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原文Yuan Youchu, valley and Dongpo, Qian Muwei the father with the BaoFan After dinner, Yamase Cho cursive hand count, appreciate the His father watching from the sidelines said: "the word to the custom " Valley said: "why?" His father said: "without him, but no authentic, Huai " The valley was suspected from the heart, is not willing to make the cursive script for Shao Sheng, exile to Fuling, only to see the Huai Su autobiography in Shi Yang Xiu, due to borrow to return, copying for days, a few degrees here, since the insight grass, start flying, and Yuanyou is different before the The beginning letter Mu father is no deception, the death of the father, and he has been for a long The valley have since the grass in Fuling, his father hated not see 白话文Yuanyou early years, Huang Tingjian and Su Dongpo, Qian Muwei the father to go to Beijing BaoFan temple After dinner, Huang Tingjian wrote several Zhang cursive, Su Dongpo praised Qian Muwei's father, look from the side said: "Huang (Huang Tingjian Lutz, cursive very vulgar, valley)" Huang Tingjian asked: why? Qian Muwei's father said: "no, just have not seen the characters of the (Huai Su, the famous Tang Dynasty monk cursive script, and the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhi and Zhang drunk in epilepsy) "Huang Tingjian heart is very dissatisfied, then refused to write Shao Sheng middle-aged, Huang was banished to Fuling, was the first time I saw the Huai Su hid in the Stone Yang Sue home work, then go home After several days, often forget to eat, then see cursive FaDu, write swiftly, and Yuanyou year cursive is not the Huang Tingjian from then on that Qian Muwei father's words are not falsely deceitful words, however Qian Muwei's father has been dead for a long So Huang Tingjian often said in the Fuling society of cursive, sorry Qian Muwei father




原文Yuan Youchu, valley and Dongpo, Qian Muwei the father with the BaoFan After dinner, Yamase Cho cursive hand count, appreciate the His father watching from the sidelines said: "the word to the custom " Valley said: "why?" His father said: "without him, but no authentic, Huai " The valley was suspected from the heart, is not willing to make the cursive script for Shao Sheng, exile to Fuling, only to see the Huai Su autobiography in Shi Yang Xiu, due to borrow to return, copying for days, a few degrees here, since the insight grass, start flying, and Yuanyou is different before the The beginning letter Mu father is no deception, the death of the father, and he has been for a long The valley have since the grass in Fuling, his father hated not see 白话文Yuanyou early years, Huang Tingjian and Su Dongpo, Qian Muwei the father to go to Beijing BaoFan temple After dinner, Huang Tingjian wrote several Zhang cursive, Su Dongpo praised Qian Muwei's father, look from the side said: "Huang (Huang Tingjian Lutz, cursive very vulgar, valley)" Huang Tingjian asked: why? Qian Muwei's father said: "no, just have not seen the characters of the (Huai Su, the famous Tang Dynasty monk cursive script, and the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhi and Zhang drunk in epilepsy) "Huang Tingjian heart is very dissatisfied, then refused to write Shao Sheng middle-aged, Huang was banished to Fuling, was the first time I saw the Huai Su hid in the Stone Yang Sue home work, then go home After several days, often forget to eat, then see cursive FaDu, write swiftly, and Yuanyou year cursive is not the Huang Tingjian from then on that Qian Muwei father's words are not falsely deceitful words, however Qian Muwei's father has been dead for a long So Huang Tingjian often said in the Fuling society of cursive, sorry Qian Muwei father


师每休舍,课将士注坡跳壕,皆重铠以习之。卒有取民麻一缕以束刍者,立斩以徇。卒夜宿,民开门愿纳,无敢入者,军号“冻死不拆屋,饿死不掳掠”。卒有疾,亲为调药。诸将远戍,飞妻问劳其家,死事者,哭之而育其孤。有颁犒,均给军吏,秋毫无犯。善以少击众。凡有所举,尽召诸统制,谋定而后战,故所向克捷。猝遇敌不动。故敌为之语曰:“撼山易,撼岳家军难。”张俊尝问用兵之术,飞曰:“仁、信、智、勇、严、阙一不可。”每调军食,必蹙额曰:“东南民力竭矣!”好贤礼士,雅歌投壶,恂恂如儒生。每辞官,必曰:“将士效力,飞何功之有!” 然忠愤激烈,议论不挫于人,卒以此得祸。 翻译: 每当军队休整,岳飞就督促将士爬斜坡、跳壕沟,都让他们穿着很重的铠甲来练习。士兵只要夺取老百姓的一根麻绳绑草料,就立刻斩首示众。士兵夜里宿营,老百姓开门表示愿意接纳,可是没有敢擅入的。岳家军号称“宁可冻死也不拆老百姓的屋子烧火取暖,宁可饿死也不抢老百姓的粮食充饥。”士兵生病了,岳飞亲自为他调药。将士远征,岳飞的妻子去他们的家慰问,有战死的,为他流泪痛苦并且抚育他的孤儿。朝廷有赏赐犒劳,都分给手下官兵,一丝一毫也不占有。岳飞善于以少击众。凡是有所行动,就召集手下军官,商议确定然后作战,所以兵锋所向,都能取胜。突然遇到敌军袭击也毫不慌乱。所以敌人评论岳家军说:“动摇山容易,动摇岳家军难。”张俊曾问岳飞用兵的方法,岳飞回答说:“仁义、信用、智慧、勇敢、严厉,缺一不可。”每次调运军粮,岳飞一定皱起眉头忧虑地说:“东南地区的民力快用尽了啊!”岳飞尊重贤能礼遇士人,平时唱唱雅诗,玩玩投壶游戏,谦逊谨慎得像个读书人。岳飞每次辞谢立功后朝廷给他加官时,一定说:“这是将士们贡献的力量,我岳飞又有什么功劳呢?”但是岳飞对国事意见激进,谈论问题都没有给人留余地,终于因为这点惹了祸患。



原文Yuan Youchu, valley and Dongpo, Qian Muwei the father with the BaoFan After dinner, Yamase Cho cursive hand count, appreciate the His father watching from the sidelines said: "the word to the custom " Valley said: "why?" His father said: "without him, but no authentic, Huai " The valley was suspected from the heart, is not willing to make the cursive script for Shao Sheng, exile to Fuling, only to see the Huai Su autobiography in Shi Yang Xiu, due to borrow to return, copying for days, a few degrees here, since the insight grass, start flying, and Yuanyou is different before the The beginning letter Mu father is no deception, the death of the father, and he has been for a long The valley have since the grass in Fuling, his father hated not see 白话文Yuanyou early years, Huang Tingjian and Su Dongpo, Qian Muwei the father to go to Beijing BaoFan temple After dinner, Huang Tingjian wrote several Zhang cursive, Su Dongpo praised Qian Muwei's father, look from the side said: "Huang (Huang Tingjian Lutz, cursive very vulgar, valley)" Huang Tingjian asked: why? Qian Muwei's father said: "no, just have not seen the characters of the (Huai Su, the famous Tang Dynasty monk cursive script, and the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhi and Zhang drunk in epilepsy) "Huang Tingjian heart is very dissatisfied, then refused to write Shao Sheng middle-aged, Huang was banished to Fuling, was the first time I saw the Huai Su hid in the Stone Yang Sue home work, then go home After several days, often forget to eat, then see cursive FaDu, write swiftly, and Yuanyou year cursive is not the Huang Tingjian from then on that Qian Muwei father's words are not falsely deceitful words, however Qian Muwei's father has been dead for a long So Huang Tingjian often said in the Fuling society of cursive, sorry Qian Muwei father








原文Yuan Youchu, valley and Dongpo, Qian Muwei the father with the BaoFan After dinner, Yamase Cho cursive hand count, appreciate the His father watching from the sidelines said: "the word to the custom " Valley said: "why?" His father said: "without him, but no authentic, Huai " The valley was suspected from the heart, is not willing to make the cursive script for Shao Sheng, exile to Fuling, only to see the Huai Su autobiography in Shi Yang Xiu, due to borrow to return, copying for days, a few degrees here, since the insight grass, start flying, and Yuanyou is different before the The beginning letter Mu father is no deception, the death of the father, and he has been for a long The valley have since the grass in Fuling, his father hated not see 白话文Yuanyou early years, Huang Tingjian and Su Dongpo, Qian Muwei the father to go to Beijing BaoFan temple After dinner, Huang Tingjian wrote several Zhang cursive, Su Dongpo praised Qian Muwei's father, look from the side said: "Huang (Huang Tingjian Lutz, cursive very vulgar, valley)" Huang Tingjian asked: why? Qian Muwei's father said: "no, just have not seen the characters of the (Huai Su, the famous Tang Dynasty monk cursive script, and the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhi and Zhang drunk in epilepsy) "Huang Tingjian heart is very dissatisfied, then refused to write Shao Sheng middle-aged, Huang was banished to Fuling, was the first time I saw the Huai Su hid in the Stone Yang Sue home work, then go home After several days, often forget to eat, then see cursive FaDu, write swiftly, and Yuanyou year cursive is not the Huang Tingjian from then on that Qian Muwei father's words are not falsely deceitful words, however Qian Muwei's father has been dead for a long So Huang Tingjian often said in the Fuling society of cursive, sorry Qian Muwei father




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