1. 博士答辩顺序一般是先由答辩委员会主席宣布答辩开始,然后由被答辩人进行自我介绍。2. 接着,被答辩人进行学位论文的讲解,解释研究内容、方法、结果和结论等。讲解结束后,由评委提问并进行交流。3. 最后,答辩委员会评定答辩结果,评定结果包括通过、不通过和需要修正后再答辩等。如果通过,就会颁发学位证书。延伸内容:博士答辩是研究生阶段的最后一道关卡,也是评价研究生学业成果的最终评价标准之一。答辩需要准备充分,包括学位论文的讲解和答辩委员会提问等环节。对于研究生来说,博士答辩是一个重要的展示自己研究成果和能力的机会,也是一个重要的人生经历。
尊敬的您,苏州大学能源学院博士答辩顺序一般为以下几个环节:1. 开场白:主持人宣布答辩开始,介绍答辩委员会成员和参加答辩的人员,以及答辩的流程和注意事项。2. 学位论文报告:博士生进行学位论文报告,一般时间为30-40分钟,介绍研究背景、研究内容、研究方法、实验结果和结论等。3. 答辩委员会提问:答辩委员会成员对博士生的学位论文提出问题,主要是对研究内容、方法、结果、创新点等方面进行深入探讨和评价。4. 答辩人回答问题:博士生回答答辩委员会成员的问题,展示自己的学术素养和研究能力。5. 公开发言:其他参加答辩的人员可以发表自己的看法和意见,对博士生的研究工作提出建议和意见。6. 答辩委员会评议:答辩委员会成员对博士生的学位论文和答辩情况进行评议,最终决定是否通过答辩。7. 结束语:主持人宣布答辩结束,祝贺博士生顺利通过答辩,颁发学位证书。以上就是苏州大学能源学院博士答辩的基本流程和顺序。希望能对您有所帮助。
Organophosphorus pesticides in agricultural production of the pesticides most widely used one of the Pharmacy, as under certain conditions in the refractory and in animals can be characterized by deposition of organic phosphorus pesticide wastewater treatment in recent years, environmentalists have become the focus of the study. Represented by a nano-TiO2 photocatalytic oxidation technology to the use of atmospheric pressure at room temperature, sunlight catalytic oxidation of pollutants, and the product is generally carbon dioxide, water and other inorganic small molecule, does not have secondary pollution. However, nano-TiO2 larger band gap of only less than 388nm in the UV wavelength only catalytic performance, that is, the utilization of solar TiO2 only about 5%. In order to improve the nano-TiO2 on the utilization of sunlight so that it can in the visible range of organophosphorus pesticide degradation of waste water have a certain effect, this paper conducted the following studies: By hydrothermal synthesis at low temperatures, respectively, under the conditions of urea to ammonia and sulfur and nitrogen as nitrogen source, sulfur source was prepared N-doped, NS Co-doped TiO2 nano-doped after the use of modified nano-TiO2 below 400nm in the least squares UV irradiation on the iodine-tungsten lamp 10000 times diluted omethoate 40% degradation, the degradation rate was observed. The main conclusion of the study paper is as follows: (1) and TiO2 compared, N-doped, NS Co-doped TiO2 nanometer obvious visible activity under the visible light Omethoate degradation of pesticides has a good effect. (2) reaction temperature, the ammonia content on the N-doped TiO2 nano-catalytic activity has a great impact, with the increase in ammonia content in the catalytic activity of nano-TiO2 increased gradually. (3) NS thiourea content of Co-doped TiO2 nano-catalytic activity, with the increase of thiourea concentration of nano-TiO2 photocatalytic activity gradually increased. (4) study found that the preparation of N-doped nano-TiO2 as a white powder, while the NS Co-doped TiO2 nano-to-brown color. Co-doped TiO2 nano-NS than the N-doped TiO2 nano-high photocatalytic activity for degradation of omethoate rate. Keywords: TiO2, photocatalytic degradation, visible light, doped, omethoate,
Non-metallic ion-doped nano-titanium dioxide photocatalytic degradation of pesticides Abstract Organophosphorus pesticides in agricultural production of the pesticides most widely used one of the Pharmacy, as under certain conditions in the refractory and in animals can be characterized by deposition of organic phosphorus pesticide wastewater treatment in recent years, environmentalists have become the focus of the study. Represented by a nano-TiO2 photocatalytic oxidation technology to the use of atmospheric pressure at room temperature, sunlight catalytic oxidation of pollutants, and the product is generally carbon dioxide, water and other inorganic small molecule, does not have secondary pollution. However, nano-TiO2 larger band gap of only less than 388nm in the UV wavelength only catalytic performance, that is, the utilization of solar TiO2 only about 5%. In order to improve the nano-TiO2 on the utilization of sunlight so that it can in the visible range of organophosphorus pesticide degradation of waste water have a certain effect, this paper conducted the following studies: By hydrothermal synthesis at low temperatures, respectively, under the conditions of urea to ammonia and sulfur and nitrogen as nitrogen source, sulfur source was prepared N-doped, NS Co-doped TiO2 nano-doped after the use of modified nano-TiO2 below 400nm in the least squares UV irradiation on the iodine-tungsten lamp 10000 times diluted omethoate 40% degradation, the degradation rate was observed. The main conclusion of the study paper is as follows: (1) and TiO2 compared, N-doped, NS Co-doped TiO2 nanometer obvious visible activity under the visible light Omethoate degradation of pesticides has a good effect. (2) reaction temperature, the ammonia content on the N-doped TiO2 nano-catalytic activity has a great impact, with the increase in ammonia content in the catalytic activity of nano-TiO2 increased gradually. (3) NS thiourea content of Co-doped TiO2 nano-catalytic activity, with the increase of thiourea concentration of nano-TiO2 photocatalytic activity gradually increased. (4) study found that the preparation of N-doped nano-TiO2 as a white powder, while the NS Co-doped TiO2 nano-to-brown color. Co-doped TiO2 nano-NS than the N-doped TiO2 nano-high photocatalytic activity for degradation of omethoate rate. Keywords: TiO2, photocatalytic degradation, visible light, doped, omethoate,
1、ACS Nano纳米结构/纳米材料及组装/纳米器件/自组装结构的合成、组装、表征、动力学、测量、理论和模拟,纳米生物技术、纳米医学、纳米生物物理,单分子方法
2017年水处理技术论文篇二 浅谈给水处理技术的发展 [摘要] 水与人们生活生产密切相关,而且水是保障人民生活发展工业生产不可缺少的物质
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1. 博士答辩顺序一般是先由答辩委员会主席宣布答辩开始,然后由被答辩人进行自我介绍。2. 接着,被答辩人进行学位论文的讲解,解释研究内容、方法、结果和结论等。讲