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中外医学家联合研制出了一项可在两个半小时左右快速筛查宫颈癌的技术。9月22日出版的最新一期英国《柳叶刀—肿瘤学》(The Lancet Oncology)杂志,发表了这项研究成果。 这项名为HPV快速筛查法(careHPV)的技术与现在普遍使用的两种宫颈癌检测法相比,能够更加快速而准确地捕捉到由人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)导致的宫颈癌及癌前病变。 该研究项目临床试验的负责人、中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所乔友林教授说:“临床检测结果显示,这项技术的假阴性率为10%,假阳性率为16%,接近发达国家和地区普遍使用的杂交捕获二代(HC2)技术,比较令人满意。” 在美国比尔/梅林达?盖茨基金会的资助下,流行病学家乔友林和他的研究团队与美国卫生科技推广研究所(PATH)和德国凯杰公司(QIAGEN)合作,历经5年,研究成功了这项筛查技术。 与目前通常使用的巴氏涂片和液基细胞学技术相比,HPV快速检测技术实验设施简单,操作容易。乔友林说:“乡村卫生员经过基本训练,就能很好地掌握这个技术,而且,可以在没有水电的情况下操作。”他率领研究团队在山西襄垣县和武乡县,采用三种方法——HPV快速筛查法(careHPV),醋酸染色后观察(VIA)法,以及杂交捕获二代技术检测(HC2)法对2388名30-54岁妇女进行了对比检测。 结果表明,HPV快速筛查技术,识别宫颈癌与高度病变的敏感度和特异度,都大大优于醋酸染色后观察法,并与杂交捕获二代技术的检测准确度相差不大。 这项技术在中国应用获得成功,改写了宫颈癌生化检测技术的历史。“它的准确度与杂交捕获二代(HC2)技术相差甚小,但费用却比它少10倍,”乔友林说。 作为一种面向低收入国家和地区的宫颈癌预防的实用方法,HPV快速筛查技术拥有广阔的前景。 HPV病毒几乎在所有子宫颈癌病例中都存在,是引发子宫颈癌的元凶。在妇科恶性肿瘤中,子宫颈癌是仅次于乳腺癌的威胁妇女健康的第二杀手。全球每年大约有47万妇女罹患宫颈癌,中国约有10万,其中70%是农村妇女。著名艺人梅艳芳和李媛媛,都不幸死于这一疾病。 自巴氏涂片1941年问世以来,宫颈癌早期病变检出率增加,全球宫颈癌发病率下降了80%。但是,在发展中国家广泛推行该技术却比较困难。 乔友林说,“首先,它需要建立高标准的细胞学检查系统,以及培养训练有素、能准确阅读巴氏涂片的细胞学技术人员,这两方面所需的费用都相当可观。”另外,巴氏涂片的敏感度并不令人满意,假阴性率约可高达40%。 从理论上讲,液基细胞学加杂交捕获二代的HPV检测技术是最佳检测方法,其假阴性率为2%,假阳率为15%。“唯一的问题是,做一次这样的检测需要花费500多元人民币,即便是对大城市的工薪阶层妇女也太高了。它只适合深圳等高收入城市,”乔友林说。目前,醋酸染色观察法是贫困地区宫颈癌筛查的主要模式。这个检测只需要10元人民币,但效果不尽如人意。他说,“如果妇科医生不熟练,或没有接受良好的培训,肉眼观察的假阴性和假阳性率可以高达40%和20%。” 尽管国际上研究开发的预防宫颈癌的疫苗已在很多国家和地区获准上市,但是,疫苗只能预防70%左右的宫颈癌,而且对已经感染HPV病毒的妇女不起作用。 因此,HPV病毒的检测对防治宫颈癌仍然至关重要。研究出经济、准确、安全、有效的宫颈癌筛查方法也因此成为学术界和国际社会关注的焦点。“如果妇女一生中能做一次,作到早诊早治疗,那么,宫颈癌的发病率和死亡率可望下降三分之一,”美国卫生科技推广研究所的约翰·瑟拉斯(John Sellors)博士说。

320 评论


Hepatocellular carcinoma is serious harm to human health, and worldwide is one of the most common malignant tumors. Large study shows that caused by HBV hepatocellular carcinoma is about the proportion of global hepatocellular carcinoma of the 75 ~ 85% number, but the specific causes liver cancer HBV has not happening mechanism fully understood [1]. Recent research hepatitis b virus genotype, and various genotype HBV induced liver mechanism become a hotspot in current researches. Research shows that HBV genotypes may and disease process, after infection clinical manifestations, prognosis and antiviral treatment response, and so closely related. It is generally believed that caused genotype C inflammatory necrosis and fibrosis degree more serious than type B, and C and cirrhosis and HCC involved; The cumulative survival genotype B to significantly higher than C. Recent research shows that HBV mutation rate than other DNA about 10 times higher, HBV gene variants and the disease clinical outcomes related, mutant can cause pathogenic and copy ability increases, change the host immune response and the production of the important table bits of drug resistance to fight the virus. Because HBV different overlapping protein-coding genes, the promoter and enhance the son in such control sequence and within genes encoding, part of a gene mutation will affect many gene expression, thus forming a gene mutation [3] HBV, therefore, the more the comprehensive research of mutation of hepatitis b virus genome and biological significance especially important. In recent years the domestic and overseas scholars about HBV genotypes, variation of association with HCC relationship research done a lot of work, yunnan area in recent years have about HBV genotype distribution, but the reports of research on HBV genotypes, variation of association with HCC relationship research has not been seen reports. This study is to understand the yunnan region chronic HBV infection genotype infection situation, understand variation site testing conditions, the author discusses chronic HBV infection genotypes, common variation sites and hepatocellular carcinoma relationship.

145 评论


【论文摘要】 肿瘤是危害人类的恶性疾病,人们对此高做了大量研究工作,然对其认识未产生质的飞跃,越来越多证据显示肿瘤发生与干细胞发育异常有密切的关系。本文从干细胞理论概述了干细胞与肿瘤发生的关系及干细胞工程在肿瘤治疗中的应用前景。 【英文论文摘要】 Tumor is one of deadly diseases to mankind. Up to now, it is known little about its mechanism. Stem cell biology has come of age. More and more evidences show the close relationship between tumor genesis and abnormal development of stem cell. This shot view intends to give a general overview on relationship between tumor and stem cells, and prosperity for tumor recovery. 建议你用教育网来下载,是免费的,不然就要收费~~~(是中国知网哦~~) 答案补充 你用教育网上,就可以免费下载了。就是在高校的网络下载

155 评论


The English papers cell biologyNature Publishing Group (NPG) and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) are pleased to announce the launch of an exciting new online-only journal, Molecular Systems Biology. The quality of the journal is guaranteed by the editorial and advisory boards, consisting of leading researchers in the field of systems biology, together with the commitment to scientific excellence and the professionalism of EMBO and NPG. Molecular Systems Biology covers all aspects of the rapidly growing and interdisciplinary field of systems biology at the molecular level, and will attract and help shape the highest quality research in the evolving areas of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, microbial systems, and the integration of cell signaling and regulatory networks. The journal will work together with the systems biology community to establish guidelines, standards and metrics for global complex datasets.

218 评论



256 评论


Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a serious hazard to human health, but also worldwide, one of the most common malignant tumor. HBV infection caused by a large number of studies have shown that the proportion of hepatocellular carcinoma hepatocellular carcinoma is the world number about 75 to 85%, but the specific HBV causes liver cancer has not been fully elucidated the mechanism [1]. Recent studies of hepatitis B virus genotypes, and various genotypes of the mechanism of HBV induced liver cancer has become a hot research. Domestic and international research shows that, HBV genotype may be associated with disease progression after infection clinical presentation, prognosis and treatment response and other anti-virus are closely related. Now widely recognized that genotype C caused by inflammatory necrosis and fibrosis is more severe than type B, and C-related liver cirrhosis and liver cancer; genotype B, the cumulative survival rate was significantly higher than C-. Recent studies show that, HBV DNA mutation rate than other about 10 times, HBV gene variation and clinical outcome of disease associated variant can lead to increased pathogenicity and replication, an important change in the host immune response against the epitopes and the generation HIV drug resistance. HBV gene encoding the overlapping of different, such as promoter and enhancer regulatory sequences and is located within the gene encoding, a part of the gene mutation will affect the expression of multiple genes to form HBV gene mutation [2,3], so more complete study of hepatitis B virus genome variability and its biological significance is particularly important. HBV genotype on the domestic and foreign scholars in recent years, the variation between sites and the HCC study done a lot in recent years, Yunnan has on the distribution of HBV genotypes reported, but on the HBV genotype and HCC variation between sites not been reported yet. This study aimed to chronic HBV infection in Yunnan genotype infection to understand the detection of variable sites, to explore the genotype of chronic HBV infection, common variable sites and the relationship between hepatocellular carcinoma. 希望是你需要的译文!谢谢!

346 评论


肿瘤学论文参考文献 考文献是论著文章的一个重要组成部分。它在一定程度上增加论文内容的可信程度,并具有重要的学术价值和使用价值。著录格式:序号。作者名。文题。刊名。年,卷:起止页码。 按照国标准规定,作者不超过3位时,全部著录;超过3位时,只著录前3位,后面加“等”,或相应的'外文。 举例: 1 蒋代凤,陆应麟,邱宗荫,等。肺巨细胞癌高低转移株转移能力差异相关分子的研究。中华肿瘤杂志,2003,25:531-534. 2 Obonai T, Mizuguchi M, Takashima S, et al. Developmental and aging changes of Bak expression in the human brain. Brain Res,1998,783:167-170. 引用书籍的格式:序号 作者。书名。卷(册)次。出版者,年份。起止页。或:作者。文题。见(英文用In):主编者。书名。卷(册)次。版次。出版地:出版者,年份。起页-止页。 举例: 1 黄国俊,黄孝迈,黄偶鳞,等。 肺癌的治疗(外科治疗)。见:徐昌文,吴善方,孙燕主编。肺癌。第2版。上海:上海科学出版社,. 2 颜子颖,王海林译。精编分子生物学实验指南。第1版,北京:科学出版社,. 著录参考文献时应注意:只著录最必要的最新的文献;只著录作者亲自阅读过的和在文中直接引用的文献;只著录公开发表的文献,“内部资料”和“待发表”文章应避免引用,因为这些文献或者可能缺乏科学性,或者难于查找。 参考文献应按在文内先后出现的顺序用阿拉伯数字加方括号标出,文后参考文献的序号应与文中角码相一致。 ;

288 评论


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