选择大学专业是一件非常重要的事情,因为这个决定会影响你的一生。如果不知道自己想要什么,那么就要好好考虑一下自己的兴趣和能力。如果你对自己的未来有较为明确的想法,那么就要根据自己的目标来选择专业。无论如何,选择专业之前都要做好充分的准备。 西京学院部分专业:序号专业名称所属类别1护理学医学2英语文学3大数据管理与应用管理学4视觉传达设计艺术学5城市管理管理学6应用化学理学7新闻学文学8电气工程及其自动化工学9人工智能工学10广播电视编导艺术学11机器人工程工学12美术学艺术学13汉语国际教育文学14工业设计工学15环境设计艺术学16财务管理管理学17数据科学与大数据技术工学18网络与新媒体文学19医学影像技术医学20产品设计艺术学西京学院医学影像技术介绍1.专业培养目标 培养人格健全、基础知识扎实、专业实践能力强、勇于创新,能在医学影像技术专业领域利用医学影像设备从事医学影像学检查工作的医学影像技术高级应用型人才。 2.专业特色 本专业主要学习基础医学、临床医学、生物医学工程、医学影像学的基本理论知识,接受常规放射学、CT、核磁共振、超声医学、DSA、核医学等操作技能的基本训练,掌握医学影像技术专业必要的操作方法和基本技能,掌握医学影像设备的相关检查技术、日常维护保养方法和常见故障排除技术;掌握PACS系统的使用和维护技术以及医学影像工作站的后处理等技术。 3.主干课程 主干学科:基础医学、临床医学、生物医学工程、医学影像学。 主要课程:正常人体结构、生理学、高等数学、病理学、人体断层影像解剖学、大学物理学、电工电子学、影像物理学、C语言程序设计、PACS与医学网络、微机原理及接口技术、临床医学概论、医学影像成像原理、医学影像诊断学、医学图像处理、医学影像设备学、医学影像检查技术等课程。 4.主要实践环节 包括军训、电工电子实习、影像设备创新设计、临床见习、医学影像综合实训、毕业实习等共44周。 5.就业方向 本专业就业面宽且前景好,毕业后可在各级医院或医疗卫生单位从事医学影像检查和放射治疗工作,或从事介入放射学、核医学成像技术及相关医疗设备的维护与维修等工作,也可以从事医学教育及医学科研工作或在医疗设备公司进行医疗仪器的研发和营销工作。 西京学院护理学介绍培养目标 培养具有临床护理实践、科研、管理以及教学等多方面能力,人格健全,素质良好,能从事护理相关工作的高级应用型人才。 专业特色 我们有丰富临床经验的“护士长”带你学习护理学基础。 我们有学术严谨的教授带你做实验、写文章。 我们有年轻朝气的教师带你“翻转课堂”。 我们有社区、康复两大热门专业课为你拓宽就业渠道。 我们有模拟病房、护士站带你身临其境学习专业知识。 双师型教师(教师、护师)任教,先进的教学方法,广泛的国际交流,一流的实习医院,充足的就业机会。 开设课程:医学基础课程,正常人体结构、病理学等;专业基础课,如基础护理学、健康评估;专业课,如内、外科护理学、妇产科护理学等;专业选修课程,如心理学、营养学等;专业实训课,如临床实习前培训等课程。 主要实践环节:教学实践(医学实验、临床护理实训)、社会实践(社区及养老机构实践)以及临床实习等。 以学生为中心的特色教学:教学理念先进,教学形式活泼多样,有线上线下混合式教学、项目化教学、翻转课堂、小组团队学习、研讨式教学等,确保学生快乐学习、健康成长。 就业方向:全国各级各类医院、康复机构、卫生行政部门、社区医与护理院校等。 西京学院英语介绍培养目标 旨在培养人格健全、英语语言基础知识扎实、英语语言技能娴熟、思辨能力强,能够从事中小学英语教学、教育管理或国际贸易业务运作及管理等工作的高素质应用型语言服务人才。 专业特色 英语专业分为英语教育和商务英语两个子方向。通过课堂教学、企业实践和职业认证三种渠道联合培养学科交叉、知识融合的应用型语言服务人才。在夯实学生英语基础知识及文化知识的同时,培养学生从事英语教育或国际商务活动所需的专业技能。 主干课程 英语教育方向主干课程:教育心理学、课程与教学论、外语教学法、现代教育技术、词汇学、英汉语言对比、教育文化学、英文报刊时文选读等。英语教育方向课程旨在使学生掌握教学理论、方法,具备从事中小学英语教学及管理工作的能力。 商务英语方向主干课程:国际贸易实务、国际营销概论、国际商务谈判、文秘英语、报关报检实务、商务英语视听说、跨文化商务交际导论、商务翻译等。商务英语方向课程旨在培养学生商务实践能力,提高学生英语交际能力及从事国际商务活动的能力。 实践教学 为了不断提高学生的语言应用能力和专业知识水平,培养学生良好的敬业精神和职业道德,使学生更好地适应英语教育教学行业和外贸行业的发展,英语专业开设能力培养类实践课程,课程涉及社会实践、语言技能训练、英语教学设计与实践、国际贸易实践、翻译工作坊、学年论文、专业实习、毕业实习等。专业实践课程内容充实、形式多样,除了聘请企业导师和跨境电商企业经理进校讲授专业课程外,校外的北京学而思教育科技有限公司西安分校区、陕西智诚互联网文化产业园管理有限公司、佳音英语及陕西译喵网络科技有限公司等7家校企合作实习基地为实践课程地顺利开展提供了有力的保障。 就业方向 英语教育方向毕业生可在中小学、各类培训机构从事英语教学及管理工作,也可在企事业单位从事涉外管理工作。商务英语方向毕业生可从事对外经济、贸易等涉外企事业单位和部门的业务员、翻译、文秘、管理等工作,也可从事经贸英语专业的教学、科研等工作。 西京学院广播电视编导介绍培养目标 本专业培养人格健全、基础知识扎实、专业实践能力强、有社会责任感和创新意识,适应跨屏传播和数字媒体融合发展趋势,能在各级各类媒体和文化传媒机构从事视频、音频节目策划、创意创作、制作及编辑等实际工作的高素质应用型人才。 专业特色 本专业着眼于全媒体发展的学科和产业前沿,依托系列传媒工作室,推行“工作室+校媒合作”的模拟公司“项目化”的教学模式,项目进课堂,行业导师进课堂,艺术大师助成长,工作室模拟项目训练与行业媒体实体项目实践相结合,使学生成为艺术审美素养高、创意策划、拍摄制作、导演创作等专业能力扎实、实践应用能力强的创新应用型人才。 主干课程 广播电视概论、中外电影史、影像语言与艺术、影视作品分析、广播电视采访与写作、摄影摄像技术、非线性编辑、影视后期特效、专题片与纪录片创作、影视剧作、影视文艺节目创作、影视广告、导演基础、节目创意与策划、VR虚拟现实感官模拟等。 主要实践环节 本专业设置有社会实践、广播电视新闻采编实训、视频短片制作、电视栏目策划、电视纪实节目、文艺节目综合实训、无人机拍摄实训、毕业实习等,满足学生的实践学习需要。 就业方向 本专业学生毕业后可在各级电视媒体、影视制作公司、网络新媒体、各类文化传媒机构、企事业单位和政府的文化宣传部门从事音视频节目的策划、编导、导演、出镜报道与主持及新媒体采编、影视文化管理等工作。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:
题目不要太大,也不要太小,太大了面太广容易泛泛,小了就无材料可查,没东西可写。写你熟悉的 资料好查的 参考
商务英语专业毕业论文 论文选题 论文选题是毕业论文写作的开端。能否选择恰当的题目,对于整篇毕业论文写作是否顺利,关系极大。好比走路,这开始的第十步是具有决定意义的,第一步迈向何方,需要慎重考虑。否则,就可能走许多弯路,费许多周折,甚至南辕北辙,难以到达目的地。毕业生选题,要遵循这样两条基本原则:第一条是价值原则,即论文的选题要有价值。论文价值有理论价值和应用价值之分,选题时,要把应用价值摆在首位。学生写的毕业论文不是毫无实际意义的“空对空”的文字游戏,而是来源于现实,并为现实服务的。第二条是可行原则选题时要充分考虑主客观条件。客观条件主要是写作的时间、地点、环境;主观条件包括作者的才能、学识和所掌握的材料等。学毕业生在选择毕业论文题目时,必须考虑自己的主、客观条件,量力而行。即要选择那些客观上需要,主观上又有能力完成的题目。 选题的具体方法 1、尽快确定毕业论文的选题方向 在毕业论文工作布置后,每个人都应遵循选题的基本原则,在较短的时间内把选题的方向确定下来。从毕业论文题目的性质来看,基本上可以分为两大类:一类是社会主义现代化建设实践中提出的理论和实际问题;另一类是专业学科本身发展中存在的基本范畴和基本理论问题。大学生应根据自己的志趣和爱好,尽快从上述两大类中确定一个方向。 2、在初步调查研究的基础上选定毕业论文的具体题目 在选题的方向确定以后,还要经过一定的调查和研究,来进一步确定选题的范围,以至最后选定具体题目。下面介绍两种常见的选题方法。 1)浏览捕捉法 这种方法就是通过对占有的文献资料快速地、大量地阅读,在比较中来确定题目的方法。浏览,一般是在资料占有达到一定数量时集中一段时间进行,这样便于对资料作集中的比较和鉴别。浏览的目的是在咀嚼消化已有资料的过程中,提出问题,寻找自己的研究课题。这就需要对收集到的材料作全面的阅读研究,主要的、次要的、不同角度的、不同观点的都应了解,不能看了一些资料,有了一点看法,就到此为止,急于动笔。也不能“先入为主”,以自己头脑中原有的观点或看了第一篇资料后得到的看法去决定取舍。而应冷静地、客观地对所有资料作认真的分析思考。在浩如烟海,内容丰富的资料中吸取营养,反复思考琢磨许多时候之后,必然会有所发现。 浏览捕捉法一般可按以下步骤进行: 第一步,广泛地浏览资料。在浏览中要注意勤作笔录,随时记下资料的纲目,记下资料中对自己影响最深刻的观点、论据、论证方法等,记下脑海中涌现的点滴体会。当然,手抄笔录并不等于有言必录,有文必录,而是要做细心的选择,有目的、有重点地摘录,当详则详,当略则略,一些相同的或类似的观点和材料则不必重复摘录,只需记下资料来源及页码就行,以避免浪费时间和精力。 第二步,是将阅读所得到的方方面面的内容,进行分类、排列、组合,从中寻找问题、发现问题,材料可按纲目分类,如分成: 系统介绍有关问题研究发展概况的资料; 对某一个问题研究情况的资料; 对同一问题几种不同观点的资料; 对某一问题研究最新的资料和成果等等。 第三步,将自己在研究中的体会与资料分别加以比较,找出哪些体会在资料中没有或部分没有;哪些体会虽然资料已有,但自己对此有不同看法;哪些体会和资料是基本一致的;哪些体会是在资料基础上的深化和发挥等等。经过几番深思熟虑的思考过程,就容易萌生自己的想法。把这种想法及时捕捉住,再作进一步的思考,选题的目标也就会渐渐明确起来。 2)追溯验证法 这是一种先有拟想,然后再通过阅读资料加以验证来确定选题的方法。这种选题方法必须先有一定的想法,即根据自己平素的积累,初步确定准备研究的方向、题目或选题范围。但这种想法是否真正可行,心中没有太大的把握,故还需按着拟想的研究方向,跟踪追溯。追溯可从以下几方面考虑: ①看自己的“拟想”是否对别人的观点有补充作用,自己的“拟想”别人没有论及或者论及得较少。如果得到肯定的答复,再具体分析一下主客观条件,只要通过努力,能够对这一题目作出比较圆满的回答,则可以把“拟想”确定下来,作为毕业论文的题目。 ②如果自己的“拟想”虽然别人还没有谈到,但自己尚缺乏足够的理由来加以论证,考虑到写作时间的限制,那就应该中止,再作重新构思。 ②看“拟想”是否与别人重复。如果自己的想法与别人完全一样,就应马上改变“拟想”,再作考虑;如果自己的想法只是部分的与别人的研究成果重复,就应再缩小范围,在非重复方面深入研究。 ④要善于捕捉一闪之念,抓住不放,深入研究。在阅读文献资料或调查研究中,有时会突然产生一些思想火花,尽管这种想法很简单、很朦胧,也未成型,但干万不可轻易放弃。因为这种思想火花往往是在对某一问题作了大量研究之后的理性升华,如果能及时捕捉,并顺势追溯下去,最终形成自己的观点,这是很有价值的。 追溯验证的选题方法,是以主观的“拟想”为出发点,沿着一定方向对已有研究成果步步紧跟,一追到底,从中获得“一己之见”的方法。但这种主观的“拟想”绝不是“凭空想象”,必须以客观事实、客观需要等作为依据。 论文参考题目: 1/商务英语在中国加入WTO后的新趋势... 2/中英文在生活习语中的差异 3/论英汉翻译中的外来词译法 4/幼儿英语的愉快教学 5/中英文化的背景
从哈姆雷特性格分析看他悲剧的必然性A Character Analysis of Shakespeare's “Hamlet” 哈姆雷特悲剧的原因分析The Reason Analysis of Hamlet Tragedy 论哈姆雷特的悲剧Comments on the Tragedy of Hamlet 论约翰济慈作品中所体现出的“美”The Beauty in the Works of John Keats 浅谈阿甘正传中所折射出的女权主义The Feminism Reflected in the Novel Forrest Gump 圣地亚哥:伟大而非完美的老人-对《老人与海》中老人的性格分析The Old Man and The Sea-Santiago-A Great Old Man Not Perfect 依莎贝尔阿彻的婚姻悲剧-对淑女的画像的主题研究On the Marriage Tragedy of Isabel Archer-A Thematic Study of the Portrait of a Lady 论淘姆索亚的性格特征Thesis on the Characteristics of Tom Sawyer 美国社会文化的缩影-浅谈淘姆索亚历险记中淘姆索亚的人物性格特征The Mirror of American Social Culture-Remarks on the Characteristics of Tom Sawyer in The Adventure of Tom Sawyer 论飘中的人物魅力On the Charm of Characters in Gone with the Wind 论飘中的女性生存意识Thesis on Female Survivalism in Gone with the Wind 分析飘中斯嘉丽的个人魅力Analyze Scarlett’s Personal Fascination in Gone with the wind 浅谈《乱世佳人》中的创业精神Remarks on the Business Spirit in Gone With the Wind 对玛格丽特�6�1米切尔《飘》中四个人物的性格分析Character Analysis on the Four Characters in Magrett Mitcell’s Gone with the Wind 斯佳丽的性格分析Personage Analysis of Scarlett 从希斯克里夫的性格演变过程看他的艺术价值Analysis on Heathcliff's Artistic Value through the Evolution Process of His Character 论呼啸山庄中希斯克里夫的悲剧命运On the Tragic Destiny of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights 从白鲸看人与自然的关系Relationship between Mankind and Nature-from Analysis of Moby Dick 简评夏洛特.勃朗蒂的《简爱》On Charlotte Brontё’s Jane Eyre 浅谈美国文化在小说阿甘正传中的反映Tentative Reflections of American Culture in the Novel Forrest Gump 保尔·莫瑞尔永不消逝的恋母情结—对儿子与情人中男主人公的心理研究The Non-passing of Paul Morel’s Oedipus Complex—A Study of the Hero’s Psychology in Sons and Lovers 浅析玻璃动物园中劳拉的玻璃心An analysis on Laura's Glasslike Heart in the Glass Menagerie 论《傲慢与偏见》中达西的人物性格特点Character Analysis of Darcy in Pride and Prejudice 呼啸山庄中希斯克列夫人物性格的双重性分析呼啸山庄中希斯克列夫自私自恋性格的分析Analysis of Selfishness and Narcissism in Heathcliff’s Characters-On the Theme of Wuthering Heights 浅谈简爱中的女权运动Feminism in Jane Eyre 回到小屋-浅析汤姆叔叔的小屋中的象征意义及其特点Back to the Cabin-analysis of symbols and characters in Uncle Tom's Cabin 《双城记》中西德尼伯尔顿的人物性格分析A Brief Analysis of Character Sydney Carton “A Tale of Two Cities” 普拉斯诗中的死亡意象The Death Image in Sylvia Plath’s Poems 对永别了武器中男主人公亨利的性格分析On the Character of Frederic Henry in A Farewell to Arms 心路历程-论雪莱的自由之路The Heart's Progress---About Shelley's Freedom Road 浅谈了不起的盖茨比中的象征主义The Symbolism in the Great Gatsby 论《老人与海》中的象征主义The Symbolism in The Old Man and the Sea 双城记中的仁爱主题Thesis on the Kind-heartedness theme in “A Tale of Two Cities” 论《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中对种族主义的误解On Misperception of Racism in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 论《傲慢与偏见》与《德伯家的苔丝》中男女主人公的爱情Analysis on Love of Protagonists in Pride and Prejudice and Tess of the d’Urbervilles 简爱中女主角的性格分析An Analysis of the Character of the Heroine in Jane Eyre 达洛维夫人性格分析Character Analysis of Mrs. Dalloway 从庞德英译汉诗《长干行》看其意象派风格Ezra Pound's Imagist Style in Translating a Chinese Poem As Seen from The River-Merchant's Wife:A Letter 浅谈简爱的性格特征An Analysis of the Character of the Heroine in Jane Eyre 《阿甘正传》:五十到八十年代美国社会的全景展示Forrest Gump: A Panoramic Reflection of American Society from 1950s to 1980s 论欧亨利作品中的“真爱和美德”主题Thesis on the Main Theme of Pure Love and Beautiful Virtue in O. Henry’s Writings 浅谈《卡斯特桥市长》中的悲剧The Tragedy in The Mayor of Casterbridge 浅谈托马思﹒哈代小说中的悲剧效果Tragic Effect of Thomas Hardy's Novels 对永别了武器中男主人公的性格特征发展的分析An Analysis of the Development of the Hero’s Character in A Farewell to Arms 从黑人女性主义视角看《宠儿》中的弑婴母题On the Motif of Infanticide in Beloved from a Black Feminist Perspective 美国华裔文学作家伍美琴的裸体吃中餐中的母女关系Reflections on the Mother-Daughter Relationship in the Eating Chinese Food Naked “神性”与“人性”冲突引发的爱情悲剧 德伯家的苔丝悲惨生活的根源Tess of the D’Urbervilles―A Comment on the Sources of Tess’ Tragic Life 海明威,“失落的一代”的代言人Ernest Hemingway, the Spokesman of the “Lost Generation” 试析《还乡》命运驱使下的人物性格On Characters under the Influence of Fatalism in The Return of Native 《呼啸山庄》中的爱与恨 Love and Hate in Wuthering Heights 夏洛特和简爱性格对比研究The Comparative Study of Characteristics between Charllote Bronte and Jane Eyre 苔丝的悲剧原因分析On Causes of Tess’ Tragedy 论呼啸山庄中人性的复苏The Reviving of Humanity in “Wuthering Heights” 浅谈傲慢与偏见中简.奥斯丁对待婚姻的态度Jane Austen's Attitude toward Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 浅谈威尼斯商人中夏洛克的性格特征On the Character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice 浅谈飘中斯嘉丽的人物形象The Figural Analysis of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind 浅谈艾玛的自知之明Self-Knowledge of Emma 论简爱的独立性格The Independence of Jane Eyre 从系统功能语法的角度分析《玩偶之家》Analysis of A Doll’s House from the Systemic-functional Grammar 论《哈姆雷特》的悲剧色彩 通过德伯家的苔丝研究哈代的创作思想On Thomas Hardy’s Creative Thinking through Tess of the D’Urbervilles 从鲁滨逊的复调理论看人定胜天 大卫科波菲尔中主要人物的人性对比Comparison of Some Characters’ Human Nature in David Copperfield
拓展内容: 语文专业论文参考文献
用Times New Roman。每一条目顶格,如某一条目超过一行,从第二行起“悬挂缩进”2字符。参考文献中所有标点与符号均在英文状态下输入,标点符号后空一格。
Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation. New York: Knopf, 1993.
Dunn, Richard J ed. Charlotte Bront: Jane Eyre. New York: Norton, 1971.
Rowe, Richard, and Larry Jeffus. The Essential Welder: Gas Metal Arc Welding Classroom Manual. Albany: Delmar, 2000.
B. 三个以上作者
第一作者姓名(姓在前,名在后,中间加逗号)后接“et al.”,其他作者姓名省略。
Randall, John et al. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1997.
C. 同一作者同一年出版的不同文献,参照下例:
Widdowson, Henry G. EIL: Squaring the Circles. A Reply. London: Lomgman, 1998a.
Widdowson, Henry G. Communication and Community. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998b.
Thompson, Pett. “Modal Verbs in Academic Writing”. In Ben Kettlemann & Marko, Henry ed. Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis. New York: Rodopi, 2002: 305-323.
Fagan, Jeffrey. “Gangs and Drugs”. Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol and Addictive Behavior. New York: Macmillan, 2001.
Murphy, Karen. “Meaningful Connections: Using Technology in Primary Classrooms”. Young Children. 2003, (6): 12-18.
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奥马利 第二语言习得的学习策略上海:上海外语出版社,2001
陈保亚 20 世纪中国语言学方法论 济南:山东教育出版社,1999
丁言仁 英语语言学纲要 上海:上海外语出版社,2001
费尔迪南 德 索绪尔 普通语言学教程 长沙:湖南教育出版社,2001
冯翠华 英语修辞大全 北京:商务印书馆,1996
桂诗春,宁春言主编 语言学方法论 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1998
桂诗春 应用语言学长沙:湖南教育出版社,1998
何兆熊 新编语用学概要 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000
何自然 语用学与英语学习 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997
侯维瑞 英语语体 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1988
胡壮麟 语言学教程(修订版)北京:北京大学出版社,2001
黄国文 语篇与语言的功能 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002
黄国文 语篇分析概要长沙:湖南教育出版社,1988
李延富主编 英语语言学基本读本 济南:山东大学出版社,1999
李运兴 语篇翻译引论 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2000
刘润清 西方语言学流派北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999
刘润清等 现代语言学名著选读(上下册)北京:测绘出版社,1988
刘润清等 语言学入门 北京:人民教育出版社,1990
陆国强 现代英语词汇学(新版)上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999
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摘要:导致中国外语学习者高投入,低产出的原因是多方面的,其中一个不可忽视的因素,就是操地方音的学习者的地方口音对英语学习构成的障碍。本论文旨在通过调查河南北部地区的英语学习者的方言习惯对英语学习构成的影响,查找解决该类问题的相应措施,从而提高地方外语教学的水平。权威期刊3PAL'~ e u关键词:豫北方言 正负迁移 英语发音qS$y} q/b0v1. 迁移理论权威期刊/i~.^)qO|J4Z在外语学习研究领域中, 迁移是指母语对外语学习的影响。其中有权威期刊8Y%O2b\WN]9w)p1. 正迁移(positive transfer) :当母语规则与外语规则相同时,学习者把母语规则迁移到外语中去,这时母语规则能够减少外语学习中的错误,促进外语的学习。Y_9Fn){G5|1f)s8c?2. 负迁移( negative transfer)当母语规则与外语规则有差异时,学习者把母语规则迁移到外语中去,母语便会干扰外语的学习。3e E7Y [REF0Y B汉语方言对英语语音产生的迁移, 是汉语( 尤其是方言) 发音习惯、发音部位的迁移, 也是一种发音技能的迁移。权威期刊!shq~$u)cQT,B2. 调查对象内容与方法T!m2H[s*{f1)对象:焦作,林州地区分别随机抽取初一,初二,高一,高二学生中有一定地方口音、学习水平中等或偏上、偏下者各10名,进行录音,共录得40分录音材料。权威期刊+zS%K7Jf.N*B{ 2)内容:所学课本:朗读课文3分钟,分角色对话3分钟,单词50个}\(U C4i Dq3)方法:通过录音,然后进行录音分析,运用正负迁移理论与标准英语进行对比分析。 权威期刊T1R!a0p*}~ EA2.调查结果与分析3[ x"]4H\8} 笔者通过对豫北方言对当地英语学习者的英语发音的影响进行调查分析,调查结果深刻的反应了因为普通话的推广,方言对英语发音的影响已经相对较小,但是如果从语调,重音, 节奏等方面来说,存在的问题反而比较大。y:j ]Sr R2.1发音方式与发音器官+G`*YNvXG通过反复听录音,以及使其和标准发音相比较,笔者发现中学生,尤其是初中生在读英语的时候几乎是喊出来的,而且后继气息不足,在念稍微长一点的句子中尤其明显,而高中生,气息则很微弱,读起英语来底气不足,错误非常明显,他们都是用嗓子,口腔来发音的,而不是用气流,腹腔来发音的,而且他们对待这个错误毫无意识。T Y_{v(BS Q2.2 语调重音与节奏权威期刊KQ)Q8m+Kv`2s)I"of&t2.2.1重音的强调 权威期刊W?i3wDE b在调查中笔者发现受调查者每个音都读的很重 ,且重音都放在第一个音节上如: dictionary interesting university sympathetic,这可能是由于汉语注重“字正腔圆”“一字一顿”,而英语发音则有长短,强弱的区别,而且有连读,弱读的现象。但是汉语却没有类似的现象,通过对录音的分析笔者发现,英语学习者貌似每个音都重读,但是却等于说每个音都无强调。_%Rq;L*d"S*c2.2.2节奏与长短音E`;o f`N#N N音节 subject应读[�0�4s�0�5bd�0�1ikt] ,但是初中英语学习者念的却是[�0�4s�0�5b/d�0�1ik/t�0�5] ,分成了生硬的三部分,太有节奏感,所以不连贯, food[fu/d�0�5]一字一字,音节明显,平均,没有强弱之分 , 而to的发音又太长,因而长短音不分。又如 china[�0�4t�0�6a�0�1n�0�5]变成了 [�0�4t�0�6ɑ/�0�1/n�0�5].由于受母语语音的影响,他们认为英语音节也同汉语一样应有短暂的停顿,认为只要将每个音节念清、准确,就是好英语。L{7z'|-wN/o*M@L 2.2.3 句子语气权威期刊_XJr+[
-~!|gaaL ^tTl3. 建议和对策:
}(zd Z!{P在调查中发现高中生发音比初中生好,所以可以通过教学和进一步学习和练习,在学习过程中克服错误,用继续学习来解决学习中存在的问题。%Q,`-s Tv;lp'gFb'i 权威期刊:u&F y-_e'F!_ 3.1模仿的重要性S&YM-dws&]v8U s5?!B z多听,多模仿。并重点注意重音和语调的强调,以及发音方式的正确性。i^ YHR h6l笔者注意到,初高中英语学习者的很多错误都是模仿的方法不得当,或者模仿的对象不正确照成的,所以,学生不仅要模仿,而且要更加注意模仿对象以及内容的选择性。$e u'g"U3M其中重视教师素质的提高是很重要的一环。因为一些英语教师本身的语音就存在一些问题。尽可能少用机械性操练和脱离语境的语音训练材料,反之模拟角色问答、对话、讨论及表演等在克服母语的干扰方面效果都很好。"v/D Z{H I[9G&Y3.2重视语音的辨析权威期刊d/tf(k$L)GB6L2[除了模仿练习外, 教师还应重视对学生进行大量的听音辨义训练。权威期刊k b Wt$au0v9n6iW不少学生自认为掌握了英语语音,但并不清楚tea ,student ,untagged中的[t]的发音是不完全相同的,同样[i]也并非是[i:]的短音,如feet[fi:t]和fit[fit]。教师可把一些既容易混淆又会改变词义的音素组成词对学生进行听音辨义练习。如: bad[b�0�3d],bed[bed];not[n�0�0t],net[net];red[red],ride.[raid]等。0S#kFr)[对于一些较难掌握的音, 应先教授学生一些音标知识然后再进行模仿。使学生自觉调节自己的发音器官, 找准发音部位和控制发音时间的长短,克服方言带来的干扰。权威期刊i5Oa6j pa*l&u_3.3.注意纠错策略。X`7Cd,}#K)f根据录音材料显示和教学经验,在外语教学中错误不可避免,所以豫北方言对英语学习者英语发音的影响也不可能完全消除。怎么纠正发音错误并且能够在以后的学习中避免将是我们下面需要探讨的问题。2b Y8eY7c"|5J首先,教师对学生英语语音学习中的差错要有正确的认识。语言学家Brown 指出: 如果认知反馈能够运用得当, 错误纠正将十分有效。.Fg)x5L TGS%qE&P初高中学生很难就自身的语音差错进行自我发现和自我纠正, 因此, 教师对学生的语音差错及时进行纠正是很有必要的。很多时候,教师因为总总原因未能及时的指出学生的错误,导致学生错误率高的重要原.语音错误是即时信息,过了就忘了。笔者认为,为了避免这种情况的发生,逢错必究是比较正确的做法。当然, 纠错时教师应讲究策略, 把握好分寸。鼓励和纠错相结合,效果更佳。权威期刊)y f%J q#[K3.4合理利用母语正迁移。权威期刊'c`{W$A 在调查分析中笔者发现,普通话的推广,方言音的消除,对豫北地区英语学习者的英语发音有非常明显的促进作用,很多时候,教师对于学生的发音错误,尤其是对由于方言音所引起的此类错误感到素手无策,其实这个时候应该注意一下该生的汉语普通话的发音。如果该生能够把汉语普通话的音发好发准将对该生的英语发音起到事半功倍的促进作用。权威期刊 } ZRRXZ$J4. 结语%HjekX(dtl i5J总之,调查结果既体现了汉语普通话的正迁移又体现了汉语普通话和豫北方言的负迁移。^V$yiv"W 根据豫北地区英语学习者的错误的发音特点有的放矢地进行强化训练,实现正迁移,克服其负迁移,在学习中解决学习中存在的问题。充分利用各种资源,认真揣摩,反复模仿, 在不断犯错,不断指错和不断纠错的学习过程中克服豫北方言的干扰,取得进步。(L3p4lG*O/D参考文献:权威期刊+Q!N)}3ptu[ 1 ] Odlin, T. 《Language Trasfer》. [M ]. Cambridge University Press.!t!y$_3RJ^2Q[ 2 ] Rod Ellis. 《The Study of Second Language Acquisition》. [M ].权威期刊t"X&l;kB&qL s[ 3 ] Brown,A. Teaching English Prounciation[M ]. 北京:世界图书出版公司, 1992.权威期刊0E+e_{Rs8p+`[ 4 ] Ellis, R. 1994. The Study of Second Language Acquisition [M ]. NewYork: Oxford University Press.权威期刊@g#b&~$C/~[ 5 ] 许高渝,王之光 论二十世纪我国的汉英语音对比研究[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)2002年9月,第32卷第5期权威期刊G;G3^3P,m\^[ 6 ]潘文国.《汉英语对比纲要》 [M ]. 北京:北京语言文化大学出版社3X d9up%eV \&S.W6Y O
《飘》(Gone With The Wind)是一部出版于1936年的美国小说,作者为玛格丽特·米契尔,在1937年获得普利兹奖。这本小说是其作者活着时出版的唯一一部作品,但它成了美国史上最为畅销的小说之一Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell (November 8, 1900 – August 16, 1949) was an American author, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her novel Gone with the Wind. The novel is one of the most popular books of all time, selling more than 30 million copies (see list of best-selling books). An American film adaptation, released in 1939, became the highest-grossing film in the history of Hollywood, and received a record-breaking ten Academy Awards. She has been honored by the United States Postal Service with a 1¢ Great Americans series postage stamp.Early lifeMargaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta, Georgia to Eugene Mitchell, a lawyer, and Mary Isabelle, much referred to as Maybell, a suffragist of Irish Catholic origin. Mitchell's brother, Stephens, was four years her senior. Her childhood was spent in the laps of Civil War veterans and of her maternal relatives, who had lived through the Civil War.[citation needed]After graduating from Washington Seminary (now The Westminster Schools), she attended Smith College, but withdrew during her freshman year in 1918. She returned to Atlanta to take over the household after her mother's death earlier that year from the great Spanish flu pandemic of 1918.Shortly afterward, she defied the conventions of her class and times by taking a job at the Atlanta Journal. Under the name Peggy Mitchell she wrote a weekly column for the newspaper's Sunday edition, thereby making her mark as one of the first female columnists at the South's largest newspaper. Mitchell's first professional writing assignment was an interview with an Atlanta socialite, whose couture-buying trip to Italy was interrupted by the Fascist takeover.[citation needed]Mitchell married Berrien “Red” Upshaw in 1922, but they were divorced after it was revealed that he was a bootlegger and an abusive alcoholic. She later married Upshaw's friend, John Marsh, on July 4, 1925; Marsh had been best man at her first wedding and legend has it that both men courted Mitchell in 1921 and 1922, but Upshaw proposed first.[citation needed]She is also the distant cousin to famous gunfighter/dentist, Doc Holliday, who participated in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. It is also thought that she modeled Ashley Wilkes, a main character in Gone with the Wind, after Holliday.OccupationUsing Mitchell's scrapbooks from the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library at the University of Georgia, editor Patrick Allen collected 64 of the columns Mitchell considered her best work. They were published in 2000 under the title Margaret Mitchell, Reporter.[1]Her portraits and personality sketches in particular show a promise of her skill to portray the kind of characters who made Gone With the Wind the second best-selling book, next to the Bible, at the time of publication.[dubious – discuss][2] Even as a supposedly neutral reporter, her irrepressible personality shines through. This collection of Mitchell's journalism transcends fact-gathering, showing Mitchell as a young woman and providing a compelling snapshot of life in the Jazz Age South.Writing Gone with the WindMitchell is reported to have begun writing bedridden with a broken ankle. The house where Mitchell lived while writing her manuscript is known today as The Margaret Mitchell House and located in Midtown Atlanta. A museum dedicated to Gone with the Wind lies a few miles north of Atlanta, in Marietta, Georgia. It is called "Scarlett On the Square", as it is located on the historic Marietta Square. It houses costumes from the film, screenplays, and many artifacts from Gone With the Wind including Mitchell's collection of foreign editions of her book. The house and the museum are major tourist destinationsPublicationMitchell lived as a modest Atlanta newspaperwoman until a visit from Macmillan editor Harold Latham, who visited Atlanta in 1935.[3] Latham was scouring the South for promising writers, and Mitchell agreed to escort him around Atlanta at the request of her friend, Lois Cole, who worked for Latham. Latham was enchanted with Mitchell, and asked her if she had ever written a book. Mitchell demurred. "Well, if you ever do write a book, please show it to me first!" Latham implored. Later that day, a friend of Mitchell, having heard this conversation, laughed. "Imagine, anyone as silly as Peggy writing a book!" she said. Mitchell stewed over this comment, went home, and found most of the old, crumbling envelopes containing her disjointed manuscript. She arrived at The Georgian Terrace Hotel, just as Latham prepared to depart Atlanta. "Here," she said, "take this before I change my mind!"[citation needed]Latham bought an extra suitcase to accommodate the giant manuscript. When Mitchell arrived home, she was horrified over her impetuous act, and sent a telegram to Latham: "Have changed my mind. Send manuscript back."[citation needed] But Latham had read enough of the manuscript to realize it would be a blockbuster. He wrote to her of his thoughts about its potential success. MacMillan soon sent her a check in advance to encourage her to complete the novel — she had not composed a first chapter. She completed her work in March 1936.Herschel Brickell, a famous literary critic for the New York Evening Post, reviewed Mitchell's book in an article titled " “Margaret Mitchell’s First Novel, ‘Gone With the Wind,’ a Fine Panorama of the Civil War Period.” His review helped launch Mitchell's career by calling attention to what would become one of the best novels of the Southern Renaissance. Over time, Brickell and Mitchell became extremely close; much of their correspondence has been published and is available in the archives at the University of Mississippi. Brickell was also a correspondent, friend, and adviser to other southern writers including Eudora Welty, Truman Capote, William Alexander Percy, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Zora Neale Hurston, Stark Young and Allen Tate.[4]Gone With the Wind was published on June 30, 1936. The book was dramatized by David O. Selznick, and released three years later. The premiere of the film was held in Atlanta on December 15, 1939.Gone with the Wind was such an overnight success that its publisher George Platt Brett, President of Macmillan Publishing, gave all its employees an 18% bonus in 1936.DeathMitchell was struck by a speeding automobile as she crossed Peachtree Street at 13th Street with her husband, John Marsh, on her way to see the British film A Canterbury Tale at The Peachtree Art Theatre in August 1949. She died at Grady Hospital five days later without regaining consciousness. The driver, Hugh Gravitt, was an off-duty taxi driver. He was driving his personal vehicle at the time, but his occupation led to many erroneous references over the years to Mitchell’s having been struck by a taxi. After the accident, Gravitt was arrested for drunken driving and released on a $5,450 bond until Mitchell's death several days later. Georgia Gov. Herman Talmadge announced that the state would tighten regulations for licensing taxi drivers.Gravitt was later convicted of involuntary manslaughter and served 11 months in prison. His conviction was controversial because witnesses said Mitchell stepped into the street without looking, and her friends claimed she often did this.She was buried in Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta. 1936 original cover of Gone with the WindAuthor Margaret MitchellCountry United StatesLanguage EnglishGenre(s) Historical fiction, Romance, Drama, NovelPublisher Macmillan PublishersPublication date May 1936Media type Print (hardcover and paperback)Pages 1037 (first edition)1024 (Warner Books paperback)ISBN ISBN 0-446-36538-6 (Warner)OCLC Number 28491920Followed by Scarlett作者 玛格丽特·米契尔出版地 美国语言 英文类型 历史小说出版者 Macmillan 出版商出版日期 1936年6月30日媒介 图书页数 1037页(首版)1024页(平装版,华纳出版社)ISBN ISBN 0446365386 (华纳出版社)
The first she at difficult of time presume to undertake a responsibility, although also have commotion, the end still undertake a responsibility, for example she saved the plum 兰妮 , she is heavy to flap tower to pull a park, helping the 阿仕莱 an etc. over a long period of time afterwards. The second she presumes to love, with no regret, one of her youth all Be loving the 阿仕莱 , have no repay but she still didn't give up an effort, until the extreme limit of[with] ability. The third's acknowledging wrong it can change, be her end understand she before for is a mistake, she right away the elephant 瑞 virtuous apology, the claim forgive. Total of to say, the 斯 beauty be rated as the 锦帼 let man of strange woman, in the person the dragon 凤 , no wonder that 瑞 virtuous and such cow person also grovels under her pomegranate skirt. See each time 《the chaotic beauty 》, have different results each time.The young hour see, disliking the 斯嘉丽 that the vainglory love show off,Like the 玫兰妮 of the clean and pure docile, don't like virtuous Ba of glib 瑞勒 especially, like a rare gift of gentle and cultivated 阿 ,Like south such as the life of the beautiful scenery and the pastoral eclogue type draw, don't like a north of superficial with debauchery. Saw many times afterwards after and not from have to respect and admire to the 斯嘉丽 , the good luck is should be a young girl, intractable and young,The matrimony is a fit of impulse revenge for the first time, marry to love of boy, let the oneself become young widow. Matrimony for the second time is for the sake of the families' existence, rend away the younger sister's lover, Kennedy. Although the Kennedy is a half old man son, isn't the opponent of the 斯嘉丽 , facing her cruelty with heartless, he feel helpless. End the indignity almost suffered for the sake of the 斯嘉丽 make reprisals poor white man but is die by person's shot, having the misfortune to die unjustly. But never enjoyed 1:00 of the 斯嘉丽 to love.Hence the 斯嘉丽 becomes widow again, and is still a rich widow. Fall thick and fast in that battle fire of age, for promising a rare gift of 阿 care is a commitment of the 玫兰妮 , at the north soldier will attack and occupy Atlanta of time,The 斯嘉丽 assists in childbirth for the 玫兰妮 resolutely again, and find out 瑞 virtuous break through the layer after layer bar and toll-gate, return to old house in country -- pottery to pull. At hungry and hungry of, she suffered a mother to die of illness again,the father is stupid,the home is rob, one the poor two whiteses flog heavily shot more,She is unyielding, taking the lead to farm stem to live, shouting command a younger sister to descend a bed to take off cotton, and look after the 玫兰妮 and small wave, prop up the families' living,That time she at most also just young girl about 20 years old, originally should be an acts in pettish in mother's bosom of young girl. But face thus a huge difficulty, she has no choice elusion, but the heavy load that the braveness takes a home,With ordinary people hard 企 and of the perseverance aggro destiny, see the 斯嘉丽 raise turnip toward God to pledge often, will never wish to let the family suffer hardship again to endure hunger,I always feel clapping a slice of director to the usage of the ray and the background is so skillful with the art,It depicted the 斯嘉丽 desire to stabilize,hope earnestly to exist so and vividly,the desire is wealthy of the heart emotion of the mightiness but true. I feel that time of she, have already completed the most difficult 嬗 to change, was broken the cocoon but by an ugly caterpillar to become beautiful 蝶 , free but noble,The 斯嘉丽 of the that time is like a fairy --- to hope earnestly full of,combine for this desire fairy that can stop at nothing. I have to admit, to me, 《the chaotic beauty 》of attraction of so so big, cover virtuous Ba of the 瑞 that the 博 star with Clark 勒 especially absolutely relevant fasten. Certainly, the fee 雯丽眯 wears that double to be like cat so of green eye, charming and seductive, the same also lets the person dump. She is let woman all ability is its heart in torment of woman, she is selfish,cold,heartless,cleverness,stop at nothing,strong,But don't lack docile,beauty,weak;She is a high can't climb of fairy, letting many women all dream of can be like her so,Gather wealth,beautiful looks,ability,strong in whole body, make the 瑞 virtuous so of the man can be she but dump.I have ever thought so at least. But I think, the 瑞 is virtuous to give us these female audiences to bring of more is to the sweet imagination of the love and the marriage,He is so handsome, living dangerously so, so self-confident lead a person, full of was filled with the magic power of the mature man also,Should be how much the idol in the female heart. Return to a few parts that the 闪斯嘉丽 is virtuous to meet,acquaint with,love each other and 瑞 in brief here,Can make the person virtuous to瑞 to love me love, persistence from son, be rich with the male magic power impression of the character deep: Part a:The 瑞 is virtuous to see the 斯嘉丽 for the first time is at 12 be like arboretum of dancing party up.The 斯嘉丽 flirts and coquet toward all mans,But discover the 瑞 is virtuous being notice her, the 斯嘉丽 says toward the nearby female companion complaint:"He sees my appearance, be like me and don't wear clothes"It is thus clear that the 瑞 is virtuous to give the person's felling isn't gentle and cultivated, full of gentleman poise, have the classification the person to the current affairs have of the strong insight and influence,Expressed him with general southern man's differentia:Reality,courageous but full of aggression,When he hides in the living room to eavesdrop the 斯嘉丽 courageously toward 阿 a rare gift to show love,But because of encounter to turn down, she flustered and frustratedly 搧阿 the rare gift is a box on the ear, and pulverize a floret bottle, he blew a whistle,Hence he is blame by the 斯嘉丽 in order to isn't a gentleman, but his also rebuking with sarcastic remarks the 斯嘉丽 isn't a real fair lady, letting the 斯嘉丽 spirit pole. The person of a pair meet for the first time be a love to cross swords. Part two:The 斯嘉丽 dies of illness to relax by taking stroll in Atlanta because of checking the 尔斯 , is be in mourning of she, hoping earnestly very can once more fly 旋 in dance floor,Expressed her in the heart to unrestrained,the freedom live of look forward to and imagine. BE the idea that the 瑞 was virtuous to see her, and the heavy gold pried open that to suppress for her but depressed of social morals jailbird's cage,Make her walk up with another southern woman the road of the least same destiny.This is exactly the decisive one step that the 斯嘉丽 rebels old social morals standard to exceed,But this one step, if have no 瑞 virtuous secretly skillful support and arrangement, the 斯嘉丽 steps by no means. If didn't this pass 健 one step, so in the days to come that ability,want to be strong and combine to block one chaotic beauty-斯嘉丽 of the noodles only to exist by no means! Part three:The 瑞 is virtuous for the sake of the help 斯嘉丽 comeback native district, putting together to die to make a wagon, and help her to embrace the 玫兰妮 and the small wave to the wagon,Experience successively a pain all the way in the meantime, and forthcoming time will arrive, the 瑞 is virtuous to see many southern soldiers heroic fighting, seeing to die if return,Feel keenly to shake, and decide last battlefield, the in defense of home offers a dint.Can see at this time, for the sake of the beloved woman, he can be born into die; Same, face home is ruin of 境 , he is also a red-blooded person,The director just described a to embed to live dangerously outward appearance in normal times toward us here under,Also have an is sweet for honor to spread red-blooded of the south of the typical model male's image of the heart. We see here, although the 瑞 is virtuous in normal times in very smart,reality, he is inside and in fact a southern person is still. Part four:瑞 Especially Be experiencing the 丧 female's pain and the 斯嘉丽 after the spirit ascend of betray, face its dead of the 玫兰妮 , is all disappointed to disappoint to the pole to everythings,Go home to pack luggage, return an own home town, check an of 尔斯 .When the stupid 斯嘉丽 finally discovers the oneself has already loved deeply 瑞 virtuous,Just discover already end lost an oneself most lover.The 瑞 is virtuous to walk finally very simply, let the 斯嘉丽 feel keenly to regret. Until here, we just hear that have ever been the voice that the heart of[with] love but softness fall in pieces, also because of broken up but become"cold heartless" to the 斯嘉丽 ,The 瑞 here is virtuous to just let us feel, this man dares to love to dare to hate, handling an affair very simply and neat, enrich male magic power very much. 用金山全文翻译翻译的。
Part of Scarlett's enduring charm for women is her feminism, though recent critics have pointed out that many events in the novel are degrading to women. There is Rhett's ravishing of Scarlett (after which Scarlett is shown to have enjoyed herself immensely), Scarlett's apparent need of a man to be happy (whether it's Ashley Wilkes or Rhett Butler), and Melanie's sweet but submissive character (who is much adored by everyone).On the other hand, there have been many defenses for this. First of all, Melanie is not offensive to women, she is simply a more traditional character. Many believe the 'rape scene' quickly becomes consensual (this theory is backed by the novel Scarlett, although it was not written by Mitchell). And again, Scarlett is an individual character, and her need for a man should not be interpreted as universal.Scarlett is by far the most developed character in Gone with the Wind. She stands out because she is strong and saves her family but is incredibly selfish and petty at the same time. She challenges nineteenth-century society's gender roles repeatedly, running a store and two lumber mills at one point. Scarlett is in some ways the least stereotypically feminine of women (in other ways the most), and the more traditional Melanie Wilkes is in many ways her foil. But Scarlett survives the war, several marriages, the birth of children, and even a miscarriage. Melanie, on the other hand, struggles with fragile health and a shy nature. Without Melanie Wilkes, Scarlett might simply be seen as harsh and "over the top," but beside Melanie, Scarlett presents a fresher, deeper female characterization; she lives a complicated life during a difficult period of history.Some of Scarlett's lines from Gone with the Wind, like "Fiddle-dee-dee!," "Tomorrow is another day," "Great balls of fire!" and "I'll never be hungry again!", have become modern catchphrases.Similarities between Scarlett and the actress who played her (Vivien Leigh) are striking:Both had strong career ambitions, and wanted little to do with motherhood. Both swore they would never again have a child.Scarlett's father was Irish, and her mother was French. Leigh's mother was Irish and father was French.Both Scarlett and Leigh were famed for their appearance, their heart-shaped faces, their unusual eyes, and petite body proportions.Both were reputed to be "difficult" in relationships.
Character developmentScarlett O'Hara is not beautiful in a conventional sense, as indicated by Margaret Mitchell's opening line, but a charming Southern belle who grows up on the Clayton County, Georgia, plantation Tara in the years before the American Civil War. Scarlett is described as being sixteen years old at the outbreak of the Civil War in April 1861, which would put her approximate birth date in early 1845/late 1844 [1]. She is the oldest of three daughters. Her two younger sisters are the lazy and whiny Susan Elinor ("Suellen") and the gentle and kind Caroline Irene ("Carreen"). Her mother also gave birth to three younger sons, who were all named Gerald Jr. and died as infants.Selfish, shrewd and vain, Scarlett inherits the strong will of her Irish father Gerald O'Hara, but also desires to please her well-bred, gentle French American mother Ellen Robillard, from a good and well respected Savannah, Georgia, family.Scarlett believes she's in love with Ashley Wilkes, her aristocratic neighbor, but when his engagement to his cousin, the meek and mild-mannered Melanie Hamilton, is announced, she marries Melanie's brother, Charles Hamilton, out of spite. Her new husband goes to train with Wade Hampton's Legion but dies within two months of measles, and never sees battle. The war progresses and near the end of the war the Yankee army, led by the infamous General Sherman, makes its way to Georgia. Scarlett's mother dies of typhoid fever, and her sisters are gravely ill. The Yankee army burns the family's store of cotton, steals the food and livestock, but spares the family home. Scarlett flees nearby Atlanta where she had been living with Melanie, her sister-in-law, and Melanie's aunt during the war ahead of the invading Yankee army, expecting to arrive at Tara to be cared for by her parents. Instead she finds the home and lands damaged, and the family barely surviving.In the face of hardship, the spoiled Scarlett uncharacteristically shoulders the troubles of her family and friends, and eventually the not-so-grieving widow marries her sister's beau, Frank Kennedy, in order to get funds to pay the taxes on and save her family's beloved home. Her practical nature leads to a willingness to step on anyone who doesn't have her family's best interests at heart, including her own sister. Over the course of the story Scarlett sheds all her illusions — except her "love" for Ashley. The war's upheaval of Scarlett's life and the transforming choices she makes can be seen as a metaphor for the challenges life commonly presents to women, to face or deny; Scarlett's story particularly resonated with a 1936 readership which had just gone through a similar upheaval — the Great Depression.One of the most richly developed female characters of the time on film and in literature, she repeatedly challenges the prescribed women's roles of her time. As a result, she becomes very disliked by the people of Atlanta, Georgia. Scarlett's ongoing internal conflict between her feelings for the Southern gentleman Ashley and her attraction to the sardonic, opportunistic Rhett Butler—who becomes her third husband—embodies the general position of The South in the Civil War era.