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首页 > 期刊论文 > 张艺谋毕业论文研究

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盲山 盲井的导演 李扬 你可以先看看这两部电影我觉得不错

267 评论


1980s in the last century, is the domestic discussion of "Literature and the film" The fierce battle rages when The first time displaying her work, "the fifth-generation directors," Zhang Yimou representative from the literature aware of the mother learned of the importance of nutrition. He first half of the film (1987 -1999) is the most adapted from novels. and has been Critics and market recognition. Faced with two different art forms, Zhang Yimou is how wonderful language into language of the camera? From his original plot structure adapted and audio-visual modeling to create two aspects to look into the film in the literature adaptation of the gain and loss.

133 评论


可参考以下资料:1.张艺谋电影的叙事模式2.论张艺谋电影的内聚焦叙事特征3.色彩的华丽舞蹈 叙事的惨淡收场——从《我的父亲母亲》看张艺谋电影4.多重视角的多元化电影叙事结构——《霸王别姬》《英雄》叙事结构分析5.一次迷宫中的旅行——影片《英雄》的叙事艺6.在叙事中成就魔性----张艺谋会不会当文#化#部##长?7.张艺谋、冯小刚、周星驰的20048.中国电影叙事模式的嬗变以上资料,都可搜到免费阅读的版本。PS:搜批判、张艺谋,一大堆资料啊。

134 评论


1980s in the last century, is the domestic discussion of "Literature and the film" The fierce battle rages when The first time displaying her work, "the fifth-generation directors," Zhang Yimou representative from the literature aware of the mother learned of the importance of nutrition. He first half of the film (1987 -1999) is the most adapted from novels. and has been Critics and market recognition. Faced with two different art forms, Zhang Yimou is how wonderful language into language of the camera? From his original plot structure adapted and audio-visual modeling to create two aspects to look into the film in the literature adaptation of the gain and loss. 关键词张艺谋电影 Zhang Yimou film 改编 Adaptation 情节结构 Plot Structure 视听造型 Audio-visual modeling

249 评论


68. 东北方言词汇与多元文化(字数:9192,页数:12 )69. 王家卫电影的人物精神分析与都市表达(字数:9573,页数:12 )70. 《三国演义》对《三国志》的材料取舍与改编(字数:10818,页数:14 )71. 艰难的辩白——对《我在霞村的时候》的重新解读(字数:8905,页数:11 )72. 景点命名的语言分析(字数:10523,页数:12 )73. 论铁凝小说中的女性救赎向度(字数:8695,页数:11 )74. 《儒林外史》对士阶层现状与命运的省思(字数:21174,页数:28 )75. 从《好奇害死猫》看都市人精神的扭曲(字数:9260,页数:10 )76. 徐志摩、林徽因情诗考述(字数:9045,页数:13 )77. “汉字繁简字之争”的思考(字数:9112,页数:12 )78. 闽南方言词语谐音现象研究(字数:9860,页数:14 )79. 艰难的辩白(字数:8905,页数:11 )80. 宋词中的杭州城市文化研究(字数:11198,页数:14 )81. 论白居易中隐诗(字数:8809,页数:11 )82. 从“穿越小说”看当代女性意识(字数:9438,页数:11 )

324 评论


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