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Modern in power system, electrical equipment, and numerous different components, easy operation complex various forms of electrical fault, so we must take measures to protect the relay to make the system more stable This thesis is to 110 kv power to relay protection, research and This paper firstly based on the characteristics of power generators and transformers parameter setting calculation, through the calculation results identify CT/PT At the same time, this may appear on the various forms of short-circuit current exhaustive According to thisThe design parameters of short-circuit current, adopted a phase spacing protection and the zero sequence current protection relay protection measures of But because of relay protection device may be due to the defects in the misoperation, therefore also adopts the design of automatic reclosing technology, through the automatic reclosing device can reduce the misoperation, make the whole power system can be more stable Key words: relay protection, Phase spacing protection, The zero sequence relay protection, Automatic reclosing
Now, with the continuous development of international economic exchanges, the pace of economic globalization and China's economy in further accelerate as an important pillar of the world economy merge with the world economy, and further enhance the trend in our country foreign trade enterprises in China's entrance into WTO and rapid development and But recently, the global economy in American house under the influence of the subprime crisis, is experiencing a financial Many Chinese foreign trade import and export enterprises are facing bankruptcy and mergers even downsizing, foreign trade enterprise's survival and development of the unprecedented Whether from a historical perspective, or reality of foreign trade enterprise internal management mode and adjustment actively seek survival and development the new breakthrough has important theoretical and practical This paper firstly under the financial crisis of international economic environment and history of the case, then summarizes briefly to our country foreign trade enterprise in today's financial crisis and the dilemma under pressure are discussed, and finally put forward our country foreign trade enterprise management method and seek new export enterprise's survival and development 不错吧~!
There are a large number of power equipment in modern power system,among which each compponent operate in a complex way Because of the above mentioned element,various kinds of electrical fault can easily occured ,then relay protection measures need to be taken so as to ensure the smooth operation of the whole This paper is focus on the protection and designation on relay protection measures of 110 KV The first part of the paper is to tuning calculate the parameter of generator and transformer in accordance with the characteristics of the grid Through the result of this calculation ,the model of CT/PT can be At the same time ,the paper also have some detailed calculation on various kinds of possible short According to this parameter of the short-circuit current ,two kinds of relay protection ,that is phase distance protection and zero sequence current protection are employed in this designation But because the drawbacks of relay protection settings can make some wrong operation ,automatic reclosing technology has been used in this designation ,which minimize the malfunction ,so as to ensure the stead operation of the whole power system
Today, international economic exchanges with the continuous development of economic globalization to further accelerate the pace of China's economy the world economy as an important pillar of economic integration with the world to further strengthen the trend, China's foreign trade enterprises are rapidly after entering the WTO development and But recently, the global economy in the US housing loan crisis times, the serious face of a financial crisis brought about by Many import and export enterprises in China are faced with layoffs, mergers or even bankruptcy of the status quo, the survival of foreign trade enterprises and the development of unprecedented Or whether it is realistic from a historical point of view, the adjustment of the internal management of foreign trade enterprises to actively seek new models and the survival and development are very important breakthrough in the theoretical and practical In this paper, under the first financial crisis of the international economic environment and a brief historical overview of the case, and then on China's foreign trade enterprises under the current financial crisis and pressure on the plight of an analysis of the end of China's foreign trade enterprises to optimize their management methods and to seek survival and development of new export business
The study of thus design is mainly focus on the PLC remote controled library lighting system This system make use of the thermo temperature senser and the light sensetive electric resistor to collect the input data and then transform the data to the PLCThough the open and cut down of the PLC controlled library lighting system, so as to reach the goal of reducing the electric energy