In this paper, air-conditioning products, reverse logistics model was studied. Articles by "What is positive, reverse logistics? - Why is the implementation of reverse logistics for air conditioning model of interaction design? - How to air-conditioning products to implement the interactive model is Reverse Logistics?" The logical sequence of discussion. The first half of the article some of the main answering the question "What is the air-conditioned positive, reverse logistics? Why should the implementation of the domestic air conditioning products are reverse logistics mode of interaction design?" It's two questions. By first forward logistics and reverse logistics field reviewed the literature to explain the concepts of them and their interaction patterns design methods. Then describes the domestic air-conditioning products are reverse logistics interactive features and drivers and so on. The latter part of the article for "how to implement the air-conditioning is an interactive model of reverse logistics', that is, air-conditioning is the specific interaction of reverse logistics models discussed. In this part, the article with some of the features air-conditioning reverse logistics, and air-conditioning manufacturing enterprises in China actually situation, first proposed the establishment of air-conditioning company should be at the core of the reverse logistics network and method of using RFID technology is being set up reverse logistics model integration. and then, through a specific analysis of the model can also be seen constitute the elements of the cost of reverse logistics and with the positive difference between the cost of logistics. For air-conditioning is the specific interaction model of reverse logistics, after discussion, the article also analyzes the production of domestic air-conditioning reverse logistics enterprises may encounter some difficulties, and separately from the government, businesses and consumers three perspective on how to promote the development of air-conditioning reverse logistics suggested. Keywords: air conditioning Forward Logistics Reverse Logistics Model Design
1 货主企业对第三方物流企业的选择及管理研究 2 基于作业成本法的企业物流成本管理研究 3 物流建设项目风险分析与风险管理 4 我国物流管理咨询业发展研究 5 供应链管理下第三方物流实施VMI的策略研究 6 物流管理系统 7 第三方物流管理信息系统的设计与实现 8 荆门石化供应物流管理研究 9 基于第三方物流的供应商管理库存研究 10 通信线缆制造企业物流成本管理研究 11 EG公司物流外包及供应商库存管理研究 12 中国现代物流管理与发达国家差距分析 13 现代物流配送管理的智能决策研究 14 基于标杆管理的湖南省物流装备龙头企业开发战略 15 X物流公司质量管理研究 16 我国连锁零售企业逆向物流管理问题及对策研究 17 ERP环境下物流成本管理与控制研究 18 基于六西格玛管理方法的物流改善研究 19 第三方物流企业客户关系管理及其应用研究 20 铁风物流公司绩效管理的研究 这里可以找到近500篇,相关的毕业论文仅供参考
Based on the reverse logistics mode air conditioning products were studied. Acco
In this paper, air-conditioning products, reverse logistics model was studied. A