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Army soldier Caleb Peterson recently died in Afghanistan, leaving his New Mexico based family in a state of Caleb’s best friend from the Army, David (Dan Stevens), arrives at the Peterson house unexpectedly with the intention of delivering farewell messages to Caleb’s No one knows David and presumably Caleb never talked about 陆军士兵加勒皮特森最近丧生于阿富汗,留下他的新墨西哥家庭沉浸在震惊伤心之中。加勒军队中最好的朋友大卫(丹史蒂文斯饰演)意外来到皮特森家里传递其死亡告别讯息给加勒的家人。没有人知道大卫是加勒的好朋友,加勒从来没有跟家里人说起他。David’s saving grace is that he appears alongside Caleb in a photograph that is prominently showcased in a shrine to Caleb on the Peterson family mantle At first, M Peterson (Sheila Kelley) is the only one who sees the benefit of David’s company; M Peterson (Leland Orser) and Caleb’s siblings — Luke (Brendan Meyer) and Anna (Maika Monroe) — are suspicious of the titular Eventually, the rest of the Peterson clan warms up to 大卫唯一存在过的证明是出现在加勒的照片里,照片里他与加勒站在皮特森家中圣祠地幔旁边。起初,皮特森的母亲(谢拉·柯雷饰演)是家里唯一一个愿意接受大卫看好他的人;皮特森的父亲(勒兰德·奥瑟饰演)与加勒姐弟俩----------卢克 (布兰丹·梅耶饰演) 和 安娜( 麦卡·梦露饰演) 对这个初到客人抱有怀疑态度。最终,皮特森一家人放下戒心接受了这个陌生访客。David looks like a model torn straight from the pages of GQ; even after running several miles, his hair remains perfectly in His impeccable abs and ability to carry two full beer kegs at once showcase David’s propensity for David’s unmatchedattractiveness is topped with an ultra-polite, Midwestern, good ole boy 大卫从外表看就像是直接从GQ杂志内页里走出来的模特一样;即使他奔跑几英里之后,他的头发也会依然保持完美。他有时竟然能够搬运两个装满啤酒的大桶,这显出他应拥有着完美的腹肌和体魄。大卫浑身上下都充满了美国中西部优雅礼貌好男人的极致吸引力。(由此看出姐姐安娜的花痴细胞在沸腾)However, it seems evident pretty early on that David is probably not exactly who he says that he David sometimes seems like an android or alien suffering from an occasional glitch or hiccup from its otherwise pitch-perfect demeanor; he is debonaire yet robotically frigid, sort of like Ryan Gosling cast as the T Just imagineStevens’ character, Matthew Crawley, in Downton Abbey as a cool,calm and collected assassin, and you are about halfway 然而,大卫来到家里不久之后就明显看出他并不是他所描述的那样,大卫有时看起来像机器人一样,或者像一个出现故障沉浸在痛苦里的外星人,又或者看起来像一个某个因打嗝而失去完美风度的人;他是处于冰冷扎骨之中的机器人,他就像是终结者里艾克瑞恩·高斯林扮演的机器人。(想象一下史蒂文斯的角色, 马修·克劳利,在唐顿庄园作为一个冷静的,镇定的刺客形象,你就对了一半。)Adam Wingard’s The Guest purposefully starts off rather subdued as David masterfully ingratiates himself into the Peterson Eventually the story evolves into an ’80s-esque action flick that teeters on the verge of becoming The fight scenes are just as humorous as they are impressively choreographed, culminating in a visually orgasmic coup de grâce set in a haunted Wingard and screenwriter Simon Barrett have really outdone themselves with The Guest, with chilling black comedy and astounding visual panache it is the most fantastically entertaining action flick of recent memory; it might just be the most unexpected comedy of Sundance 亚当·温加德的电影《访客》大卫有目地的使用高明巧妙的手段使他自己成为皮特森家庭的一员。最终的故事慢慢演变成一个80年代风格的动作片,游走在戏仿边缘,打斗场面就像他们精心设计的一样令人印象深刻与感到幽默,最终导演把场景转向一个鬼屋般的房子里作为结尾视觉高潮的一部分。温加德和编剧西蒙巴雷特真真切切的让他们自己的作品《访客》里充斥着冷酷黑色喜剧效果和惊人的视觉魅力,这是近几年来让人记忆犹新,感觉奇特与趣味性的一部惊悚动作片。它可能是2014年度圣丹斯电影节最意想不到的“喜剧”。









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