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Electronic Data Processing (EDP) ManagersCalifornia Occupational Guide Number 348Interest Area 111995 THE JOBIn every industry there is need for managers to plan and direct the activities of all organizational Industries that use computers employ ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING (EDP) MANAGERS to control the various activities related to the operation of the firm's mainframe computer or its client-server network, as well as all of the peripheral Major users of EDP systems are banks, public utilities, transportation and insurance companies, large manufacturing firms, and government and educational Computer equipment manufacturers and independent computer service firms also operate computer centers on a fee or contract While the EDP unit often operates as an independent center, serving all departments of the establishment under an executive officer, it is often attached to another department, such as In some firms, an EDP Manager may be responsible only for computer production: data entry, data control, equipment scheduling, and quality In such firms, another EDP Manager takes care of programming, program maintenance and systems analysis Frequently, however, the EDP Manager is in charge of all of these As head of computer production units, EDP Managers plan and direct the operation of the electronic data processing equipment, and select, train, supervise and evaluate the work of the computer operations In planning the work of the department, EDP Managers evaluate the relative importance of various projects and determine job They review the requirements of each project, assign machine time and personnel to complete it, and coordinate all projects to produce a continuous work flow and meet deadlines established by management of user Since idle machines are expensive to the organization, one of the prime responsibilities of the EDP Managers is the effective utilization of all data processing equipment through When their departments encompass programming and systems analysis, EDP Managers generally review and approve all systems charts and programs prior to their They may also spend much time with the analysts working out the requirements of a proposed job, defining the problem and developing the If the EDP Manager is not directly responsible for new programs, he/she is usually consulted about the data operations or other aspects of a new program, and may confer with programmers and analysts regarding program problems that arise during a machine WORKING CONDITIONSEDP Managers work in well-lighted and well-ventilated However, the temperature where the data processing equipment is located is kept lower than normal in order to counteract the heat generated by the machine EDP Managers are exposed to noises in the room from the low hum of the tape or disc drives to the high-speed sound of the Meeting deadlines, satisfying the demands of user departments, and solving personnel problems are potential causes of stress in this occupation; therefore, EDP Managers should have emotional stability and patience as well as organizational Effective job performance generally requires that EDP Managers be able to stand and move about with ease and have mobility of arms and Good vision is essential since this job demands considerable reading and other close EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOKThe following information is from the California Projections of Employment published by the Labor Market Information D It includes Engineering, Mathematical and Natural Sciences MEstimated number of workers in 1990 53,040Estimated number of workers in 2005 64,830Projected Growth 1990-2005 22%Estimated openings due to separations by 2005 14,230(These figures do not include self-employment nor openings due to )Even though more organizations are acquiring computers or enlarging their existing facilities, refinements in equipment and production methods which increase the output of the machines, may actually lessen, rather than increase the need for The trend of large firms to consolidate their activities into regional service centers will also limit the growth of this However, because of industry expansion, there will continue to be a need for EDP Managers, especially those who stay abreast of technological Most of the openings that will occur will be filled from within the WAGES, HOURS, AND FRINGE BENEFITSEDP Managers' salaries tend to vary widely in line with such factors as the nature and size of the employing establishment, the level of the position and the degree of responsibility Salaries also vary depending upon the type of installation, , utilizing a single computer manufacturer's line or using various computers manufactured by different Beginning salaries start at approximately $2,500 to $4,000 per Those with experience may earn from $3,700 to $6,500 or more per Highly experienced individuals may earn up to $8,500 or more per Managers working for the State of California start at about $4,000 per month, and may promote to manager IV, which has a maximum salary of $6,404 per Those who have the higher salaries are generally responsible for directing programming and systems analysis as well as EDP The work week is nominally 40 hours; however, most data processing managers find it necessary to work overtime to handle peak workloads and to compensate for unavoidable delays in the regular Fringe benefits usually include paid vacation a year, paid holidays, sick leave and health Some organizations provide a retirement and profit-sharing ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS AND TRAININGMost employers require EDP Managers to have a bachelor's degree in business administration, engineering, or computer Three to five years experience in data processing is usually required of EDP M Demonstrated supervisory ability, along with the required experience and training is highly Managers should be familiar with program languages such as COBOL or FORTRAN In most establishments, a broad knowledge of the firm's activities, gained through experience in accounting production, inventory control, or other specialized activities is considered an asset when combined with EDP ADVANCEMENTBecause of the evolving nature of EDP programming and equipment, it is important that the EDP Manager engage in continuing self- Several lines of advancement may be open to the EDP Manager depending on the organizational structure of his Where systems and procedures functions are separate from machine operations, management of this overall planning unit may constitute a If the EDP unit is a part of the accounting department, the manager may advance to chief accountant or controller provided he has the necessary accounting Elsewhere, the EDP Manager may be in line for promotion to other managerial or administrative posts since directing data processing activities provides the opportunity to become familiar with most of the firm's Furthermore, as the job of the EDP Manager grows in complexity and scope, these constitute an upgrading in itself with no reassignment of


浅谈会计电算化发展趋势「摘 要」 目前会计电算化已经滞后于现代信息技术的发展,远远不能适应企业管理的需要。本文就会计电算化存在的问题以及今后电算化发展趋势进行探讨。  目前开发和应用的会计电算化软件都是以模仿手工系统进行记账、算账、报账为主要内容的核算软件。随着现代信息技术的发展以及电子商务的到来,会计的反映职能淡化,会计的参与经营决策职能增强,原有的核算型软件无论是功能范围还是信息容量都显露出明显的局限性,远远不能适应企业管理的需要。本文就目前会计电算化存在的问题以及今后会计电算化软件发展趋势作进一步探讨。  一、会计电算化存在的问题  1、我国实行会计电算化的单位中,大部分是利用电算化软件处理日常会计的基本核算,而大量的财务管理和财务分析工作,仍采用手工进行,很多单位因为缺乏高水平的财务管理人员,使财务管理成为空谈。同时我国多数企业的会计电算化仍停留于企业内部应用,实现对手工核算的模仿,或者大谈如何与企业管理相结合并融入管理信息系统。可以说世界范围内的会计电算化理论和实务都有相当的局限性。所以我国电算化尚需完备,需要不断向深度发展。  2、在电算化实施中,财务数据与业务不能共享,致使财务软件只在财务部门使用,不仅与企业外部信息系统隔绝,而且与企业内部业务部门也没有很好的连接,财务部门录入的数据,基本上只是单纯为了记账,完成事后对业务的反映工作。  3、会计信息安全问题。在会计电算化系统环境下,电子符号代替了会计数据,磁性介质代替了纸介质,从而使会计信息安全易受到威胁。具体表现在:①内部人员对原始信息进行非法篡改或泄密,造成会计信息虚假。②磁性介质易受损坏,信息和数据存在丢失或毁坏的危险。③电算化系统遭破坏,如硬件故障、软件故障、非法操作、计算机病毒等可能导致电算化系统陷入瘫痪,使会计信息质量受到影响。

《浅析会计电算化对传统会计的影响》论 看到的信息权威机构






参考文献:  [1]董锦锦,谈如何做好电算化会计档案的安全管理工作,学理论  [2]汪永军,新会计准则下财务分析的研究,中小企业管理与科技  [3]俞峰,浅谈电算化会计档案管理中的问题和对策措施,中小企业管理与科技


楼主你好,你看以下题目对你的论文写作有没有帮助呢  关于会计理论结构的探讨;中外会计报告比较及启示;对我国具体会计准则的思考;关于会计信息真实性的思考;试论人力资源会计;关于会计政策的探讨;建立我国金融工具会计的探讨关于商誉的会计思考;论会计的国家性和国际性;关于法定财产重估增值的研究;还请采纳


互联网+对会计领域影响思考 会计电算化中财务报表的编制步骤 营业税改增值税对事业单位的影响 营业税改增值税存在的问题及对策分析 营业税改增值税的影响分析 营业税改增值税对企业经营绩效的影响 营业税改增值税的困境与对策 营业税改增值税后费用化会计核算概论 企业各类支出的会计核算 财务会计的信任功能 财务会计的本质特点 财务会计发展与环境成本管理 会计目标研究 企业盈利能力分析 企业偿债能力分析15个会计论文题目由学术堂整理提供

集团公司的资金内部控制方法与流程研究   房产税税制改革研究   增值税改革存在的问题及对策研究   我国地方税制存在的问题及对策研究   社会保障税收问题研究   股权激励中的盈余管理研究--以光明乳业为例   小企业内部控制研究--以某公司为例   作业成本法在环境成本核算中的应用-以某发电厂为例   民生银行某分行财务分析   企业内部会计信息有用性研究--以某公司为例   市盈率指标在股市投资中的应用研究   基于税务风险的某公司的内部控制研究   论财务报表粉饰行为及其防范   审计失败的原因及规避分析--以科龙电器为例   环境税对企业的影响分析  (本回答由学术堂整理提供)

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