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题目:Geothermal resources 正文:Geothermal resources in the world's oldest energy sources. It is estimated that the total thermal energy of the Earth's interior, about all the coal reserves of about billion times. Year from Earth's interior heat loss through the surface, equivalent to 1,000 million barrels of oil burning heat. On geothermal sources, there are several hypotheses. Is generally believed that the geothermal evolution of radioactive elements mainly come from the earth's interior heat release, followed by rotation of the Earth's rotation can be generated and gravitational differentiation, chemical reactions, heat release and other rock and mineral crystal. During the formation of the Earth, the total amount of these heat dissipation of heat over the Earth, an enormous heat reserves, so that partial melting of crustal igneous and metamorphic effect. Basic calculation is now out, the planet's core temperature reaches 6000 ° C, temperature of the bottom crust 900-1000 ° C, the surface layer at room temperature (about 15 meters from the ground) about 15 kilometers of the following, the increase of temperature increased with depth. The average temperature of geothermal is about 3 ° C/100 m rate. Geothermal warming rates in different regions are different, close to the average warming rate is called the normal temperature range, higher than the average warming rate of the region, said geothermal anomalies. Geothermal anomaly area is research and development of geothermal resources of the main target. Crustal plate edge, deep fault and the volcanic belt at the other, is obvious geothermal anomalies. Exploration of geothermal resources survey, the general use of surface geothermal survey, drilling and various geophysical methods. Infrared remote sensing technology in exploration in recent years achieved remarkable results. The late 20th century, the exploitation of geothermal resources were mainly shallow, heat storage, and have a fluid (water or artificial irrigation) lead to heat transfer to the surface of the wet geothermal field. Hot dry rock geothermal resources and low-temperature geothermal fields of wetland research development and utilization in the pilot phase. China, rich in geothermal resources, has a long mining history, past the main advantage of hot spring bath treatment. After 1970, in Guangdong Fengshun, Huailai, Tianjin, and Tibet to have been carried out in thermal power generation, building heating, Agricultural greenhouse heating, warm water breeding, irrigation and other aspects Shi Yan Xing Kaifagongzuo, made some achievements.译文:世界上最古老的能源之一。据测算,地球内部的总热能量,约为全约煤炭储量的亿倍。每年从地球内部经地表散失的热量,相当于1000亿桶石油燃烧产生的热量。 关于地热的来源,有多种假说。一般认为,地热主要来源于地球内部放射性元素蜕变放热能,其次是地球自转产生的旋转能以及重力分异、化学反应,岩矿结晶释放的热能等。在地球形成过程中,这些热能的总量超过地球散逸的热能,形成巨大的热储量,使地壳局部熔化形成岩浆作用、变质作用。 现已基本测算出,地核的温度达6000°C,地壳底层的温度达900-1000°C,地表常温层(距地面约15米)以下约15公里范围内,地温随深度增加而增高。地热平均增温率约为3°C/100米。不同地区地热增温率有差异,接近平均增温率的称正常温区,高于平均增温率的地区称地热异常区。地热异常区是研究、开发地热资源的主要对象。地壳板块边沿,深大断裂及火山分布带等,是明显的地热异常区。 普查勘探地热资源,一般采用地表地热调查、钻探和各种物探方法。近年来红外线遥感技术在勘查中取得显著效果。20世纪末,地热资源的开采对象,主要是埋藏浅、热储量大、有流体(地下水或人工灌水)把热能传引到地表的湿地热田。干热岩地热资源和低温湿地热田的开发利用处在研究试验阶段。 中国的地热资源丰富,有悠久开采历史,以往主要利用温泉洗浴治病。1970年后,在广东丰顺、河北怀来、天津和西藏等地曾进行地热发电、建筑物采暖、农业温室采暖、温水育种、灌溉等多方面试验性开发工作,取得一定成果。

260 评论





















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124 评论


Development of new energy should be established as an important strategy for China to address energy shortage and environmental woes, Zhang Guobao, head of the National Energy Administration, said develop new sources of energy has become an important strategy for many countries to fight for a dominance in the combat against climate change, and China should closely follow global developments in this area, beef up R&D of new energy technologies, and invest more in the industry, said Zhang."If we fail to address the development of new energy from a higher horizon, we will regret to find ourselves falling behind others within 10 years," said Zhang, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).Zhang's advocation is echoed by Ouyang Minggao, who underlined the use of new-energy vehicles at the same plenary meeting of the top political advisory body."The promotion of energy-efficient and new-energy vehicles is a necessary step in the country's energy development and in the revival of the auto industry," said Ouyang, a Tsinghua University China, coal makes up about 70 percent of its total energy consumption, 40 percentage points higher than the world country is seeking the development of other energy sources than coal to shift its heavy reliance on coal and reduce Wen Jiabao said in the government work report delivered to lawmakers Thursday that the country will "energetically develop a circular economy and clean energy."The country would promote R&D on technologies in new energy sources and develop clean energy such as nuclear, wind, and solar power this year, according to Wen's Qi, honorary president of the Nuclear Power Institute of China and a CPPCC National Committee member, urged the country to develop new technologies to conserve energy and reduce said the country is stressed by targets to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions, as the country is expected to initiate more projects under the huge 4-trillion-yuan stimulus Wen said Thursday the country's energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by percent from the previous year, chemical oxygen demand down by percent, and sulfur dioxide emissions down by the past three years, total energy consumption per unit of GDP dropped by percent, chemical oxygen demand down by percent, and sulfur dioxide emissions down by percent, according to the aims to cut energy consumption for every 10,000 yuan (1,298 . dollars) of GDP by 20 percent from 2006 to 2010, with emissions to drop 10 percent.

312 评论


With the arrival of twenty-first Century, like natural resources and oil, coal and other non renewable and can provide energy for less. Scientists are developing new energy can be long-term excellent new solar energy inexhaustible, be inexhaustible, be regarded as energy. I was born in this is known as the "World Solar City" of Shandong City, Dezhou. Here is the widely application of solar energy and reasonable. Now the development of Dezhou solar energy industry has been more mature, more than 120 enterprises have solar. In September this year, Dezhou will host the Fourth International Solar Cities energy, low carbon economy and environmental protection, new energy ideal. Solar energy can power generation, heating (water), and the solar water heater, solar street light, solar cars, solar products. When more and clean energy and low-carbon economy is attracting the attention, discovered in Dezhou can earn money, the original energy is widely used, because it is as long as the sun can power generation, heating, sun life there five billion years. The small one is 20 square meters of solar roof is equivalent to a 3 Watt generator, 1 years can be generating 3300 energy has now begun to spread, low carbon, environmental protection, let us enjoy the sun bring us happiness.翻译:随着21世纪的到来,像石油、煤碳等不可再生而又能提供能量的自然资源越来越少。各国科学家正在开发可长期利用的新能源。太阳能这个优秀的新能源,被视为取之不尽、用之不竭的能源。而我就出生在这个被称为“世界太阳之城”的城市,山东德州。在这儿太阳能被应用的十分广泛和合理。如今德州太阳能产业的发展已比较成熟,拥有太阳能相关企业120余家。今年9月德州将承办第四届世界太阳城大会。太阳能之所以被广泛应用,是因为它只要有太阳就能发电、发热,太阳的寿命还有五十亿年呢。一个20平方米太阳能屋顶相当于一台3干瓦的小型发电机组,1年能发电3300度呢。太阳能现在已经开始普及,为低碳、为环保,让我们一起享受太阳带给我们的快乐吧。

268 评论


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