们以狩猎为生,“飞去来器”是他们独特的狩猎武器。他们大部分仍居住在用树枝和泥土搭成的窝棚里,围一块布或用袋鼠皮蔽体,并喜欢纹身或在身上涂抹各种颜色。平时仅在颊、肩和胸部涂上一些黄白颜色,参战时在身上涂红色,死后涂白色,节庆仪式或节日歌舞时彩绘全身。纹身多为粗线条,有的像雨点,有的似波纹,对经过成年礼的土著人来说纹身不仅是装饰,而且还用以吸引异性的爱慕。在狂欢舞会上,人们头戴五彩装饰,身画彩纹、围着篝火跳集体舞。舞蹈纯朴,多反映狩猎生活等。 土著部落内实行原始分配制度,实行图腾崇拜。土著男子进入成年须经历一系列严酷的锻炼和考验,并接受部落传统、道德等教育。澳大利亚有一种葬礼很特别。一旦人死之后,家人聚在一起,由族里的专人去砍一些木桩,涂上油彩,安插在坟墓四周,每一根柱子都象征着家里某个死去或活着的人。尸体被高高悬起,即使已经开始腐烂,也必须等到下次月圆时才可以取下埋葬。最后死者家属还要举行一次洁身礼,即葬礼之后,家属要等到下过一场雨后才能回家,为此家属有时不得不在外露宿好几天甚至好几个星期,因为按当地的风俗,只有雨水才能起到必要的洁身作用。 交往礼仪: 名片 在澳大利亚经商或从事类似的工作,携带名片是很重要的。名片是向对方提供其身份的证明,收到名片的人通常会将它保存起来作为你的地位的记录,并知道如何与你进行联系。国人的名片应当用中文和英文或中文和拼音文字印上其姓名;在公司中的职务和公司名称、电话、电传和电报挂号等。 宴请 澳大利亚人接待宾客时通常在饭店中宴请,私人集会则在家中招待。在饭店正式宴请宾客时,最流行的饭菜之一是中餐。中国人在澳大利亚开设的大多数饭馆都供应广东菜,近些年来也增设了北方菜馆。在饭店设宴招待时,最好打电话预先订席,预订时可以问价。饭店里习惯要付小费,对侍应服务一般付10%的小费是可以接受的。在一年中的温暖月份里,宴请可以在室外进行,或采取现场烧烤的方式做菜。在工作之余设宴时,通常要邀请客人的妻子参加。正餐通常晚上7时至7时半之间开始。 称谓 在澳大利亚,商业约会必须事先安排,拜访者必须准时赴约。与澳大利亚人交谈时,应当使用本人的头衔称号。另外,澳大利亚的主要节假日在12月和1月,所以商业性访问最好安排在其他月份。 澳大利亚人在第一次见面或谈话时,通常互相要称呼为“先生”、“夫人”、“女士”或“小姐”,熟悉之后就直呼其名。第一次见面时习惯于互相握手。 摘自:出国在线

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关于澳大利亚的动物的Australian brush turkeyWhat do brush turkeys look like? The brush turkey is easily recognised by its:deep blue-black plumagebright head coloursbroad, flat tailgeneral turkey-like The bird's wattle (a fleshy lobe hanging down from the base of its neck) varies in colour with its age, gender and In the southern parts of its range, the male brush turkey has a bright yellow wattle, while on Cape York Peninsula in far north Queensland its wattle is light Females and younger birds have dull yellow Brush turkey chicks look much like quails, with plain rich brown feathers over their entire As they mature they lose the feathers on their heads and necks, where the bare skin turns a deep pink Where do they live? The Australian brush turkey can be found in NSW and Q It lives in humid forests along the eastern seaboard and inland to the wetter ranges, though it is most often seen in rainforest and neighbouring eucalypt forest It remains in a particular locality throughout the year, where it breeds and forages in the forest leaf litter for fruits, seeds and small This fascinating bird is abundant in favourable However, since European colonisation its numbers have declined – particularly near In places where it shares its breeding and foraging grounds with humans, the survival of the species depends largely on the goodwill of Breeding The Australian brush turkey belongs to the family of birds known as Megapodes are found in the East Indies, Australasia and P They construct mounds of vegetation to incubate their eggs Using vegetation gathered from the forest floor around them, male brush turkeys build a large and distinctive incubation mound, which can be up to 4 m wide and up to 2 m A female will then lay between 18 and 24 white eggs in the mound, with intervals of two to three days between the laying of each As the vegetation in the mound decomposes, it gives off heat which warms the The optimum incubation temperature is between 33�0�2C and 35�0�2C, and the male brush turkey maintains this temperature by removing and adding layers to the Temperature regulation is the only assistance the parents provide to their The young brush turkeys hatch after about seven weeks, fully feathered and able to They dig their way through the layers of the mound and into the open Brush turkeys in the garden Brush turkeys are generally wary of However, they can become very tame around picnic grounds and homes, particularly if they are We don't recommend that you feed brush Many people consider brush turkeys to be destructive in carefully planned gardens, since they remove vegetation, earth and mulch to create their incubation In a few hours, the birds can strip away closely-planted natives and light, moist mulch, used frequently in landscaped Heavier ground coverings (such as river gravel) and tree guards can reduce the impact on valuable and vulnerable Once a male brush turkey has started to build its mound, it is extremely difficult to prevent it from continuing its No single method of deterrence has proved effective in all situations, but you can try: spreading a heavy tarpaulin over the mound and weighing it down, to prevent the bird from working diverting the bird's attention to a less attractive or valuable area of your garden, by building a household compost Ideally, this compost mound should be sited next to at least one large tree providing 80 to 95 per cent The brush turkey may be attracted towards the area, and may eventually take over the compost mound as its nesting If these methods fail and you cannot adapt to the situation, you can contact your nearest NPWS office for further detailed Brush turkeys are part of Australia's natural heritage, and many householders now accept these birds as a fascinating part of their backyard





图书馆的英语单词:library词语解析:音标:英 ['laɪbrəri]     美 ['laɪbreri]     图书馆;藏书;书房短语:college library 大学图书馆home library 家庭图书馆law library 法律图书馆music library 音乐图书馆accumulate a library 积累藏书build up a library 修建一座图书馆medical library 医学图书馆mobile library 流动图书馆municipal library 市立图书馆例句:The town has its own public library and public 那城市有自己的公用图书馆和公园。In the library, the books on history are all kept in one 在图书馆里,历史方面的书都放在同一隔间里。Professor Hunter has a library of about five thousand 汉特教授约有五千册藏书。I found him working in his library when I 我去拜访他时看到他在书房里工作。

图书馆的英语单词是librarylibrary音标:英[ˈlaɪbrəri] 美[ˈlaɪbreri] 图书馆,藏书楼;(书、激光唱片等的)私人收藏;书房,书斋;文库,系列丛书(激光唱片集,成套录像等);软件库短语搭配:digital library 数字图书馆in the library 在图书馆public library 公共图书馆;公立图书馆例句:Laurie loved books too and offered to show her the library in the 劳里也喜欢书,他主动提出带她去看房子里的图书馆。The new library is close to 新图书馆快要竣工了。I want to look for some important books and study in the 我想在图书馆找一些重要的书学习。




国内比较流行孤独星球系列lonely planet黑白印刷,比较轻和国家地理系列national geographic全彩印刷,内容详尽,而且配合很多照片国外比较流行DK系列,风格和国家地理类似。三套书编者都有各自独特视角。

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就是 Longly Planet - 澳大利亚,是一个系列里的。

关于澳大利亚的动物的Australian brush turkeyWhat do brush turkeys look like? The brush turkey is easily recognised by its:deep blue-black plumagebright head coloursbroad, flat tailgeneral turkey-like The bird's wattle (a fleshy lobe hanging down from the base of its neck) varies in colour with its age, gender and In the southern parts of its range, the male brush turkey has a bright yellow wattle, while on Cape York Peninsula in far north Queensland its wattle is light Females and younger birds have dull yellow Brush turkey chicks look much like quails, with plain rich brown feathers over their entire As they mature they lose the feathers on their heads and necks, where the bare skin turns a deep pink Where do they live? The Australian brush turkey can be found in NSW and Q It lives in humid forests along the eastern seaboard and inland to the wetter ranges, though it is most often seen in rainforest and neighbouring eucalypt forest It remains in a particular locality throughout the year, where it breeds and forages in the forest leaf litter for fruits, seeds and small This fascinating bird is abundant in favourable However, since European colonisation its numbers have declined – particularly near In places where it shares its breeding and foraging grounds with humans, the survival of the species depends largely on the goodwill of Breeding The Australian brush turkey belongs to the family of birds known as Megapodes are found in the East Indies, Australasia and P They construct mounds of vegetation to incubate their eggs Using vegetation gathered from the forest floor around them, male brush turkeys build a large and distinctive incubation mound, which can be up to 4 m wide and up to 2 m A female will then lay between 18 and 24 white eggs in the mound, with intervals of two to three days between the laying of each As the vegetation in the mound decomposes, it gives off heat which warms the The optimum incubation temperature is between 33�0�2C and 35�0�2C, and the male brush turkey maintains this temperature by removing and adding layers to the Temperature regulation is the only assistance the parents provide to their The young brush turkeys hatch after about seven weeks, fully feathered and able to They dig their way through the layers of the mound and into the open Brush turkeys in the garden Brush turkeys are generally wary of However, they can become very tame around picnic grounds and homes, particularly if they are We don't recommend that you feed brush Many people consider brush turkeys to be destructive in carefully planned gardens, since they remove vegetation, earth and mulch to create their incubation In a few hours, the birds can strip away closely-planted natives and light, moist mulch, used frequently in landscaped Heavier ground coverings (such as river gravel) and tree guards can reduce the impact on valuable and vulnerable Once a male brush turkey has started to build its mound, it is extremely difficult to prevent it from continuing its No single method of deterrence has proved effective in all situations, but you can try: spreading a heavy tarpaulin over the mound and weighing it down, to prevent the bird from working diverting the bird's attention to a less attractive or valuable area of your garden, by building a household compost Ideally, this compost mound should be sited next to at least one large tree providing 80 to 95 per cent The brush turkey may be attracted towards the area, and may eventually take over the compost mound as its nesting If these methods fail and you cannot adapt to the situation, you can contact your nearest NPWS office for further detailed Brush turkeys are part of Australia's natural heritage, and many householders now accept these birds as a fascinating part of their backyard

国内比较流行孤独星球系列lonely planet黑白印刷,比较轻和国家地理系列national geographic全彩印刷,内容详尽,而且配合很多照片国外比较流行DK系列,风格和国家地理类似。三套书编者都有各自独特视角。

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