Abstract: The animation of the formation is to separate a series of actions associated with the frame up and play in series so that the naked eye in the case of residue to produce visual images in the activities of misunderstanding that the dynamic performance of a particular form. One producer of the works in time and rhythm accurately grasp the screen, determine the success of the work of the the fixed cell animation, its production methods are unique, in time and take action on the formation of more stringent requirements. Different time intervals action will bring the performance of different rhythms, and different rhythm to determine the circumstances of this motion animation set the tone affects the whole atmosphere of the film and the script to create the ultimate effect of a motion animation set in the time required for each plot and the corresponding rhythm of many factors, including the grasp of the overall style of the story, the story changes direction, follow the story of the ups and downs, the effect of the expression of some special circumstances such as and so on. Of course, most important, respect the physics of the movement of will be fixed in time and motion animation for the subject to grasp the rhythm, combined with my design work in the graduate practical experience in production, focusing on to talk about animation in a production process, its timing and rhythm of development which are subject to an objective and subjective factors, and on how a work has a vital role.
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说的不具体,要是细分的话定格还分很多种,比如主流一点的有:粘土定格动画,真人实拍定格动画,基于人类的创造力可以有木偶的、剪纸的(我自己想象的)。像粘土的话就有《圣诞夜惊魂》《僵尸新娘》《鬼妈妈》《阿凡提》《大盗贼》《超级无敌长门狗》 《神奇海盗团》等等都是做的很不错的。 定格在制作上是门吃力不讨好的活,制作麻烦,所以市面上主流动画都是二维和三维,由于科技的发达和技术的先进,3D已经日益壮大逐步取代二维。像现在很多日本动画会参杂三维技术来实现比较难画复杂的镜头。 如果是动画电影,算起来还是三维表现力强,它具有强大的空间立体感,使人身临其境。相对于动画连续剧,以冗长的情节打动那些业余生活过于丰富痴迷于动漫的粉丝,二维是最佳选色,基于他的无限夸张手法,和重情节发张轻动作轻特效制作手段,以画面为看点卖的的比重就大大下降。话说你这是写论文需要呢,还是单纯想了解一下动画呢?(我真是闲的无聊了才来打打的,个人观点勿喷,纯手动打字)
原动画后期制作研究摘要:随着电脑技术的快速发展 其硬件和软件随着时间的推移在快速更新,Pc处理能力在迅速增长 硬盘的容量在不断增大。现在一台高配置的Pc机已经可
作者: 来源:中国影视赢销网 发布时间:2012年05月12日 点击数: 117 【字体:小 大】【打印文章】数字技术的迅猛发展,使得我国三维动画产业近些年呈现
论文题目:丝路文物主题自媒体动画创作研究 目录 摘要 Abstract 1 绪论 1.1 研究背景 1.1.1 自媒体信息传播方式的普及 1.1.2 自媒体与动