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Transistors to integrated circuits at the core of the formation of the micro-electronic information processing technologies and to the formation of SCR as the core of the power of electronic processing of semiconductor technology constitute the traditional power electronic systems, with the development of technology and the advent of a new generation of devices , Makes power conversion circuits and electronic control system innovation. , A wide range of PWM (PWM) circuit, zero current, zero-voltage switch resonant circuits and high-frequency chopper circuit, etc., have become modern power electronics technology an important component part. Its applications involving automation, defense, aerospace, transportation, energy, and environmental protection. Power Electronics led the development of the power of technology development, and the power of technology to effectively promote the development of power industry development. So far power has become a very important foundation for science, technology and industry, and widely used in various industries, the development trends of high-frequency, diversity, modular, green, efficient, digital. This article discusses the power of electronic systems from traditional to modern power and the development process, highlighted the power of modern electronic applications, the last of the development trend of switching power supply. Transistor integrated circuits Transistor integrated circuits Information Processing Information Processing Microelectronics Technology Microelectronics Technology SCR Thyristor Power processing power handling Semiconductor Electronics Semiconductor Electronic Technology Traditional power electronic systems Traditional power electronic system A new generation of devices A new generation of devices Power Electronics transform circuit Power Electronics transform circuit Pulse width modulation circuit Pulse width modulation circuit Zero-current zero-current Zero-Voltage Zero-Voltage Switching resonance circuit Switching resonance circuit High-frequency chopper circuit High-frequency chopper circuit The power of modern electronic technology Modern power electronics technology To automation - - environmental Automation, defense, aerospace, transportation, energy, Environmental protection Power Electronics Power Electronics Technology Power Technology Power Technology Power Industry Power Industry High-frequency - Digital High-frequency, diversity, modular, green, efficient, digital
你好,请问执行电路部分参数怎么改。麻烦您看下我的电路图。我们要求是前面有整流稳压,比较器。14 .18欠压过压,16正常。。绿色在正常电压时亮,两个红色不亮是对的。红色灯对应显示也是对的,但是绿色二极管一直都亮,无法在过压欠压时短路,不亮,如何调整参数
开关电源是利用现代电力电子技术,控制开关晶体管开通和关断的时间比率,维持稳定输出电压的一种电源,开关电源一般由脉冲宽度调制(PWM)控制IC和功率开关器件(如MOS-FET)等构成。简单的说:就是开关型直流稳压电源。开关电源把直流电源或交流电源通过它可以获得一个稳定的直流电压源。它具有效率高,输出电压稳定,交流纹波小,体积小和重量轻的许多优点。在设计中,以TL494作为PWM产生电路输出控制信号,控制开关管的导通状况,在半桥反激式输出的基础上实现了电源的多路输出。摘要1 绪论 引言 开关电源的分类 技术指标 开关电源的发展动向 2 开关电源原理及总体方案设计 开关电源基本原理 开关电源变换器设计 控制方式的选择 电压控制型 电流控制型 输出控制方式选型及设计 单端反激式输出 单端正激式输出 推挽式开关输出 降压式输出 升压式输出 3 具体电路设计 开关电源电路具体结构 输入电路的设计 控制电路设计 PWM工作原理 控制集成器TL494 PWM产生电路的设计 驱动电路设计 主电路的设计 主电路结构设计 高频变压器的设计 功率开关管的选择 缓冲保护电路的选择 输出电路设计 4 辅助电路的设计 防浪涌软启动电路 过压、欠压及过热保护电路 短路保护 辅助电源设计 5 总结致谢 参考文献
随着科学技术的快速发展,作为一门新兴的技术,电气工程及其自动化已被广泛应用到各个行业。下面是我为大家整理的电气工程及其自动化设计 毕业 论文,供大家参考。
1.基于labVIEW虚拟滤波器的设计与实现 2.双闭环直流调速系统设计 3.单片机脉搏测量仪 4.单片机控制的全自动洗衣机毕业设计论文 5.FPGA电梯控制的