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I am well aware that this is a tough One should be aware of the fact that Their sudden attack made us more aware of the danger around She was not aware of having done She was conscious of her flat 这时跟be aware of 用法一样。He is conscious that He gradually perceived that his parents had been I can't perceive any difference between these I perceived a man enter the


People are flocking by hundreds to visit the 数以百计的人前来参观。But in no case will it take longer than 6 但绝不会超过6个月。She reckoned she had cut her cost by 她估计她减少了一半的费用。We must look beyond for signs of 我们应该把目光放远。Do not worry, I 'll call out the 不用担心,我会报站的。I know his name but I can't just bring it to 我知道他的名字,只是一时想不起来。He loves her from the bottom of his 他深深地爱着她。It is not polite to call a person 骂人是不礼貌的。They will accomplish their new project by this 他们将用这种办法来实现他们的新计划。unpleasantly sharp, pungent, or bitter to the taste or smell 味道或气味上令人不愉快的辛辣,苦的They calculate on a hundred people attending the 他们预计有100人出席会议。Try to fix me up an appointment for eleven tomorrow 请设法安排我明天上午11点进行一次会见。All in all it had been a great 从各方面来说,那都是极大的成功。I assure you they'll be perfectly safe with 我向你保证,他们和我们在一起十分安全。If you do not aim high, you will never hit 胸无大志,难达高峰。Better to have one eye than be blind [谚]独眼总比全瞎好。

I should be self-


词典释义awake to意识到理解;领会;认识到;意识到;实现;将…变为现实;(所担心的事)发生,产生be conscious/aware of举例:过了一些时间她才意识到她处境的危险。It took her some time to awake to the dangers of her 我逐渐意识到我们的婚姻结束了。I gradually awakened to the realization that our marriage was

中文conscious英 [ˈkɔnʃəs] 美 [ˈkɑnʃəs] 有意识的翻译来自彩云小译简要释义 辅助记忆 双语例句 相关词汇有意识的;有知觉的(of);有意的;自觉的;清醒的;留神的同义词: aliveawakeknowingsensitivesensibleCET4CET6NPEETOEFLIELTSTEM4TEM8GRE辅助记忆 反义词unconscious / unaware / senseless / unintentional / 词源con + sci=know (知道) + 同源词science / scientific / conscience / conscientious / 补充『短语』be conscious of, 意识到双语例句 He's always been rather self-他一直很害羞。 a class-conscious trade unionist一个有阶级觉悟的工会会员 He was conscious of the rain pelting against the 他意识到大雨正重重地打在屋顶上。 Some young people who were easy-going and extroverted as children become self-conscious in early 一些年轻人孩童时脾气随和、性格活泼,刚进入青春期却变得害羞起来。 I don't think we ever made a conscious decision to have a big 我认为我们没有刻意决定要生很多孩子。

wake up to:认识到; 意识到wake英 [weɪk];美 [weɪk]     醒来;唤醒;意识到; 航迹;守夜1、wake既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,可表示自发醒来或处于醒的某种状态,接不定式作状语时,表示“醒来(发现、看出、听到)…”。2、wake用作不及物动词时,其主动形式常可表示被动意义。扩展资料:rouse,arouse,awake,wake这些动词均有“唤醒、醒来”之意。1、rouse较正式用词,用主动语态时,强调弄醒别人的努力,用被动语态时,指轻而易举地醒过来。可用于引申意义。2、arouse除表示一般的唤醒外,多作引申用。3、awake正式用词,常指觉醒、警惕的状态,也多用于比喻。4、wake普通常用词,指真正的醒来。即可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。

conscious有意识的有意识 [ yǒu yì shí ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ yǒu yì shí ]主观上意识到的;有目的有计划的:他这样做完全是~的。


Quick decision is characteristic of 快速决定是他的特征he is an amateur 他是业余画家He put forward a very good suggestion at the 他在会上提出了一个很好的建议。 We must take a scientific approach to the 我们必须用科学方法研究这一问题。We concluded our meeting at 9 o' 我们九点钟结束了会议。


Globalization:Globalization offers extensive opportunities for truly worldwide development but it is not progressing 全球化确实为全世界范围的发展带来了大量的机会,但其发展进程并不平衡。Globalization is not just a recent Some analysts have argued that the world economy was just as globalized 100 years ago as it is 全球化并不是一个最近才有的现象,一些分析家认为世界经济在一百年前就已经和现在一样被全球化。TechnologicallyBeijing and Shenzhen both are technologically developed cities in C北京和深圳都是中国的科技发达城市。The ministry encourages companies to set up branches in these technologically developed countries and 政府鼓励公司在这些科技发达国家和地区设立分支机构。ScientificThe fundamental principles of scientific management are applicable to all kinds of human 科学管理的基本原则适用于所有的人类活动。A botanic garden without scientific research is just a A botanic garden with scientific research plays an important role in social 一个没有进行科学研究的植物园只不过是个公园;而一个进行科学研究的植物园则对社会发展起了重要作用。EconomicsThird World Economics provides fresh alternative analysis of current events and long-term 第三世界的经济状况为世界当前时事和长期发展趋势提供了另一个角度的新分析。EconomyChina's economy may grow slightly slower in second 下半年中国的经济增长速度可能会略微下降。The state of the economy is very 目前的经济状况让人十分担忧。GovernIn Britain the Queen reigns,but elected representatives of the people govern the 在英国,女王是君主而治理国家的确是民选的代表。Govern your 控制住你的脾气。

My favorite lesson is


Go fall I'll do it right Get out of my Wake up I read a science fiction last You were wrong at If you take my advice, you wouldn't put out of your last Don't be serious, I just play a Tom came to school the day before In fact, I don't believe you at I need to know the 都是自己辛苦造的,采纳吧

science fiction科幻小说双语对照词典结果:science fiction[英][ˈsaiəns ˈfikʃən][美][ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃən]科幻,科学幻想小说; 科幻小说; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:One hundred years ago an american immigrant invented science 100年以前一位美国移民发明了科幻小说。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


science fiction英[ˈsaiəns ˈfikʃən]美[ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃən]科幻,科学幻想小说;科幻小说[例句]Sounds like science fiction , right?听起来很像是科幻小说是吗?"A science fiction cannot not be regarded as a mere entertainment, but in fact it tells the reader much ""科幻小说不能简单地看成是供消遣的,而实际上它给读者展示更深刻的内容。"Anna was reading a piece of science fiction and completely lost in the


I like to study 我喜欢学科学。

tim 定时 [例句]One of the mysteries surrounding Steve Jobs'decision to hand the CEO title over to Tim Cook is its 上周,史蒂夫•乔布斯宣布将CEO职务交由蒂姆•库克接管。围绕他的这一决定,最让人不解的是时机的选择。science 英[ˈsaɪəns] 美[ˈsaɪəns] 科学; 理科; 学科; 技术,知识 [例句]The best discoveries in science are very 最伟大的科学发现都非常简单。

可以组成science ,名词,意思是“科学”,例如:I like science 我最喜欢科学课。

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