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Angel or Devil?Abstract: Is Pearl an angel for Hester or a devil who makes Hester suffer more? The child and the scarlet letter parallel each other; both represent the mother's sin--the child being a physical representation and the scarlet letter being a So she always reminds Hester of her sin, however she is Hester's love and mentor of Hester, without a helpless child to protect and guide, might not accept her punishment quite so passively as she seems However, would she be happier than now? Key Words: The Scarlet Letter, Pearl, angel, devil, HesterTo be frank, Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter is the unique book I have read in this However I feel lucky for it is not boring at all, furthermore, it attracted me at the So I want to and have to write my paper about this Most literary critics agree that The Scarlet Letter is Nathaniel Hawthorne's finest and most important work , so do I In this novel, the one who impressed me most is not Hester, Chillingworth or Dimmesdal but P Sometimes, she looks like an angel, but sometimes she is like a So I cannot help wondering whether Pearl is an angel or a devil? When I am asking this question, actually, I mean just for Hester, is Pearl like an angel or like a devil? First, Pearl is Hester Prynne's With rare exception, wherever the mother is found, the child is also When the town official escort her from the prison so that the townspeople might see Pearl is also there --a baby of three months old, winking and turning her little face from the bright As Pearl grows older, her mother dresses her in brilliant colors, for Pearl is her one proud Later, her mother has named her Pearl, with meaning of Little Pearl has beauty, intelligence and physical She is described as a lovely flower, having sprung from a guilty Sometimes Pearl is fanciful to the point that she is almost For instance, while her mother talks with Roger Chillingworth near the seashore, the imaginative child makes herself a mermaid's costume our of Then, as a crowing touch, she gathers some eel-grass and makes for herself a green letter "A", imitating as closely as possible her mother's scarlet Pearl often plays in the sunshine; whereas the sunshine will not shine directly on H The child is so close to nature that the little animal in the forest scene, such as partridges, pigeons, and squirrels, almost completely ignore her when she is passing by They recognize a wildness in the human child comparable to their Pearl is also very sympathetic For example, during the festivities of the New England Holiday, it is Pearl who describes D She remarks that in the dark nighttime and in the forest he is one type of person--loving and friendly; in the sunny days, he is a different sort of man, for he does not know She remarks:"A strange, sad man is he, with his hand always over his heart!" Pearl, by instinct, has supposed some things to be true which are All of these express the good aspect of P However, there are also majority of words that will give the opposite She is also Hester's child of She obeys no ruled unless she wishes to do Her moods change If she is crossed in any way, the child flies into a At one moment, she is wild, desperate, and filled with bad temper and gloom; then, suddenly, she can change in the sunny, happy child who wants to assure her mother of her love by kissing Pearl seems to have no set standard to govern her own behaviour-- she reacts according to her particular feeling of the Moreover, she has a certain peculiar look on her face which sometimes causes Hester to question whether or not Pearl is a human child or a being from another world like a little Her eyes are wild, bright, deeply- She is described as an imp of evil, emblem and product of The Puritan children flee in fear when resentful Pearl chases after them, flinging stones and shrill words at Once, Hester is frightened when she looks into the mirror of Pearl's She sees a freakish, elfish look In the headpiece of the armour in Governor Bellingham's hall, Hester is disturbed to see Pearl's expression, as it is reflected in the metal The child has an elfish look of naughty merriment, as if an imp were seeking to mould itself in Pearl's Attracted by the brightness of her mother's scarlet letter, the three-year-old Pearl plays game, flinging wildflowers at her mother's symbol of When Pearl playfully declares that she has no Heavenly Father, Hester remembers that some of the townspeople regard Pearl as an offspring of the Then, is Pearl an angel for Hester or a devil who makes Hester suffer more? The child and the scarlet letter parallel each other; both represent the mother's sin--the child being a physical representation and the scarlet letter being a So she always reminds Hester of her sin, however she is Hester's love and mentor of Hester, without a helpless child to protect and guide, might not accept her punishment quite so passively as she seems However, would she be happier than now? Do you remember the scene when she defends her capability to care for Pearl when she talks with Governor Bellingham, one of people planing to take the child from her? She loves Dimmesdal in a sense, so she must love their child, P It is Pearl who stay with her for a so long From my point of view, she is an angel for Hester, and this is also the reason why Hester gave Pearl this kind of In fact, in our real life, how can a mother hate her own child? This is the strongest reason for my Totally speaking, Pearl, like an angel, is always guarding Hester all the time, and so does Hester, who always keep protecting Pearl in her whole References: Charles Leawitt ---- Nathaniel Hawthorne's THE SCARLET LETTER and THE HOUSE OF SEVEN GABLES, THE BLTIHEDALE ROMANCE , THE MARBLE FAUN



祝你好好学习 天天向上 想想爸爸妈妈给你付出的学费和心血 随便拿出面镜子鉴赏一下自己吧: 好吃懒做, 投机倒把, 不学无术, 不肖子孙





美国的《科学》杂志(science)跟英国的《自然》杂志(Nature)齐名。《科学美国人》杂志(Scientific American)和Popular Science都是科普杂志。不过这几本科普杂志的水平很高。《科学美国人》的影响力超过《中国科学》(国内著名的学术期刊

目前还没有,不过有电子版(可以用翻译工具翻译)的! 建议你到 这是一个不错的资源共享BT站,是由华中科技大学发起联合几所高校建立的教育网资源共享BT站点,但您要的杂志下载者并不多,因此要在有人作种时及时下载才是! 这样的下载地址很少,郑州大学曾经发过2006年《科学》杂志下载(35期,PDF,494M)以下是地址:( 大学的资料一般都限制访问IP,能不能下我就不知道了。还是建议你用BT下载! 也可以直接用emule的搜索,因为电骡可以直接从别人的电脑上进行相应的搜索,我就在上面下了science的文章和2007的全部电子杂志,呵呵,因为大多都是外国人拥有的!! iebook的第一门户的网站上去看一下。它们上面也有超多的电子杂志在线观看。而且还有一个免费的2008版的超级精灵可以下载。您自己都可以试着做出一本来。非常实用的。 你还可以去官网看文摘 你去网站看了没? 里面有些是免费阅读的




《科学》杂志(science)和《自然》杂志(NMagazine)是当今世界上的顶级科学杂志。是高端中的高端。不过看倒是不要求是最最顶级的科学家们看的,只要是专业人士,里面的文章在你的研究领域内,你就可以看懂。但是能够发science得人都是很牛的人,确切说,只有你作出来的成果超级牛皮,才有可能被接受。在中国,如果如果可以发一篇science或者Nature,只要一篇,就可以在圈里名声远扬了。中国人是很难在这两种杂志上发文章的。 专业科学刊物好不好,通常用影响因子(IF)来评价,关于多少算好,我来给你说个概念吧,一般IF>3就是不错的刊物了,IF>6就是非常不错的刊物了,化学领域内两个权威的杂志:JACS,其IF大约是9;ANGW的大约是9-10。那么science或者Nature是多少呢?~30!再给你一个印象,我们国家的学术杂志估计也要上千了(个人猜测)那么最好的是多少?据我所知,好像大体是1-5之间,而且只有屈指可数的几个 作业是写科学家成长历程的论文,我们小组准备写科学家的婚姻,觉得这个题材比较新颖,但是没想到找不到什么资料。 比如说,我国核弹元勋钱学森的夫人蒋英是学艺术的,对钱学森的影响很大。诸如此类的资料越多越好!!一定会有高分的! 当然也不限于国内科学家,国外的也行,但一定要是众人皆知的大科学家啊。

美国的《科学》杂志(science)跟英国的《自然》杂志(Nature)齐名。《科学美国人》杂志(Scientific American)和Popular Science都是科普杂志。不过这几本科普杂志的水平很高。《科学美国人》的影响力超过《中国科学》(国内著名的学术期刊)

科学》杂志(science)和《自然》杂志(NMagazine)是当今世界上的顶级科学杂志。是高端中的高端。不过看倒是不要求是最最顶级的科学家们看的,只要是专业人士,里面的文章在你的研究领域内,你就可以看懂。但是能够发science得人都是很牛的人,确切说,只有你作出来的成果超级牛皮,才有可能被接受。在中国,如果如果可以发一篇science或者Nature,只要一篇,就可以在圈里名声远扬了。中国人是很难在这两种杂志上发文章的。 专业科学刊物好不好,通常用影响因子(IF)来评价,关于多少算好,我来给你说个概念吧,一般IF>3就是不错的刊物了,IF>6就是非常不错的刊物了,化学领域内两个权威的杂志:JACS,其IF大约是9;ANGW的大约是9-10。那么science或者Nature是多少呢?~30!再给你一个印象,我们国家的学术杂志估计也要上千了(个人猜测)那么最好的是多少?据我所知,好像大体是1-5之间,而且只有屈指可数的几个!剩下的大于99%都是小于1的。回答者:wlyj123 - 见习魔法师 三级 11-25 03:27没区别!回答者:彬糖女 - 童生 一级 11-25 13:24恩回答者:仔ɑ仔 - 试用期 一级 11-25 14:42不清楚回答者:zhanglu315 - 试用期 一级 11-26 14:35《科学》杂志(science)和《自然》杂志(NMagazine)是当今世界上的顶级科学杂志。是高端中的高端。不过看倒是不要求是最最顶级的科学家们看的,只要是专业人士,里面的文章在你的研究领域内,你就可以看懂。但是能够发science得人都是很牛的人,确切说,只有你作出来的成果超级牛皮,才有可能被接受。在中国,如果如果可以发一篇science或者Nature,只要一篇,就可以在圈里名声远扬了。中国人是很难在这两种杂志上发文章的。 专业科学刊物好不好,通常用影响因子(IF)来评价,关于多少算好,我来给你说个概念吧,一般IF>3就是不错的刊物了,IF>6就是非常不错的刊物了,化学领域内两个权威的杂志:JACS,其IF大约是9;ANGW的大约是9-10。那么science或者Nature是多少呢?~30!再给你一个印象,我们国家的学术杂志估计也要上千了(个人猜测)那么最好的是多少?据我所知,好像大体是1-5之间,而且只有屈指可数的几个 作业是写科学家成长历程的论文,我们小组准备写科学家的婚姻,觉得这个题材比较新颖,但是没想到找不到什么资料。 比如说,我国核弹元勋钱学森的夫人蒋英是学艺术的,对钱学森的影响很大。诸如此类的资料越多越好!!一定会有高分的! 当然也不限于国内科学家,国外的也行,但一定要是众人皆知的大科学家啊

目前还没有,不过有电子版(可以用翻译工具翻译)的! 建议你到 这是一个不错的资源共享BT站,是由华中科技大学发起联合几所高校建立的教育网资源共享BT站点,但您要的杂志下载者并不多,因此要在有人作种时及时下载才是! 这样的下载地址很少,郑州大学曾经发过2006年《科学》杂志下载(35期,PDF,494M)以下是地址:( 大学的资料一般都限制访问IP,能不能下我就不知道了。还是建议你用BT下载! 也可以直接用emule的搜索,因为电骡可以直接从别人的电脑上进行相应的搜索,我就在上面下了science的文章和2007的全部电子杂志,呵呵,因为大多都是外国人拥有的!! iebook的第一门户的网站上去看一下。它们上面也有超多的电子杂志在线观看。而且还有一个免费的2008版的超级精灵可以下载。您自己都可以试着做出一本来。非常实用的。 你还可以去官网看文摘 你去网站看了没? 里面有些是免费阅读的

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