先提供最后的关键词吧,有时间再翻前面的灯箱广告管理系统 Electric Spectacular Management 技术 .Net technology面向对象软件开发方法 Object-oriented software Engineering系统分析 System Analysis数据安全 Data Security
网络广告未来发展趋势 在短短几年的时间内,网络广告经历了螺旋式上升发展历程,从精准投放为诉求吸引广告到回归传统媒体的广告营销策略,再跃升到新的精准投放模式。在2000年以前,以新媒体身份登场的网络媒体面对成熟的传统媒体,大多采取了精准投放为诉求的网络广告营销模式。百澄传媒机构是从事互联网新技术开发及应用的新型科技传媒公司。百澄传媒机构历时四年研发的Behaviors analysis(用户行为细分)、Web Semantics(网页语义分析)、Flow purifying(有效用户行为价值判断)等技术,整合形成精准营销系统化应用产品,适用于中国互联网各个领域;其中多项技术处在世界领先地位。百澄传媒机构是业界领先的精准广告系统化运营商;确立以用户(网民)为核心的商业运营模式;服务范围贯穿用户分析、统计评估、媒介分析、投放策略、广告邀约、定制投放及优化管理、效果评测等全方位业务链条。使得广告主有针对性的定向投放,让用户变被动为主动。从而给企业带来的很好的广告效果,企业在做网络广告的时候现在都会考虑精准广告,只有投放精准广告才能为企业带来精准的客户。 金融危机的影响已波及全球,各国经济增长放缓,都面临极大考验。在这样的大环境下,国内企业同样无法免遭全球经济困局的影响,面对危机对自身发展的冲击,企业纷纷缩减开支和控制成本。因此,在企业的广告投入方面,将更加倾向选择低成本、高效率的投放渠道。在这样的背景下互联网广告却一枝独秀,逆势增长。2008年第三季度,美国网络广告收入达59亿美元,写下历来第二佳绩。 随着国内互联网的尤其是电子商务的迅速发展,互联网广告在企业营销中的地位和价值越显重要。选择上网淘金,将成为中国企业的必然之路。
For the sake of the exaltation business enterprise competition ability, enlargement market quota, the media company musts be reasonable to make use of the network resources, passing the internet, the company can open to whole country, whole world the business to exhibition, can reduce the business cost of the company consumedly at the same time, expanding the market effectively, this system be for realizing this purpose but development of. Pass to the advertisement business enterprise with thorough investigation that advertise the market, the light an advertisement is the most widespread outdoor advertisement medium now, however is also a management the most trivial, permit the mistakable advertisement very much the part, light a function for advertising current information turning still not strongly, for the sake of system, make selection finally light box advertise for the focus that I study. According to characteristics that advertise the business enterprise, design the principle according to the database to analyze with the system the design method design the advertisement box that match the advertisement business enterprise manages the procedure, the database adopts to permit the sex concurrently good and superior SQL in function Server 2005 come to develop, combine the exploitation SQL defend the infusion to invade to visit the IP method to the backstage management with restrict with script, guaranteeing the data safety, making use NET technique proceeds the development, using the Visual Studio 2005 complete the software establishment, guarantee the stability of the procedure, use the software development method system design that face to the object, B2C( Business- to- Consume) electronic commerce mode, the B/ S system system construction is namely the Browser/ Server( browser/ server) constructionPass to do this item, make me come in sight of the modern business enterprise to park the surface mostly to the technical application in information, have no real use solid place, to think that the real information turns, returning to need the company upper level traditional management thought will cause business enterprise technique fallen behind necessarily, from but lose the competition ability, but the system that I develop manages software, exactly a kind of information turns, the value that believe it would at applied empress very quick appears. Key phrase:The □ light box advertises to manage the system □ .The NET technique □ faces to the object software development method□ system analysis data safety
跨国公司财务管理模式的实证研究和理论分析2006-9-12 【大 中 小】【打印】摘 要:随着经济的全球化发展趋势,跨国公司在全球经济中越来越占据着重要的地位
论文研究背景的写作主要有以下几个要点: 1、社会大环境如何【可利用国家数据网站发布的数据做支撑】; 2、行业环境如何【可以利用行业报告做支撑】; 3、目前需要解
一、面试程序 不同的单位对面试过程的设计会有所不同,有的单位会非常正式,有的单位则相对比较随意,但一般来说,面试可以分为以下五个阶段: 第一阶段:准备阶段。准备