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财富杂志Fortune is a global business magazine published by Time Inc.'s Fortune|Money Group. Founded by Henry Luce in 1930, the publishing business, consisting of Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated, grew to become Time Warner. In turn, AOL grew as it acquired Time Warner in 2000 when Time Warner was the world's largest media conglomerate. Fortune's primary competitors in the national business magazine category are Forbes, which is also published bi-weekly, and BusinessWeek. The magazine is especially known for its annual features ranking companies by revenue. is the online home of Fortune, in addition to Money. 人物杂志People (originally called People Weekly) is a weekly American magazine of celebrity and human-interest stories, published by Time Inc. As of 2006, it has a circulation of million and revenue expected to top $ billion. It was named "Magazine of the Year" by Advertising Age in October 2005, for excellence in editorial, circulation and advertising. People ranked #6 on Advertising Age's annual "A-list" and #3 on Adweek's "Brand Blazers" list in October 2006. The magazine runs a roughly 50/50 mix of celebrity and human-interest articles. People's editors claim to refrain from printing pure celebrity gossip, enough so to lead celebrity publicists to propose exclusives to the magazine, evidence of what one staffer calls a "publicist-friendly strategy". People's website, , focuses exclusively on celebrity news. In February 2007, the website drew million page views "within a day" of the Golden Globes. However "the mother ship of Oscar coverage" broke a site record with million page views on the day after the Oscars, beating the previous record set just a month before from the Golden Globes. People is perhaps best known for its yearly special issues naming "Most Beautiful People", "The Best Dressed", and "The Sexiest Man Alive". The magazine maintains a single editorial bureau in Los Angeles. Due to economic reasons it has recently closed bureaus in New York City, Austin, Miami, Chicago, and London. 电视台太多, 选一送上Home Shopping Network家庭购物网络 - 电视台Home Shopping Network or HSN is a 24-hour basic shopping television network that can be seen on cable, satellite, and some terrestrial channels in the Philippines. The channel is owned by HSN, Inc. which also owns catalog company Cornerstone Brands. Launched by Lowell 'Bud' Paxson and Roy Speer in 1982 as the Home Shopping Club, a local cable channel seen on Vision Cable and Group W Cable in Pinellas County, Florida, and expanded into the first national shopping network three years later on July 1, 1985, HSN (its initials forming its alternate name) pioneered the concept of a televised sales pitch for consumer goods and services. Its competitor QVC was launched the following year. HSN has its roots from a radio station managed by Paxson. In 1977, due to an advertiser's liquidity problem, the company was paid in can openers. Left with having to raise the funds, on-air personality Bob Circosta went on the radio and sold the can openers for $ each. The can openers sold out, and an industry was born. Circosta later became the new network's first ever home shopping host and would eventually sell 75,000 different products in over 20,000 hours of live, on-air television. In 1986, HSN began a second network that broadcast over the air on a number of TV stations it had acquired under the name Silver King Broadcasting. In 1999, the stations were sold to IAC founder Barry Diller and changed its name to USA Broadcasting, with a few of them ending HSN programming outside of overnight hours and taking on a local programming format equivalent to Toronto's Citytv. In 2001, they were sold again, this time to Univision, and all HSN programs ceased on those channels; however, HSN continues to air on low-power stations. Ventana Television (ventana meaning window in Spanish) has the same street address as HSN, and is the holding company for its broadcast licenses. As of May, 2010, the HSN low power analog channel 60 in the New York City area was converted to low power digital channel . In 1999, the company launched , which as of 2009 is one of the top 10 most trafficked e-commerce sites. In 2008, HSN also started MySpace and Facebook pages. In an attempt to engage with younger consumers in 2009, HSN produced a 14-episode online video series, Faces of Beautiful You, which follows three young women who find solutions to many of life's problems through HSN's beauty products. The campaign included a Facebook widget, character blogs, and profiles for the three main characters on Twitter, MySpace, and Facebook.

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弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)(1874~1963)美国诗人。1874年3月26日生于美国西部的旧金山。他11岁丧父,后随母亲迁居东北部的新英格兰。此后,他就与那块土地结下了不解之缘。弗罗斯特16岁开始写诗,20岁时正式发表第一首诗歌。他勤奋笔耕,一生中共出了10多本诗集,其中主要的有《波士顿以北》(1914),《山间》(1916),《新罕布什尔》(1923),《西流的小溪》(1928),《见证树》(1942)以及《林间空地》(1962)等。弗罗斯特的诗可分为两大类:抒情短诗和戏剧性较强的叙事诗,两者都脍炙人口。弗罗斯特的抒情诗主要描写了大自然和农民,尤其是新英格兰的景色和北方的农民。这些诗形象而生动,具有很强的感染力,深受各层次读者的欢迎。他的叙事诗一般都格调低沉,体现了诗人思想和性格中阴郁的一面。弗罗斯特的世界观是比较复杂的,他把世界看成是一个善与恶的混合体。因此,他的诗一方面描写了大自然的美和自然对人类的恩惠,另一方面也写了其破坏力以及给人类带来的不幸和灾难。弗罗斯特诗歌风格上的一个最大特点是朴素无华,含义隽永,寓深刻的思考和哲理于平淡无奇的内容和简洁朴实的诗句之中。这既是弗罗斯特的艺术追求,也是他事业成功的秘密所在。

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