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Summary: With the social development, technological advances, the computer as an information carrier is increasingly revealing its pivotal Today's society has entered the information society, knowledge-based economy will be the leading industry in the new With the gradual promotion and use of the computer, the computer has been in scientific research, production, commerce, services, and many other aspects to create ways to improve efficiency, at the same time, the unit cost of technology and a significant drop year by year, but the office personnel cost, however, Overseas, the cost of professional, managerial and administrative personnel costs account for the office on the total cost of 2/3-4/5, a phenomenon that people are increasing demand for office We must, while carrying out institutional reforms, as soon as possible to use modern management equipment, management At present, the computer personnel management in China, mainly used to carry out report processing, file management, word editing, information search, a comprehensive However, this manual process statistics, there are some obvious problems, such as the lack of statistical data accuracy, timeliness, need to spend a lot of manpower, material and financial resources and so The content of many modern management, relations are very complex, which includes people, capital, material, information and time of various elements, of which play a key role in the element is Who is both manager and also was manager in the dual position in management, and has a great See who is the modern management of the most important Therefore, the management of human resources development and utilization of personnel management in the management of large complex systems is self-evident Indeed affect the whole body, do a good job of personnel management on the management optimized for other fundamental This thesis describes the basic functions of the system and procedure Keywords:Personnel files Personnel management Personnel Information Management System VB Database
湖泊的现状和未来趋势在中国富营养化 有很多在中国シ稽的whieh OST的湖泊大量分布在5大湖泊区:东现状及湖泊富营养化中国未来走向透析949平原シ群ingzang高原シ勲engxin高原シ刑ungui高原和东北平原窭派生病 目前的营养状况和趋势的中国淡水湖泊进行了调查,这项研究。结果表明,所有湖泊研究被普遍接受的富营养化过程,水质下降,湖泊的生态系统正在下降。城市湖泊大多是面临严重的富营养化。许多大中型湖泊富营养化状态或在metrophic是,一些地方甚至接近水肥厚的水平。在中国著名的淡水湖泊5个已进入富营养化较高的营养物条件。太湖,洪泽湖和巢湖富营养化已经在状态。富营养化湖泊主要分布在中部和长江中下游和云贵高原。湖泊富营养化发展迅速。其中34个湖泊1970年的研究,大部分湖泊都在中养状态,营养型水域面积占8%。随着1978-1987年9年从2%下降到53%贫营养的湖泊面积百分比,以及湖泊的富营养化,从0%提高到01%。最近的数据显示,5%的湖泊富营养化和高的40个湖泊的营养状态进行调查。太湖富营养化趋势,巢湖和宣武区在中部地区和长江下游的现象,采用生态压力模型。结果表明,在2008年太湖,巢湖水体富营养化和宣武可能是,富营养化和hypertrophication,分别是如果没有采取控制测量。所提供的污染水的处理率60%,到2030年,约0亿吨污染水仍然会在湖泊直接排放。因此,在2030年在中国的城市湖泊富营养化或hypertrophication可能,和中型湖泊最多的是城乡边缘可能在富营养化或hypertrophication。著名的五大淡水湖泊中的中国可能是水体富营养化控制对策研究,如果采取像现在。湖泊富营养化已成为中国严重的环境问题。基于富营养化控制技术在国内和国外的经验,既营养湖泊污染控制和生态恢复应进行抢修,这可能是为在中国湖泊富营养化控制的指导。