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论文指导:文学文化方向选题解读布莱克诗篇《老虎》的象征意义 弥尔顿创作目的和结果的矛盾之我见 华滋华斯诗歌的自然观 简析《秋颂》的美学价值 由《云雀颂》看雪莱的诗歌创作观 论叶芝诗歌中的象征主义 狄金森诗歌的现实意义 论现代诗歌与后现代诗歌的异同 解读《麦克白》的创作意 由海明威的《杀人者》理解客观叙述法 解读福克纳的《干燥七月》 中外文学作品比较,不同英语文作品比较,英文作品中的人物分析,英文作品的社会意义最好写关于短篇小说的分析,不要写太多人都写过的,可以写美籍印第安作家,女作家, 南方文艺复兴时期作家。诗歌也可以写,因为很多人都不写诗歌。同性恋和文化多元性《德伯家的苔丝》悲剧成因探析 逃避,不如直面 ——浅谈“逃避主义”的根源 从尊卑与平权看中西方文化的道德差异 分析《傲慢与偏见》中的一个次要人物 从《宠儿》透视美国黑人女性的悲剧与成长 《哈姆雷特》戏剧中的悲剧因素 英国女王伊丽莎白一世的宗教改革 开发草地生态旅游促进西部经济发展 海丝特与卡米拉爱情观的对比分析 解读《简.爱》的帝国主义意识 浅析美国早期移民文化 苔丝的反叛精神 论美国“西进运动”的双刃性 从《鲁滨逊漂流记》看人的性格对命运的决定作用 论中西方文学作品对正面人物的刻画 一位坚强独立的女性——简·爱 妇女——当代美国社会不可小觑的力量 像鲁滨逊一样在逆境中创造精彩 论《美国悲剧》中萝贝塔的悲剧性 论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格

330 评论


你可以从以下几个方面着手:1.•the difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain, and England:回答:• The United Kingdom: a country that consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. • Great Britain: the name of the island northwest of France and east of Ireland that consists of three somewhat autonomous(自治的) regions: England, Wales and Scotland. • England is part of Great Britain, which is part of the United Kingdom. • The . includes England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. England. Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are not countries but the United Kingdom is. • The Highlanders: the Scots who live in the mountainous regions of the Highlands in Northern Scotland. • They are proud, independent and hardy people who maintain their strong cultural identity. They mainly live by farming sheep in mountain areas or fishing on the coasts and islands.• The reputation of the Scots: inventive, hardworking, serious-minded and cautious with money. (In the past, they were pioneer settlers and empire builders in places like America, Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.)• their distinctive national dress: kilt• Bagpipes• The Scots can be recognized by and their particular style of speech and accent . 2宗教:回答:• The Catholic Church: refers to the Christian church headed by the Pope. All members of the church accept the gospel of Christ and the teachings of the Bible. Any revolt against the traditional Christian faith was “heresy”. • In the Middle Ages, the Popes was extremely powerful. In the 16th century, some of the actual beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church were questioned by Protestant doctrines and there was a great deal of persecution by Catholics. • The Protestant Church: refers to the Christian church whose faith and practice originated with the principles of the Reformation. As the Pope’s political power and religious authority declined in the `6th, Protestant churches sprang up in Northern Europe in opposition to the established Roman Catholic Church. In Britain, Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith in the Elizabethan age. • Christianity: refers to all doctrines and religious groups based on the teaching of Jesus Christ. It was founded in the 1st century in Palestine. Jesus Christ is accepted by Christians as the son of God, and his teaching is contained in the Bible, the holy book of Christianity. In Europe, Christianity is divided into three major groups. Roman Catholic Church, Protestant Church and Orthodox Eastern Church(东正教).3.学校的不同:回答:British Educaion• Public schools: are the secondary boarding schools that prepare students chiefly for universities. They are supported entirely by fees and private funs.• The name “public school” is traditional one with little meaning today, since far from being public these schools are restricted to a comparatively small section of the population.• “Public school” is a traditional name with little meaning today, because far from being public, public schools are restricted to a comparatively small section of the population.• Some people feel, the greatest argument for public schools is the strikingly high proportion of ex-public-school boys occupying senior posts in the government, the armed forces, the church, t he universities, the professions, and even in business. They say, this proves the superiority of a public school education.• It was the public schools that laid the foundations of English education.• In England, parents who are rich and conservative in politics will most probably send their children to public schools. • Three famous public schools in Britain: Eton, Harrow and Rugby.• Prep schools: also called preparatory schools, they are private elementary schools in Britain, which prepare their students for public schools.• The prep school curriculum differs considerably from that of the junior school, and there is a distinctive boarding atmosphere. At the age of thirteen, the students will take the “common entrance” examination for admission to a “public school”.• The prep school curriculum differs considerably from that of the junior school, since its main target is not the “eleven plus,” but the “common entrance” examination at the age of 13, for admission to a public schools.• The public schools today are no longer as superior and exclusive as they used to be. • Firstly, their perfect system, their house system and their tradition of sport have been widely adopted in state secondary schools, and ,many grammar schools have academic records which many a public school might envy.• Secondly, many so-called public schools are dependent on an annual grant from the central government, in return for which they award between a quarter and a half of their places to pupils paying reduced fees or none at all. • Thirdly, all public schools too, except a few of recognized standard, are liable to be inspected by the State.• There is thus a gradual progress away from exclusiveness in British education.• Oxford University was founded in the twelfth century. It contains about thirty separate colleges.• Cambridge University was founded in the thirteenth century. It contains about twenty separate colleges.• There four Scottish universities dating from the 15th and 16th centuries. They are St Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh. • London University has far more students than any other British universities. • “red brick”: is a slightly contemptuous term to refer to the large group of nineteenth-and-twentieth-century universities and university colleges in Britain.• “red brick” describes their construction, which is contrasted with the more dignified and solidlooking ancient stone architecture of Oxford and Cambridge. • The two widely admired features of Oxford and Cambridge : are te college system and the tutorial system.• The college system of Oxford and Cambridge: is one whereby all students live in college during at least part of their course. The value of this system lies in fostering a community spirit in which a useful mingling of intelligence can take place. • The tutorial system of Oxford and Cambridge: is one whereby each student gets personal tuition once a week in his tutor’s own room.• Open University: was founded in Britain in 1969 for people who may not get the opportunity for higher education for economic or social reasons. It is open to everybody, and does not demand the same formal qualifications as the other universities. It is non-residential. Lectures are broadcast on TV and radio. At the end of the course, successful students are awarded a university .• The Welfare State回答:• 1) Britain: a welfare state in the sense that it should ensure, as far as it can, that nobody should be without the means for the minimum necessities of life as the result of unemployment, old age, sickness or over —large families. • 2) The system of national insurance pays out benefits to people who are unemployed, or unable to earn because they are old or sick.• 3) Free or nearly free medical and dental care is provided for everyone under the National Health Service. • 4) Supplementary benefits are provided for people who live below the minimum retirement pension• 1) It may be received by any man from the age of 65 (provided he has made his weekly contributions to the fund) if he ceases to work, and by any woman from the age of 60. • 2) A man who continues to work after the age of 65 gets no pension at first, but when he is over 70 he gets a bigger pension. • 3) People may receive additional pensions by paying higher contributions while they are working. • 4) There are in addition non-state methods of providing for retirement allowances• (1) They are paid directly out of public money contributed by taxpayers. • (2) For the first child of a family, nothing is paid, but an allowance is made for all children after the first. • (3) The payments continue until a child leaves school and are subject to income tax. • (4) There are special payments for widows who have children;payments continue until a child leaves school and are subject to income tax. • (5) There are special payments for widows who have children."meals on wheels"• "meals on wheels" : refers to meals which are prepared by the public authorities in a central kitchen and then distributed to infirm old people by women who belong to voluntary organizations, using their own cars. • "meals on wheels" (1) It is a kind of unpaid service voluntarily performed by public- spirited people. (2) Meals are distributed to infirm old people in old peoples' homes by women who belong to voluntary organizations, using their own cars.• The grades of the doctors in hospitals : the “housemen“(实习医生) or residents(住院医生) are in the lowest grade and the Consultants are in the highest grade. • "housemen" or residents: refers to those newly-qualified doctors who spend a year or two living in hospitals gaining experience under supervision.• the Consultants(会诊医生) must not work in the hospital for the whole of their time. They may work in the hospital either for the whole of their time or for part of their .

302 评论


理解中美两国文化的差异 IPHCC 国际中国文化出版社 任京生 文化,是人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,她包含一个民族长期积累形成的深层的心理积淀。说到两个民族思想与行为的不同,如果透过现象看本质,实际上就是两种文化的不同。由于文化的不同,会产生思维模式的不同;由于思维模式的不同,又会产生行为方式和社会关系的不同。就像两个不同的根系,会生长出两棵不同的大树一样。中国与美国无论在哪一方面,都存在着巨大的差异,要理解这些差异,首先要理解中美两国文化方面的差异。中、美文化差异,主要表现在中、美文化的几个特性之上。 一、中国文化的古老性与美国文化的现代化 中国文化有着几千年的历史,这古老的岁月本身就具有无尽的财富,文化也同名胜古迹一样,时间愈久远,便愈具有无以伦比的价值。然而她也像一棵千年古树,一方面根深蒂固,枝繁叶茂;一方面又含有一些枯枝败叶。中国的先哲们给后人留下了丰美的历史宝藏,也留下了沉重的历史包袱。你望着这棵遮天蔽日的参天大树,你会为她的苍劲美丽而折服,你也会想象有多少岁月神奇的秘密蕴藏其中。中国博大精深的传统文化是深深植根在中国这片土地之上的,她已不可能被移植,中国的一切现代文明都只能在这棵大树上进行嫁接而成;考虑中国的任何事情,都离不开历史这个无形的手对现实的影响。中国的社会关系也就好比这棵大树的根系,树越古老,根系越繁杂。中国传统文化是中国人的思维模式和行为方式形成的理论基础,对中国的社会关系具有不可抗拒的影响。 而美国只有两百年的历史,美国的文化,是一群现代人,按照现代人的意志和思维模式构建起来的一座现代文明的宫殿。美国人没有丰富的历史宝藏可挖掘,但也没有沉重的历史包袱去承受,美国人完全在按现代人的需要去创造科学,创造财富,创造民主的社会制度。美国的人际关系也是按现代人的标准建立起来的。美国发达的商业文化、科学技术是其现代文化的突出标志。 二、中国文化的民族性与美国文化的多元化 中国汉族占总人口的90%以上,其他56个少数民族在肤色、人种上也与汉族基本相似,因此中国可以说是一个单一人种和单一文化的国家。儒家、佛家、道家文化形成了中国文化的主体,尤其是儒家文化,对中国人的思想和行为的影响占有统治地位。中国文化具有强烈的民族性。 而美国是一个移民国家,人口构成极为复杂,世界各国的人才在这里群英聚会,各种文化交相辉映,形成了各种民族、各种文化的大熔炉。因此美国的文化具有多元化的特点,并且带有强烈的时代气息,随着时代的变化而变化。 三、中国文化的政治性与美国文化的经济性 中国作为一个统一的大国,已有两千多年的历史。两千多年来,要统治这样一个地域如此辽阔,人口如此众多的大国,的确不是一件容易的事情。如果统治失调,就意味着国家分裂、诸侯纷争、战乱不休。因此,自古以来,稳定和统一,一直是中国历史上的两件大事,政治是统帅,集中统一是灵魂。儒家文化作为中国古代社会上层建筑中的一系统,与上层建筑中的政权统治形成相辅相成之势,儒家文化中含有大量的关于教育统治者施仁政,教育百姓遵守伦理教化等方面的人文科学,中国古代社会一直重农轻商,重文轻商,科举制度使文化与政治密切相连,文化中带有很强的政治性。贯穿在社会关系中,人与人之间的关系,也有很强的政治色彩。 而美国是一商品经济极为发达的国家,文化具有浓厚的经济性,与经济建设相适应的科学、技术、经济管理等文化占有很高的地位。而好莱坞电影、迪斯尼乐园、麦当劳快餐等等发达的商业文化更是受世人瞩目。美国的人与人之间关系,也带有浓厚的经济色彩,亲兄弟明算账。 四、中、美两国主文化与亚文化之间存在的差异 很多探讨中美文化差异的文章都指出中国文化注重集体主义,美国文化注重个人主义。但是,在现实生活中却使我们产生困惑。生活在中国社会中,我们会发现,许多人个人主义思想也很严重,缺乏团结的现象时有发生;而当我们来到美国,却发现很多的美国人很关心社会和集体。有人做过这种观察,一群美国人开大会,会前不同观点会展开很激烈的争论,但一旦会议主题决定了,大家就会安安静静地一起开大会;但一群中国人在一起,却往往是上面开大会,下面开小会,各自为政。关于这个文化与现实的差异问题,我们从社会学中找到了答案。一个社会中,不仅有统治阶层所推行的正统的主文化,也有在民间流行的亚文化。亚文化往往是对于主文化的一种逆反,一种对立和统一。由于中国文化过分宣扬国家和集体,轻视个人,所以民间社会的亚文化又使个人利益得到补充,得到平衡。美国过分地宣扬个人主义,人们不满足于彼此隔阂,彼此冷漠的现象,又重新回到互相关心,热心公益事业的和谐的社会关系上来。由此我们知道,要想真正地了解一个国家,不仅要从书本上了解他的主文化,还要到那个民族中去生活一段时间,从民间去了解那个民族的亚文化。另一方面,在人的本性上,有些东西是人类共有的,如个人主义思想,在美国是得到公开承认,而在中国却被加以批判,但不管你怎么否定,它却是深藏在人们心底的。就像中国古代宣扬禁欲主义,但不管你怎样宣扬,男女相悦却是怎么也不能从人们心底抹去。 五、中国文化的两极性与美国文化的多极性 中国古代哲学非常注重阴与阳的辩证统一,认为世界万事万物都是由阴阳两极组成的矛盾的对立统一体,如:上与下、左与右、正与反、内与外、男与女等等。中国的儒家文化与佛、道文化也形成了中国文化的两极性。儒家文化主张积极进取,而佛、道文化主张消极避世,组成了矛盾的对立统一体。中国古代的许多知识分子在青年时期往往尊奉儒家文化,奋发图强;当仕途多有磨难,到了晚年时又遁入佛、道文化,从佛老思想中寻求内心的安宁。儒家文化就好比一架云梯,激励着仁人志士们努力攀登,去摘取事业的果实;而佛、道文化就好比是一张安全网,有人从云梯上跌落下来,就有这张大网将其接住。因此儒家文化与佛、道文化这两极文化对立统一、相辅相成,形成了一个稳定发展的中国文化系统。 而美国是一个多种文化兼容并蓄的国家,不仅有英国文化、法国文化,还有西班牙文化、墨西哥文化,以及中国的儒家文化和佛、道文化,等等。美国的文化不是两极,而是多极,提供给人们更多的选择机会。 六、中国文化的内向性和美国文化的开放性 中国属内陆国家,中国文化就是在这大片的土地上发展起来的一种内陆文化。中国自古以来不断遭受外族侵略,因此不断地修筑长城,闭关自守。受此影响,中国文化也演变成了保守的陆地文化,自成体系,对外来文化有很大的排他性。从清朝的戊戌变法到今天的改革开放,每一次打开国门,都要付出艰辛的努力。中国文化不断地同化着外来文化,却从来不被外来文化所同化。就连接受西方文化最彻底的台湾、香港、新加坡来讲,也并没有完全西化,而是仍然保留着许多儒家文化的传统。然而,与正统文化相对立的是,开放式的中国民间文化却是以敞开的胸怀迎接着外来文化。好莱坞电影、麦当劳快餐店、西方哲学思潮,等等西方文化,无不是借着中国民间文化的东风吹遍了中国的村村落落。 美国的主流文化源于欧洲,是一种开放型的海洋文化。而美国的民主与法律制度又保护了美国的文化自由发展,不受政治的打击和控制。加上美国每年招收大量的外国学生与学者,同时也带来大量的不同文化与碰撞。美国对于各种外来文化兼容并蓄,吸收其中优秀部分以使自己变得更加丰富。 七、中国儒家主文化与美国基督教主文化 中国是以儒家文化为主流文化的国家,儒家文化注重家庭关系,宗族血统,中国古代家庭关系的两大特点是,第一,讲究尊卑有别,长幼有序,父母管教孩子,孩子孝敬父母,二者不可逾越。第二,以亲情、血缘为纽带,由此延伸到社会,讲究朋友之间以兄弟相称,四海之内皆兄弟,讲哥们义气。 美国是一个以基督教为主流文化的国家,大部分美国人信教,相信上帝。按基督教义,无论什么人,都是上帝的儿子,上帝面前人人平等。而家庭,只是替上帝抚养孩子的场所,因此,即使是父母,也不能随意打骂自己的孩子,否则,将会受到法律的追究。基督教讲究博爱,在人与人之间关系中,也体现了这一价值观。 八、中国文化的统治性与美国文化的大众性 中国自古以来就是个中间小,两头大的社会。即中产阶层占少数,统治阶层与普通大众占主体。而统治阶层又驾驭普通大众之上,对于文化具有绝对的影响力,中国传统文化充分体现出统治阶层的利益。 美国是一个中产阶级占多数,中间大,两头小的社会;美国文化充分体现了中产阶层的利益。加上严密的民主与法律制度,使普通大众得以自如地参加文化的构建。因此美国文化表现出浓郁的大众性。 九、中国文化的人文性与美国文化的科学性 中国传统文化以儒家文化为主体,儒家文化中又以伦理道德为主体。伦理道德与诗词歌赋是中国传统文化中的两条主线。伦理道德注重于社会关系的协调,诗词歌赋注重于情感的宣泄,因此在中国人的传统思维和性格中,自古重人文、重情感。 美国人以欧洲移民为主体,人数最多。因此美国文化是在欧洲文化基础上发扬光大的现代欧美文化。欧洲文化的重理性、重科学等特性在现代美国文化中也有所继承。美国人协调社会关系用法律,而不是用人情;美国人热爱科学,相信实力,以发达的科学技术和雄厚的经济实力向世人说话。 了解了深层次的文化差异,再看彼此的思维模式与行为方式,就会有一种拨开云雾见天日的豁然开朗之感觉。因此研究中、美两国文化的差异,有利于我们进一步了解彼此的社会和社会关系,有利于增进双方的理解和交往。最重要的是,我们可以通过差异的对比,认清自己的不足,吸取他人的优点,在交流与学习中取长补短,发展自身文化。

343 评论


1.论美国司法审查制度的确立及影响 2.论美国的反主流文化运动 3.论利益集团与美国政治运作 4.论美国的进步主义运动. 本科毕业生毕业论文选题(王广振).

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    刹那恍惚28 5人参与回答 2023-12-05
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    如果蛋蛋愿意 2人参与回答 2023-12-11