Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Daniel Defoe that was first published in 1719. This novel describes the legendary experience ofRobinson drifting on island, overcoming difficulties and his hard pioneering experience. He lived alone in a small island, so that he had to plant crops to feed himself and build log cabin to live in. He experienced various hardships and ultimately survived. But he still tried hard to come back to real world. After 28 years, he finally came back to England.
《《鲁滨孙飘流记》诠释与解读》 作者:王玫,王玮编著 页数:142 出版日期:2003《笛福与《鲁滨逊漂流记》 开创现实主义启蒙小说之先河》
《《鲁滨孙飘流记》诠释与解读》 作者:王玫,王玮编著 页数:142 出版日期:2003《笛福与《鲁滨逊漂流记》 开创现实主义启蒙小说之先河》
主题:人与自然的冲突,借由人与自然的冲突的展现,既表现了笛福崇尚劳动、个性自由和开拓精神等,也表现了笛福的以人为本,崇尚人类征服自然的自然观。 这部小说是笛福受
英语毕业论文之英美文学研究论文(共54篇2008年5月30日更新)1.海丝特与卡米拉爱情观的对比分析 A Comparative Analysis of the