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I've tried to find several articles regarding to packaging design. I found that this one is written in a good way, easy to understand and catch all the principles in high level. I have put the linkto the pdf in the referece. Good luck~

149 评论


[1] 胡红忠,潜铁宇.论图形在包装设计中的表现形式[J].包装工程,2004,25(6):201-202[2] 尹章伟,刘全香,马桃林等.包装概论[M].北京:化学工业出版社,[3] 张抒.字体设计与编排.重庆:西南师范大学出版社,2006[4] 智川,徐文才,智文广,蒋磊等.包装印刷[M].北京:印刷工业出版社,[5] 仇琛.浅谈中国包装设计的发展趋势[J].徐州教育学院学报,2006(1)[6] 易忠.包装设计理论与实务[M].合肥工大.[7] 孙勇.21世纪高等职业教育通用教材产品包装设计[M].山东科技[8] 夏小春.包装设计与社会文化[M]. 包装工程.2004.(2):123-124[9] 张睿,张娟.《影像圣堂Photoshop CS3包装设计实战技法》[M].北京:人民邮电出版社.[10]刘小玄.包装设计教学[M].南昌:江西美术出版社.[11]拉滋罗鲁斯.包装设计图形手册[M].沈阳:辽宁科技出版社.第二版.[12]陈港.现代纸容器[M].化学工业出版社.[13]曾景祥,肖禾.包装设计研究[M] .长沙:湖南美术出版社,2002.[14]王金军,林升.绿色设计观在产品设计中的运用[L] .设计艺术(山东工艺美术学院学报),20042 [15]孙勇.21世纪高等职业教育通用教材产品包装设计[M].山东科技[16]夏小春.包装设计与社会文化[M]. 包装工程.2004.(2):123-124

128 评论


Food Packages Packaging Paper Oceanfront homes Luxury homes rentals包装设计(packing design) 包装设计的构思,下面的是参考:)~~Abstract:The space is the indispensable form element of the modelling design,is also the important component of the commodity packing thesis inquires into the spatial issues of modern packing design according to the analyse of traditional space consciousness origined from the Chinese culture,aimed to perfect peoples'spatial understanding on the packing design and to make the modern packing design be more rational and also be apt to approach the humanizing requires from the spatial comes from new thing, new discovery, or the new look of old thing. The importance and width of modern packing design is becoming increasingly prominent. Packing design, in modern people’s eyes, is a scientific marketing model of the modernized market economy, its concept and function are thought to be equal to such skills as market design and commerce popularization of products. Packing design is, actually, the only way to success for any business. Traditionally, the concept of packing design in business field refers to such packing means as its pattern, material, model, packing functions and printing , as technology and different media are highly developing, these traditional concepts of packing design have lagged far behind the market development of the commodity society. Today, any product that contains certain business value is no longer the one that goes far beyond the domain the traditional packing design can cover, for example, film and television media, network media, products of spiritual culture, notion of fashion, concept of consumption, life style and so , such a variety of forms as concept, sense, tactile sensation, sense of listening, either tangible or intangible, visible or invisible, enter almost every corner of our life. All in all, the traditional packing concepts have lagged behind the development that this age requires. Key words: traditional packing design and domain, the expansion and importance of modern packing design, the packing era of new concept and new one to make and design convenient and advantage of factory to analogous to the ancient type of banner hoisted on a feather decked mast to offer to them,And prevent necessary writing fund input designed by oneself of the customer and managerial question at the same time.

276 评论


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    英〕艾伦·斯旺.英国平面设计基础教程.张锡九等译,上海人民美术出 版社,2003 加德纳,费加尔;王毅译. 21世纪超级标志设计[M].上海:上海人民美术出版社

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    •] 曾迪来.现代包装设计[M].湖南:中南大学出版社2005,1-6. [3] 王苏.世界糖果市场趋势 [J].中外食品,2005,10(1):59-60.

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