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回答 陈薇长期从事生物防御新型疫苗和生物新药研究,研制出中国军队首个SARS预防生物新药“重组人干扰素ω”、全球首个获批新药证书的埃博拉疫苗。 陈薇长期从事生物防御新型疫苗和生物新药研究,主持建成创新体系和转化基地,成功研发中国军队首个病毒防治生物新药、中国首个国家战略储备重组疫苗和全球首个新基因型埃博拉疫苗。2014-2015年西非埃博拉疫情期间,率队赴非洲疫区完成埃博拉疫苗临床试验,是第一个在境外开展临床研究的中国疫苗。 陈薇历经阻击非典、汶川救灾、奥运安保、援非抗埃等重大任务砺炼,带出一支学科交叉、拼搏奉献的生物防御队伍,2018年获军队科技创新群体奖。 2020年3月,由陈薇领衔的军事科学院军事医学研究院科研团队研制的重组新冠疫苗开始人体注射试验。 学术论著 截至2019年5月,陈薇在Nature Nanotechnology等期刊发表SCI论文,单篇最高影响因子2。 据2020年6月中国工程院官网显示,陈薇以通讯作者在Lancet、Lancet Global Health、Nature Nanotechnology、Advanced Materials等期刊发表文章。 据2020年10月首都文明网显示,陈薇以通讯作者在《科学》《柳叶刀》等发表SCI收录论文79篇,单篇影响因子最高3。 更多6条 




期刊名 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY 出版周期: 月刊 中科院杂志分区 材料 分类下的 3 区期刊 影响因子上升很快,审稿速度也不是很慢,一般2个月会有结果,编辑也比较负责 近四年影响因子:2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 578 256 216 626 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Published by American Scientific P ISSN: 1550-Nanotechnology, dealing with functional structures and materials smaller than 100 nm, is缉禒光溉叱防癸狮含饯 emerging as a truly interdisciplina


期刊名 nanotechnology 出版周期: 周刊 中科院杂志分区 工程:综合分类下的 2 区期刊 近4年影响因子:2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 672 842 979 644 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 IOP PUBLISHING LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0957-4484 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 In response to the growth in research in the area and the extension of nanotechnology across traditional academic fields the journal will be changing its scope from January The new scope will strongly reflect the interdisciplinary aspect of nanoscale science and technology with the aim of becoming the primary source of information in this ever expanding In the meantime we invite authors who work at the forefront of nanoscale science and technology, and especially those in interdisciplinary areas, to submit their papers to the Present subject Papers are expected to be original experimental or theoretical research or to be an original synthesis or analysis of subjects related to Here, nanotechnology is taken to include all those technologies and enabling technologies associated with either the 'top-down' approach to fabricating miniature elements by sculpting the desired structure from a macroscopic piece of material, as well as the 'bottom-up' approach of building the desired structure atom by atom or molecule by Typical appropriate topics include, but are not limited to: engineering fabrication involving atomic level machining and metrology involving dimension, size and tolerances less than the wavelength of light and down to values of at largest 2 nm, but preferably to x-ray levels and beyond; performance of micromechanisms such as microactuators to subnanometre and molecular levels; the design of instruments and machine tools capable of measuring, performing and manufacturing to nanometre levels; the application of nanometre level instruments such as scanning tunnelling microscopes and atomic force microscopes to biology, medicine and materials science; miniaturization of electronic, mechanical and optical components, and their fabrication with such methods as ion-beam removal and deposition, molecular-beam epitaxy and electron-beam and photon-beam lithography; fabrication and use of field-emission vacuum microelectronic devices; nanoelectronics including nanometre scale semiconductor structures and their potential electronic device applications; molecular engineering--either molecular scale components or new molecular materials exhibiting unique electronic, mechanical or optical properties; nanoprecision instrumentation, , x-ray multilayer thin-film fabrication and associated surface

1、《Nature Reviews Materials》《自然评论材料》2、《Nature Energy》《自然能量》3、《NATURE MATERIALS》《自然材料》4、《Nature Nanotechnology》《自然纳米技术》5、《ADVANCED MATERIALS》《先进材料》AFM:Atomic Force MicroscopeAM:Advanced Materials扩展资料:AFM优点:原子力显微镜的出现无疑为纳米科技的发展起到了推动作用。以原子力显微镜为代表的扫描探针显微镜是利用一种小探针在样品表面上扫描,从而提供高放大倍率观察的一系列显微镜的总称。原子力显微镜扫描能提供各种类型样品的表面状态信息。AFM原理:当原子间距离减小到一定程度以后,原子间的作用力将迅速上升。因此,由显微探针受力的大小就可以直接换算出样品表面的高度,从而获得样品表面形貌的信息。参考资料来源:百度百科-AFM



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