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最后,我们的结论或许是美国八十年代的独特性所造成的。只要我们研究依存度所在国家的金融限制较小,我们的方法就是有效的(这样我们研究的是需求而不是供应)。加拿大是我们唯一获得流动资金细节数据的国家,加拿大在许多重要方面与美国都有所差异。正如加拿大的企业所有权,其银行系统比美国也更加集中,工业构成有很大差别。但美国与加拿大的依存度相关性为. 正如表7中第三栏所示,使用加拿大数据衡量依存度,共同估算十分重要。表7与表4都很有趣的是,虽然所衡量的依存度与发展有差异,但交互作用的经济量基本相似。

326 评论


最后,我们的结果也许来自美国80年代的的特殊性。目前我们测量依赖性的方法应该适用于金融限制较小的国家(所以我们才考察需求而不是供给)。除了美国以外,我们掌握详细资本流动情况的国家只有加拿大。加拿大在许多重要的指标方面与美国有很大差异。其银行系统更多的为公司法人所有制,其工业系统的组成也与美国不同。不过,两个国家的依赖性指标之间的相关性达到. 如表7中第三列所示,在使用加拿大资料测量依赖性时,其系数因数的重要性很高。特别有趣的是,在表7和表4中都显示出虽然对依赖性和发展性测量不同,但是相互产生影响的经济量基本相同。----如有疑问还可以商榷。

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帮你答了两个多小时啊,希望能够加分~~~~ 原创,谢绝复制,否则检举:A circular flow model of the macroeconomy containing two sectors (business and household) and three markets (product, factor, and financial) that illustrates the continuous movement of the payments for goods and services between producers and consumers, with particular emphasis on saving, investment, and the role of financial markets. 一个宏观经济的循环流动模型包含两个部门(企业和家庭)和三个市场(产品,因素,金融),说明了生产者和消费者之间,商品和服务的支付,之间的连续变动。特别强调是在投资,储蓄,和金融市场的作用。 Other circular models are two-sector, two-market circular flow; three-sector, three-market circular flow; and four-sector, three-market circular flow. 其他循环模型包含两个部分,两个市场循环流动;三个部分,三个市场的循环流动;和4个部分,三个市场的循环流动。 The two-sector, three-market circular flow mode l highlights the key role that financial market s play in the economy . 两个部分,三个市场的循环流动模式强调了 金融市场在整个经济中,所处的关键作用 。 It expands the simple two-sector, two-market circular flow by illustrating how saving is diverted from consumption expenditures through financial markets and then used for investment expenditures. 它通过说明储蓄是怎样通过消费金融市场转化,并且用于投资,来扩大简易的两个部分,和两个市场的循环流动, It illustrates that saving does not vanish from the economy, but is merely diverted. 这说明储蓄这个代名词不会从经济中消失,而仅仅是挪用。 Of some importance, this diversion is a prime source of investment expenditures on capital good s. 重要的是,这种转移是投资在资本商品上的一个主要来源。Two Sectors, Three Markets两个部分,三个市场 The two macroeconomic sectors included in this model are:这两个宏观经济部分在此模型中包括: Household Sector : This includes everyone, all people, seeking to satisfy unlimited wants and needs . 家庭部分 :包括所有人,所有的人,追求满足无限的欲望和需求 。 This sector is responsible for consumption expenditures.这个部分是负责消费支出滴。 It also owns all productive resources.它还拥有所有的生产资源。 Business Sector : This includes the institutions (especially proprietorship s, partnership s, and corporation s) that undertake the task of combining resources to produce goods and services. 商业部分 :它包括机构(特别是S独资, S合伙 和S公司 ),承担相结合的服务资源后的任务,以生产商品和服务。 This sector does the production .这个部分提供生产 。 It also buys capital goods with investment expenditures.当然,它也买一些投资分类中的资本商品。 The three macroeconomic markets in this version of the circular flow are:这三个宏观经济市场,在这个循环流动模型中是: Product markets : This is the combination of all markets in the economy that exchange final goods and services . 产品市场 :这是在市场中交换最终产品和服务,所有市场的整合 。 It is the mechanism that exchanges gross domestic product .这是一种交换国内生产总值的机制 。 The full name is aggregate product markets, which is also shortened to the aggregate market .全名是综合产品市场,经常也叫综合市场 。Resource markets : This is the combination of all markets that exchange the services of the economy's resources, or factors of production --including, labor , capital, land , and entrepreneurship . 资源市场 :这是交换市场中,所有服务经济资源,或者说生产要素 -包括劳动 ,资本, 土地和创业的整合市场 。 Another name for this is factor market s.另一个称呼是要素市场 Financial Markets : The commodity exchanged through financial markets is legal claim s. 金融市场 :商品通过金融市场是S的法律主张。Legal claims represent ownership of physical asset s (capital and other goods).这个法律主张代表有形资产的所有权(资本和其他商品)。 Because the exchange of legal claims involves the counter flow of income, those seeking to save income buy legal claims and those wanting to borrow income sell legal claims.由于这种法律主张的变换包含有收入的逆向流动,一些人省下的收入寻求买到一些法律服务,还有一些人那通过借钱来寻求法律服务。 Spotlight on Financial Markets聚焦金融市场 The two-sector, three-market circular flow model highlights the role played by the financial markets.两个部分,三个市场的循环流动模型突出了金融市场所扮演的角色。 Financial markets provide a mechanism for the business sector to acquire the income needed to purchase capital goods.金融市场提供了一个机制给商业 ,以获取所需的收入购买资本商品。 The business sector acquires this income by selling legal claims through financial markets.商业部分用这笔收入,通过金融市场,购买到法律服务。 On the other side of the financial markets, the household sector buys these legal claims.金融市场另一方面,是家庭部门购买这些法律服务。 In so doing, it diverts a portion of income from consumption expenditures to saving.在这样做时,它留下了收入的一部分,用来储蓄,以供消费。 Financial markets, as such, enable the addition of three key flows to the model--saving, investment expenditures, and investment borrowing .金融市场,就像上面一样,包含了三个关键要素---储蓄,投资消费和投资借贷 。 These flows divert, but do not destroy, a portion of the core flow of production, income, and consumption to the business sector.这些流动改变,但不破坏。商业部分的产品,收入和消费。 This diagram presents the two-sector, three-market circular flow.此图给出了两个部分,三个市场的循环流动模型。 At the far left is the household sector, which contains people seeking consumption.最左边是家庭部分,其中包含人们追求的消费。 At the far right is the business sector that does the production.最右边是商业部分包括生产。 At the top is the product markets that exchange final goods and services.最顶部是产品市场,用来最终产品和服务的交换。 At the bottom is the resource markets that exchange the services of the scarce resources .最底部是资源,和稀缺服务的交换市场。 In the middle of the diagram, near the resource markets, is the financial markets.图的中间,靠近资源市场的,是金融市场。 Saving : With financial markets in place, the next step in the construction of the two-sector, three-market circular flow is saving. 储蓄 :在金融市场这块中,,在两个部分,三个市场的循环流动的构造中,下一个是储蓄。 Saving is household sector income that is not used for consumption expenditures but rather is diverted to the financial markets.储蓄是指家庭部分中不用于消费支出,而是被转移到金融市场的那部分收入。 The household sector is on the buying side of financial markets.家庭部分是金融市场的买方。 It diverts income when it buys legal claims.这笔收入是用来购买法律服务的。 Click the [Saving] button to reveal this flow of saving from the household sector to the financial markets.单击[储蓄]以显示家庭部分中的储蓄,流向金融市场的流动。 Investment Borrowing : Household saving does not stop when it reaches the financial markets. 投资借贷 :家庭储蓄不会停止,当它越来越靠近金融市场的时候。 Financial markets are a conduit that diverts the flow of saving to the business sector.金融市场是一个把储蓄流入到商业部分的渠道。 The business sector is on the borrowing side of the financial markets.商业部分是金融市场的借贷方。 By selling legal claims it borrows the income that can used for investment expenditures.通过出售法律服务,它可以获得收入,用于投资。 Click the [Borrowing] button to highlight this flow from the financial markets to the business sector.点击一下[借]来突出这一从金融市场到商业部分的流动。 Investment Expenditures : The primary reason that the business sector borrows income through the financial markets is for investment expenditures on capital goods. 投资支出 :商业部分通过金融市场,借钱的主要原因是用来投资资本市场上。 Investment expenditures by the business sector then becomes the second basic expenditure on gross domestic product that flows through the product markets.在商业部分的投资支出,在流向产品市场后,就成为第二次国内生产总值。Click the "Expenditures" button to highlight this flow from the business sector to the product markets.点击“支出”按钮,突出从商业部门到产品市场的流动。 Combining all three flows indicates the key role played by the financial markets.把三个流动模型结合起来,揭示了金融市场所扮演的角色。 Saving flows from the household sector to the financial markets.储蓄:从家庭部门到金融市场的流动。 It then emerges from the financial markets as investment borrowing and moves to the business sector.它然后出现在金融市场,当投资借贷流动到商业部分的时候。 It then exits the business sector and heads to the product markets as investment expenditures.然后从商业部分中出来,流向产品市场(通过投资)。 Click the [Complete Model] button to illustrate.点击一下[整体模型]来说明。 Income diverted away from consumption expenditures by the household sector finds its way back to the product markets as investment expenditures by the business sector.通过家庭部分,收入通过投资支出,消费,最终回到了产品市场。 What It All Means这代表了什么意思 The flow going into the financial markets is saving, income diverted away from consumption and supplied to the financial markets.这个流动模型流入金融市场中的有,储蓄,用来消费的支出和提供给金融市场的部分。 The flow coming out of the financial markets is investment borrowing, income borrowed by the business sector to purchase capital goods, for business investment expenditures.这个流动模型流出金融市场的是投资借贷,商业部分通过购买资本商品的支出,来投资商业的部分。 Summing up, consider three points:总结起来,有三点: First , including saving, investment, and financial markets in the circular flow model does not change the total volume of the circular flow. 首先 ,在循环流动模型中,包括储蓄,投资和金融市场,并整个循环的总量。 Gross domestic product, factor payment s, and national income remain unchanged.国内生产总值, 要素支付 S和国民收入保持不变。 Financial markets merely divert part of the flow away from consumption and to investment.金融市场只是改变了从消费中转为了投资的那一部分。 It is the same basic diversion discussed in analysis of investment in the production possibilities model.这是与投资分析中,生产可能性模型类似的转换。Second , in this model, saving diverted into financial markets is, in general, equal to the investment borrowing coming out, and thus investment expenditures by the business sector. 第二点 ,在这个模型中,流到金融市场的部分储蓄,在一般情况下,等于投资借贷。 In practice, however, there are periods in which saving is less than investment or investment is less than saving.但在实际情况中,有时储蓄小于投资,又或投资超过储蓄少。 These periods are not just curiosities, but are fundamental to the economy.这个有时不仅仅是好奇,而且对于经济来说,是很基本的。Imbalances between saving and investment often trigger economic instability-- business cycles , unemployment , and inflation --that underlies much of the study of macroeconomics .储蓄和投资之间的失衡往往引发经济不稳定- 商业周期,失业和通货膨胀 -这对许多对于宏观经济学的研究至关重要 。 Third , there is more to the financial markets that just business sector borrowing. 第三点 ,有更多的资金流入到金融市场,而不仅仅只是从商业部分。 In particular, the government sector is a frequent financial market borrower, as well.特别是政府部门,它们也是金融市场的常客。 The government sector also issues legal claims through the financial markets as a means borrowing.政府部门把金融市场作为一种解决问题手段Other Models其他模型 This two-sector, three-market circular flow is one of four alternative circular flow models, each containing a different number of sectors or markets.两个部分,三个市场的循环流动模型是四种模型中的一种,每一种模型都包含着不同部分或不同的市场。 The other three models are:另外三种模式是: Two Sectors, Two Markets : The simplest circular flow model contains two sectors (household and business) and two markets (product and resource). 两个部分,两个市场 :最简单的循环流动模型;包含两个部分(家庭和商业)和两个市场(产品和资源)。 This model highlights the core circular flow of production, income, and consumption.该模型突出了核心循环流动,即产品,收入和消费。 Three Sectors, Three Markets : Another version of the model includes the government sector. 三个部分,三个市场 :另一种模式,它包括有政府部门。 This model highlights the importance of taxes, which are also diverted from household sector income and used to finance government purchases .该模型突出了税收的重要性,这也是从家庭部分转移到用于资助政府采购的部分 。 Four Sectors, Three Markets : The most comprehensive circular flow model includes the foreign sector . 四个部分,三个市场 :最全面的循环流动模型,它包括外国机构 。 Adding the foreign sector highlights the role of trade with the rest of the world, especially exports and imports .添加了国外部分突出了该国与世界其他国家之间的贸易,尤其是出口和进口 。

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