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通信监理企业公共关系的功能与构建 摘要:建立良好的公共关系,通信监理企业应当以企业文化为核心,以品牌战略为载体,以传媒为手段,转变传统公关思维,建立以“和”为中心的公关理念,完善公共关系危机处理机制,建立科学高效的企业公共关系模式。本文将对公共关系在通信监理企业发展中的现状、作用及构建作详细的阐述。关键词:公共关系信任危机处理机制企业文化 企业公共关系从属于企业宗旨,为企业的目标服务,是现代管理理论的重要组成部分,指企业面对外在的公众和内在的员工,通过运用长期有效地双向信息沟通、双向艺术交往、双向利益调整等方法途径,建立企业与目标对象之间的相互理解、相互信任和相互促进的互动关系。 在通信监理市场日臻规范和完善的今天,通信工程监理品牌之间的竞争,公共关系系统的建立与维护,是除了监理质量与服务水平之外最具影响和最需要投入精力去经营的要素。公共关系的经营与运用,公共关系与通信监理企业发展关系的问题越来越受到企业管理者和各界学者的关注。我国从1995年1月强制推行《通信工程建设监理管理办法(试行)》以来,秉承“守法、诚信、公正、科学”职业准则,发挥着“三控(质量、进度、投资)、三管(合同、信息、安全)、一协调(建设单位与施工单位的关系)”重要作用,已成为通信建设过程中依法经营,依法管理不可缺少的重要环节。在全球市场竞争日趋激烈,中国经济高速发展的大背景下,高新技术在通信领域的广泛应用,市场对通信工程监理企业的要求日增提高。现代传播手段给突发性公共事件对企业和组织的影响越来越大,在通信建设安全控制和管理的过程中,突发性公共事件是不可避免的,如公共关系处理不好,将会给监理企业带来的不可挽回的信用危机。因此处理好通信监理企业的公共关系,日益成为通信监理企业生死存亡的战略问题之一。(一)树立企业信誉,建立良好的企业形象 企业的信誉是指企业在市场上的威信、影响,在消费者心目中的地位、形象、知名度。公众对企业社会价值的评估标准发生变化,评价范围将由对产品质量和服务扩大到企业生产经营和社会活动的各个方面,这使公众舆论对企业产生更大影响力。争取舆论支持,争取公众信任,成为企业生存发展的重要条件之一。公共关系的根本目的是通过深入细致、持之以恒且全方位、多视觉的具体工作树立组织的良好形象和信誉,以取得公众理解、支持、信任。从而增加更多通信工程建设领域的合作,有利于企业于吸引、稳定人才,有利于寻找协作者,有利于协调和通信运营商的关系,有利于政府和管理部门对通信监理企业产生信任感,最终促进组织目标的实现。(二)搜集信息,为企业决策提供科学保证 美国管理学家西蒙说:“管理就是决策,而决策的前提正是信息”。企业每时每刻都会遇到大量的问题,市场需要、产品开发、新技术方向、竞争者动向、潜在危险、企业形象等方面的信息,不断传递给企业领导,要求领导者做出及时而有效地决策。因此,现代企业把一、企业公共关系的含义二、通信监理企业公共关系的重要性三、企业公共关系的功能公共关系信息的获取划入企划之中,成为企业活动不可缺少的组成部分。公共关系部门就是要利用各种渠道和网络搜集与企业发展有关的一切信息,为企业决策科学化提供强有力的保证。搜集信息包括企业战略环境信息、产品声誉信息及企业形象信息等。(三)协调纠纷,化解企业信任危机 由于企业与公众存在着具体利益的差别,在公共关系中必然会充满各种矛盾。企业在生产经营运行过程中,也难免会有因自身的过失、错误而与消费者发生冲撞的时候。一旦发生,必然导致消费者对企业的不满,使企业面对一个充满敌意和冷漠的舆论环境。事实证明,企业与公众的许多矛盾和磨擦都起源于误解和不了解,缺乏信息交流是造成不了解的根本原因。通过建立良好的公共关系机制,增加企业与公众之间相互了解,检举回答人的补充 2009-06-14 09:36 企业就有可能避免与公众的纠纷,并可通过公关手段将已经发生的信任危机所造成的组织信誉、形象损失降到最低限度,进而因势利导,使坏事变为好事。(一)以企业文化为核心,树立全方位思维 在通信监理顶级品牌的竞争中,要创造企业公共关系的良好氛围,首先,企业要发展比较优势,形成特色形象。通信监理服务企业要顺应世界服务贸易的趋势,扬长避短,发展优势,吸取经验、增强实力,调整服务结构,在服务形象和技术形象的塑造上下功夫,形成特色,便有无懈可击的竞争力。其次,强化文化融合意识。通信工程监理企业作为建设的一个重要环节,很难看见有影响力的公众传播范例,这样的现状制约着企业与公众之间的沟通。随着经济全球化的发展,文化对企业公共关系的影响将是极其深刻的。企业在进行经济交往时,与不同的地区、不同民族、不同的营运商打交道,文化差异会成为双方沟通与理解的障碍,导致矛盾和冲突产生。公共关系要在全方位求得发展,就要融合不同国家、不同地区、不同民族、不同的营运商文化的特点,以利于与公众的沟通和协调,求得公众的认同。(二)以品牌经营为载体,提升战略化高度 品牌战略是企业公共关系实务的载体,没有这样的战略目标,企业公关活动将没有方向和目标的。要把品牌经营成功,必须把品牌经营提高到战略化的发展高度。一是要建立品略思维,通过品牌创造长期的竞争检举回答人的补充 2009-06-14 09:36 势以实现持续发展;二是要通过市场细分,确定品牌定位和品牌的核心价值,保证品牌的市场承受力和发掘品牌独特优势;三是要塑造品牌的个性。在服务的设计上、包装上、商标的酝酿上应赋予产品丰富的文化内涵,增加产品的附加值,在服务上精益求精,提高通信监理服务的权威性与亲和力;四是要通过广告、新闻策划、主题公关活动、企业形象识别系统等一体化的市场传播整合,进行以双向交流为基础的品牌传播,扩大影响,提高知名度、美誉度。(三)以“和”为中心理念,转变公关竞争方式 成功始于合作,通信监理企业应从各自为政、地方保护,独立发展向协作经营关系,互联合作转变,走入互惠互利、求得双赢的竞争与合作并存的“竞合”关系行列。公共关系的沟通协调强调以“和”为贵,即在外部关系处理上强调企业与同行竞争者、客户、上下游企业、相关行业、相关部门的协调和合作,形成“竞合”公存的局面。通信工程监理企业在处理对外公共关系时,应学会化敌为友,善待竞争对手:一要知己知彼,寻找与竞争者优势互补的合作领域,共同做大做强,提高市场竞争力;二要注意与相关企业、公众保持经常性的交往和沟通,增进理解,建立融洽感情,营造和谐气氛,提高企业的对外吸引力。(四)以危机处理为重点,建立危机预警机制 中国通信服务总公司对外新闻发言已经进入了法律程序化的时代,通信监理企业应建立预警机制,避免和防止信任危机的发生,尽可能将纠纷化解在萌芽状态。一是制定危机处理预案,当危机发生时,企业如能临危不惧,处理得当,便可化险为夷,并可使危机转为契机,让企业借此得到公众更多的关注和了解,因此,建立危机处理预案十分重要。二是采取积极主动的危机应对策略,要想将危机的影响降到最低,应采取积极主动的应对策略,以正确的措施去赢得公众,创造妥善处理危机的良好氛围。以公众利益代言人的身份出现,主动弥补公众的实际利益和心理利益。坚持勇于承担责任,如实宣传沟通,通过有意识地施加情感影响,树立企业值得信赖的良好形象。 通信监理企业公共关系经营格局与构建将对其企业的发展产生极其深远的影响,业界应给予足够的重视,以此共同提升我国的通信企业的监理服务水平及国际竞争力。

102 评论


New Public Management : Contemporary Western trend of the new public administration From the start of the 1970s, the West has dominated the field of public administration nearly a century. and was regarded to be effective, even the best traditional or mainstream public administration, subjected to a new external environment increasingly tough challenges, and the almost routine, rigid-tier system can not meet the increasingly rapid changes in information and knowledge-intensive society and economic life, build on its two major theoretical basis -- Goodnow Wilson and the political-administrative theory and the two-layer management Huibaike no theory Law answered and solved the government faces an increasingly serious problems and difficulties : the financial crisis, the social welfare policy unsustainable, government agencies increasingly bloated, inefficient, the public lost confidence in the government's ability, "government failure" theory has begun to dominate. 正是在这样的历史背景下,一种新的公共行政理论、管理模式——新公共管理(NewPublic Management)在80年代的英美两国应运而生,并迅速扩展到西方各国。It is in this historical backdrop, a new public administration theory, Management -- New Public Management (NewPublic Management) in the 1980s, the Anglo-American two crops, and the rapid expansion of the Western countries. 与以往传统的公共行政框架内进行的变革不同,新公共管理不是对现存行政管理体制和方式进行某种程度的局部调整,或仅仅是为了降低行政管理的成本,减少行政费用开支,更重要的是,它是对传统的公共行政模式的一种全面清算和否定。And the number of traditional public administration within the framework of the changes, Public management is not new to the existing administrative structure and ways of some degree of partial adjustment or simply to lower administrative costs and reduce administrative expenses, but more importantly, It is the traditional model of public administration of a comprehensive settlement and denied. 一、新公共管理的理论基础1, the new public management theory 如果说传统的公共行政以威尔逊、古德诺的政治—行政二分论和韦伯的科层制论为其理论支撑点的话,新公共管理则以现代经济学和私营企业管理理论和方法作为自己的理论基础。If the traditional public administration to Wilson. Goodnow political-administrative theory and the two-Weber-tier system on the support of their theory, new public while management of modern economics and private enterprise management theory and methods as its theoretical basis. 首先,新公共管理从现代经济学中获得诸多理论依据,如从“理性人”(人的理性都是为自己的利益,都希望以最小的付出获得最大利益)的假定中获得绩效管理的依据;从公共选择和交易成本理论中获得政府应以市场或顾客为导向,提高服务效率、质量和有效性的依据;从成本—效益分析中获得对政府绩效目标进行界定、测量和评估的依据等等。First, the new public management from modern economics has many theoretical basis, From the "rational" (the rational is for their own interests. want to pay the smallest gain maximum benefits) of the premise is the basis for performance management; from the public choice theory and transaction cost which the government should be market-oriented or customers, improve the efficiency of services, the quality and effectiveness of the basis; from the cost-effectiveness analysis was to define the performance goals, Measurement and evaluation, and so on the basis. 其次,新公共管理又从私营管理方法中汲取营养。Secondly, the new public management from the private management methods to absorb nutrients. 新公共行政管理认为,私营部门许多管理方式和手段都可为公共部门所借用。The new public administration that many private sector management methods and means available to the public sector borrowing. 如私营部门的组织形式能灵活地适应环境,而不是韦伯所说的僵化的科层制;对产出和结果的高度重视(对私营部门来说,产出就意味着利润,而在高度竞争的市场环境中,要获取利润就必须给顾客提供高质量的服务,同时尽可能地降低成本),而不是只管投入,不重产出;人事管理上实现灵活的合同雇佣制和绩效工资制,而不是一经录用,永久任职,等等。Such as the private sector, the organizational form of flexibility in adapting to the environment, and not Weber said the rigid hierarchy; outputs and outcomes of the high degree of importance (for the private sector, output means profits in a highly competitive market environment, we must make profits to provide customers with high-quality service, Meanwhile, as far as possible to reduce costs), rather than just input and output weight; personnel management to achieve a flexible system of employment contracts and performance pay system, rather than by hiring a permanent office, and so on. 总之,新公共管理认为,那些已经和正在为私营部门所成功地运用着的管理方法,如绩效管理、目标管理、组织发展、人力资源开发等并非为私营部门所独有,它们完全可以运用到公有部门的管理中。In short, the new public management, and is already by the private sector to successfully used management methods, If performance management, goal management, organizational development, human resources development is not unique to the private sector. They can be used in public sector management. 二、新公共行政管理的基本特征Second, the new public administration of the basic features 新公共管理是个非常松散的概念,它既指一种试图取代传统公共行政学的管理理论,又指一种新的公共行政模式,还指在当代西方公共行政领域持续进行的改革运动。New Public Management is a very loose concept, it refers to an attempt to replace the traditional public administration management theory, Also referred to a new model of public administration, also refers to the contemporary Western ongoing public administration reform movement. 其名称在西方各国也不尽相同,如在英国叫“管理主义”,在美国则称为“企业家的政府”或“新公共管理”,在其他一些国家又称为“市场导向型公共行政”等等,但它们都具有大体相同的特征。Its name in western countries is not necessarily the same as in the United Kingdom called "management", in the United States known as the "entrepreneurial government" or "new public management" In some other countries, also known as the "market-oriented public administration," and so on, but they have broadly similar features. 首先,新公共管理改变了传统公共模式下的政府与社会之间的关系,重新对政府职能及其与社会的关系进行定位:即政府不再是高高在上、“自我服务”的官僚机构,政府公务人员应该是负责任的“企业经理和管理人员”,社会公众则是提供政府税收的“纳税人”和享受政府服务作为回报的“顾客”或“客户”,政府服务应以顾客为导向,应增强对社会公众需要的响应力。First, the new public management to change the traditional model of public government and the relationship between society, reopened to the functions of the government and with the community relations position : that the government is no longer superior, "self-service" bureaucracy, government officials should be responsible "corporate managers and managers" the public is to provide the government's tax revenue "taxpayers" and access to government services in return for the "clients" or "customers" government services should be customer-oriented and should enhance the public's need to respond to force. 近年来,英、德、荷兰等国政府采取的简化服务手续、制订并公布服务标准、在某一级行政区域和某些部门或行业开办“一站商店”服务等,就是在这种新的政府—社会关系模式下所施行的一些具体措施。In recent years, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and other government services to simplify the procedures and to develop and publish service standards, in a regional and an administrative certain sectors or industries offer "one-stop shop" service. It is in this new government-community relations model as applied by some of the specific measures. 其次,与传统公共行政只计投入,不计产出不同,新公共管理更加重视政府活动的产出和结果,即重视提供公共服务的效率和质量,由此而重视赋予“一线经理和管理人员”(即中低级文官)以职、权、责,如在计划和预算上,重视组织的战略目标和长期计划,强调对预算的“总量”控制,给一线经理在资源配置、人员安排等方面的充分的自主权,以适应变化不定的外部环境和公众不断变化的需求。Secondly, with the traditional public administration, only the input, output or not, New Public Management pay more attention to the activities of the outputs and outcomes that provide public services to the efficiency and quality, thus entrusted to the "first-line managers and managers" (that is, low-level civil service) to the post of powers, responsibilities and If the plan and budget, the attention to the organization's strategic goals and long-term plans, the emphasis is on the Budget for its "total" control, to the frontline managers in the allocation of resources and personnel arrangements, and so on the full autonomy to adapt to the fluctuating external environment and the ever changing needs. [NextPage][NextPage] 第三,与上一点紧密相联,新公共管理反对传统公共行政重遵守既定法律法规,轻绩效测定和评估的做法,主张放松严格的行政规制(即主要通过法规、制度控制),而实现严明的绩效目标控制,即确定组织、个人的具体目标,并根据绩效示标(performance indicator)对目标完成情况进行测量和评估,由此而产生了所谓的三E,即经济(economy)、效率(efficency)和效果(effect)等三大变量。Third, and closely related, 1:00, the new public management oppose traditional public administration re-compliance with established laws and regulations, Light performance measurement and assessment practices, advocating the relaxation of the strict regulatory system (that is, through legislation, system control), achieve strict control of the performance goals, which was to determine organizations, individuals of specific goals, under the performance indicator (performance indicator) on the target for completion of the measurement and assessment, as a result, the so-called three E, in which the economy (economy), efficiency (efficency) and the effect (effect), and other three variables. 第四,与传统公共行政排斥私营部门管理方式不同,新公共管理强调政府广泛采用私营部门成功的管理方法和手段(如成本—效益分析、全面质量管理、目标管理等)和竞争机制,取消公共服务供给的垄断性,如“政府业务合同出租”、“竞争性招标”等,新公共管理认为,政府的主要职能固然是向社会提供服务,但这并不意味着所有公共服务都应由政府直接提供。Fourth, public administration and the traditional exclusion of private sector management methods differ, New Public Management emphasizes the wide adoption of successful private sector management methods and means (such as cost-benefit analysis total quality management, management by objectives) and the mechanism of competition, the abolition of the supply of public services monopoly, If "government contracts for rent" and "competitive bidding", the new public management, The main function of government is to serve the community, But this does not mean that all public services should be provided directly by the government. 政府应根据服务内容和性质的不同,采取相应的供给方式。According to the government services and the different nature of the corresponding supply mode. 如图所示:As shown : 市场状况/宪法职责模式Market status / mode of constitutional duties 附图Map 1、此项服务活动是由宪法明文规定的属政府职责范围之内,同时也没有其他竞争者,如国防,应由政府承担。1, the service activities by the Constitution provides that the government is within the scope of duties, while no other competitor, If defense, should be borne by the government. 2、虽属宪法规定的政府职责,但同时有其他竞争者的存在,即其他非政府部门也在从事此项活动,如医院,在这种情况下,政府并非一定要亲自提供此项服务,而大可通过招标、合同出租等形式,将其出租给其他公营或私营部门,政府只要对其绩效目标进行测定和评估,并提供相应的报酬,便不失为一种提高服务质量和效率的有效途径。2, although the Constitution stipulates the functions of government, but there are other competitors exist, in other words, the non-governmental sector are engaged in this activity, such as hospitals, in this case, The government is not obliged to provide such a service in person, and goes through the tender, the contract leasing, and other forms, will be rented to other public or private sector, government, as long as its performance targets and measured assessment, and provide corresponding remuneration, it is nevertheless a good quality of service and efficient and effective way. 这也就是《重塑政府》一书的作者奥斯本和盖布勒所说的政府应该“掌舵而不是划桨”。This is the "reinventing government", the author of a Osborne and Gaebler said the government should "steer and not the paddling." 3、宪法没有规定是政府的职责,而又存在着市场竞争者,如影视业,这时政府就完全可以不从事此项活动,而完全由私营部门承担。3, the Constitution does not provide is the duty of the government, the market and the existence of competitors, such as film and video industry, Then the government can not engage in this activity, and completely by the private sector. 4、宪法既没有规定是政府的职责,同时又没有或缺乏从事此项活动的竞争者,如高等院校,这时政府就应积极培育市场,鼓励人们参与此项活动,以提高此项服务的效率、质量和有效性。4, which is not provided for the constitution is the duty of the government, but also the absence or lack of this activity in the competitors As institutions of higher learning, then the government should actively develop the market and encourage people to participate in activities to enhance the service efficiency, quality and effectiveness. 需要说明的是,上述只是典型的四种公共服务类型,在现实中,It is important to point out, these are just typical four types of public services, in reality,

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公共关系是由英文“Public Relations”翻译而来的,即PR(公共关系)=P(自己行动)+R(被人认知)中文可译为“公共关系”,但不论是其字面意思还是其实际意思基本上都是一致的,都是指组织机构与公众环境之间的沟通与传播关系。关于公共关系的各种定义有很多,一般指一个社会组织用传播手段使自己与相关公众之间形成双向交流,使双方达到相互了解和相互适应的管理活动。这个定义反映了公共关系是一种传播活动,也是一种管理职能。









354 评论


  • 公共关系学危机公关论文

    公共关系指的是社会组织为了生存发展,通过传播沟通,塑造形象,平衡利益,协调关系,优化社会心理环境,影响公众的科学与艺术。 下文是我为大家整理的有关公共关系类论文

    锐客家族 3人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 公共关系学关系论文题目


    轻舞迷影 3人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • 公共关系教育论文

    公共关系学论文 在现实的学习、工作中,大家都跟论文打过交道吧,论文是进行各个学术领域研究和描述学术研究成果的一种说理文章。你知道论文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我整

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  • 毕业论文公共关系

    公共事业管理专业毕业论文参考 1.公共事业管理专业学生能力结构及其培养:学生的视角 2.影响大学毕业生创业的因素分析 3.高校在大学生创业过程中的作用 4.留守

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  • 公共关系论文结语

    体育与公共关系论文 导语:公共关系作为一种客现存在的社会关系和社会现象有其久远的历史,它对社会组织及其社会环境发挥着积极、独特的作用与影响,这种作用与影响不仅表

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