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首页 > 期刊论文 > 有关纳兰性德的毕业论文英文

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纳兰容若,出生满清贵胄,父亲明珠是康熙朝的权相,他年少就科举进第,二十二岁授进士。既是康熙爱重的贴身侍卫,却又被名重一时的江南名士们倾心接纳。他有才貌双全的红颜知己,有相敬如宾的如花美眷,可以说,他集天下可羡于一身,却在三十一岁时积郁成疾,只留下一卷如鱼饮水冷暖自知的词集《饮水集》。令人每每不忍卒读,被称为古之伤心之人 他的心性与环境的错位,爱情追逐之不可得,还有体弱多病的身子(19岁本来可以殿试但生病耽误)造就他忧郁的情怀人生若只如初见,你在岸这边,我在岸那边,若没有相遇,若没有回首,也许就没有错过,但这世间就少了一个让我们疼惜的容若。我最近读容若的诗词,为他遗憾,也为他的表妹,卢氏,沈宛

330 评论


纳兰性德如果照后人的眼光来看应属于浪漫诗人,但是如果就浪漫诗人的定义来看可能有点儿牵强。毕竟他没有李白的无极豪迈但也不是杜甫的悲悯现实。纳兰性德的忧伤都是属于他自己的情事。他是钟情的男子,是而今女孩的理想情人,但他只是诗词的浪漫,钟情的浪漫,却不是真真正正像李白那样可以藐视天地的无极之浪漫。他不是李白那样可以放开情爱,谁遇而安的浪漫诗人,也可以这样说,正是应为他放不开说以他才会写出如此忧伤的词。这个清朝第一大词人仅仅是流淌在他自己人生里的河流,从不见他决堤泛滥的去关心世界。个人见解!!以下是参考英文介绍:Nalan Xingde born in December 12 ( eleven shunzhi in January 19), 17, 18 TaiXue reading revenue ZhongJu, 22, was granted ancestral jinshi third-class guards after kangxi, second-class bodyguard, rise again rise for a bodyguard. He as dry palace guards, to the emperor, about squire extras, because talented, for the emperor valued, have word set the lateral cap set ", "water word" publication in the world. Kangxi twenty-four years May 30 (1685 years July 1) nalanxingde, at the age of 31 shortly. Nalanxingde 17 of LuXingZu with harry's governor, two married female Lou ShenDu, married three years emotional LuShi unfortunate death. Nalanxingde's renewal marry officer again. Third, the eldest son rich there nalanxingde out to inspect YanShi grid, the second in the Fulton out for LuShi, jahaziel for shen wan out fu sen. Its name sun haidai giuliano. Beiling dragon wall, on LAN yu xu, pearl, the beginning of the collar and assist by the academician courtyard after waitresses, guards Zhuo read, speak bachelor waitresses, and palm court ruler, bachelor does &industry ruler, turn right moved DouChaYuan &industry ruler, moved left, left all were ministers, still, the academician courtyard palm "benefit quit hall sets", "without set", "gap light pavilion miscellaneous weave", "general" after. Because made store issues to wrath, and be on xi was tasked with rumors shengchuan succoth. To ShenHouMing copies and toward the qing emperor qianlong, until further exiled in just able to restore. GengJuZhong yu Syria for the wife dunn daughters. GengJuZhong is one of qing dynasty "San Francisco" engraved three younger brother; 2001 Since the WangGeng jing south third metallocene. GengJuZhong marry the daughter of king AnJun YueLe bosoar soft jia princess with wife, born dunn. Because this relationship with dunn went up to vanquish palace, call. GengJuZhong for loyal to the qing dynasty, the San Francisco does not participate in "random", be added taizi young delinquent bit have a good ending. Abram for pearl, yu party for LiQinWang DaiShan third, his wife of zerah and kang prince JieShu bosoar eighth female, is for princess. 54 square forehead as shuofang attached (county with the horse), with hospitality and duke. Both husband and wife have 54 square died, the second son, stay AnZhao, yuan heep. : Life after kangxi are offered to 54 YongShou couples, and Syracuse, forever changed the blessing. LanYongShou in najaf sixteen sensitive, is gotten, guards based manchuria vice commander-in-chief, ruler, and GaiRen does right BingBu left YongShou marry are based ruler, containing too Mr. Han army vice commander-in-chief, o daughter of four women's, raw, one woman was done ShuFei of emperor qianlong calendar. LanYongFu and huang, the daughter of nine child acceptable to vanquish the married three NaWuFu manager,. He YueZhang huang nine children with the genetic relationship permits YunXi, acceptable, successively support seek the throne, four children in emperor became a firework, become yongzheng opponents for their evil, cashiered. After the ruler of revenue, until the qianlong shengjing for four years. LanZhan haidai on the Samson, officer for nalanxingde toward are red flag to qianlong full state deputy-governor commander-in-chief, prefect zhili TongZhi paper company commanders. And ZhuiZeng his father fogg Paul doctor is red flag for light, and with state deputy-governor commander-in-chief jin give light eloth prefect zhili total army officer dr TongZhi command. Its parent YanShi also LuShi, mothers with Mrs Yipin cursive "and". Because of the feudal barons, orchid family system and generation, and once a very officer who, through the blood, princes with qing dynasty abacheloralwayscease to constitute counless connection. Nalanxingde 54 herself and brother of Syracuse and son were extremely figg with intellect; Fathers sons minister by the rig, which also constitutes wenwu and the family lineage, is the epitome of feudal society, are quite typical significance.

245 评论


其实我们本不在一个时代,不应该这样评论的… 纳兰容若本身在康熙时代是一个很有名的才子 他的词风委婉,他在内心深处厌倦官场庸俗和侍从生活,无心功名利禄,诗词之中,多有伤感之意,虽是才子,但却因诗词的本意目光短浅,而并不为现代人所知。知其的,也只是对所谓“中国风”感兴趣的一些人罢了,因为每个人都需要一面镜子来看自己,来了解自己,纳兰容若就是这样一面镜子,有许多人会在他身上看到自己的影子……

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long (one-way water of a mountain range) Cai Sangzi. Frontier Wing snowflakes (like light love, not addiction) Cai Sangzi (It was wrong before Road) Hamamelidineae song (German maniac Health Nalanxingde life mere words - what if the wind had just painted fans sad but it's something people have changed people Michimoto-night semi-volatile Lishan language do not complain Jordan is always better to end it is not surprising that the day will Boxing rose Lang lives in the lap of generation of a pair of spring life painting, teaching two Reapproaching Saying Good each other no connections, whom spring day?Blue Bridge pulp easy to begging, hard drugs into sea the drink :'s visit to Oxford, relatively forgotten who read Westerly alone cooler whinny Mrs dredging window lights up the Chun liquor was scared to sleep heavy gambling sources have poured on the was only Ho Chuan-chun, shallow, red cover bicyclo complain, light rain Among the paintings idle, silent dark red tear gas to marketing light dreams reclining 714 Acacia think events are not empty words for recalling the time, though wire squid, Manting Butterfly to forget UNIFEM stated as tears pharyngeal more silent than to the past, to repent fickle build on Danqing important provincial consensus floats was sad painting not other language crucial clearly midnight 鹣 鹣 dream had early morning awakening Fuqing since had early morning awakening Avignon since dream even more sob drama before the roof on a rainy night Chu Qingping Le wind dialysis rain sideburns side is the face of prospective curl lean Yu begins to see refine easily Low Hong recent soft blown across the screens heart period, then every distant corner of the world since then for spring wounded another evening only Scenes Jianzimulanhua candle spend shaken Yu Shu said the state-cold is not thought, while Gumian not empty, a promise of heaven on earth hard to execute, and stability will only resistance from the also Crescent night makeup and put more defibrillators eyebrow A mirror be clear, and rain and stack two Star for the defensive admission was eventually night the Red Chamber, Heaven and Earth not meet language, lotus with incessant small red phoenix Alice only oblique slip dialysis will Dihuan directly to the people, condensate terrorism wishing v. Huai, knocking the hairpin turn back is so jigging machine Koganei, full red characters falling give him one, alas, the Eye's difficult to province, who then on condition Dengying profile.

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纳兰性德 纳兰性德生于顺治十一年十二月十二日(1655年1月19日),17岁入太学读书,18岁中举,22岁考取进士,被康熙授三等侍卫,以后升二等侍卫,再升为一等侍卫。他作为乾清宫侍卫,于皇帝左右,随侍扈従,由于才华出众,为皇上看重,有词集《侧帽集》、《饮水词》刊行于世。 康熙二十四年五月三十日(1685 年7月1日)纳兰性德病故,享年31岁。纳兰性德17岁时与两广总督卢兴祖之女卢 氏成婚,两人情感甚笃,婚后三年卢氏不幸亡故。纳兰性德又续娶官氏。 纳兰性德有三子,长子富格为侧室颜氏所出,次子富尔敦为卢氏所出,三子富森为沈宛出。其孙名瞻岱。北陵龙壁,纳兰揆叙,明珠次子,初为佐领、侍卫,后由翰林院侍读,侍讲学士擢掌院学士,兼礼部侍郎,迁工部右侍郎,转工部左侍郎,迁都察院左都御史,仍掌翰林院事,著有《益戒堂集》、《鸡肋集》、《隙光亭杂织》、《后识》。因为立储问题使康熙震怒,又被上疏以流言盛传遭责。至雍正朝其身后名份又进一步被贬,直至乾隆年才得以恢复。揆叙妻耿氏为耿聚忠之女。耿聚忠是清初“三藩”之一耿精忠三弟;靖南王耿继茂之三子。耿聚忠娶安郡王岳乐之女和硕柔嘉公主为妻,生耿氏。由于此种关系耿氏出入皇宫,上下以格格称呼。耿聚忠因忠于清王朝,未参与“三藩之乱”,被加太子太保衔得善终。纳兰揆方为明珠三子,其妻为礼亲王代善曾孙和硕康亲王杰书第八女,是为郡主。揆方作为和硕额附(郡马),其礼遇与公爵同。揆方夫妻双双相继而亡,留有二子:安昭、元普。后经康熙命均过继给揆叙夫妇,并改名永寿、永福。纳兰永寿于十六岁任佐领、侍卫,正黄旗满州副都统,礼部右侍郎,又改任兵部 左侍郎,永寿娶正黄旗汉军副都统含太公之女阿氏,生有四女,其一女后来做了乾隆弘历的舒妃。纳兰永福与皇九子允禟之女三格格成婚,官至内务府总管。他因与岳丈皇九子允禟的亲缘关系,先后支持允禧、允禵谋取皇位,结怨于皇四子胤禛,成为雍正的政敌,为其所恶,被革职。后任盛京户部侍郎,直至乾隆四年。纳兰瞻岱为纳兰性德之孙,官至乾隆朝正红旗满州副都统,提督直隶总兵都督同知。并追赠其父福格为光禄大夫正红旗满州副都统,又晋赠光禄大夫提督直隶总 兵官都督同知。其母卢氏,生母颜氏也“并诰赠一品夫人”。纳兰家族因封建贵族制度而世代为官,并一度位极人臣,通过血缘、婚配等与清王朝构成千丝万缕的联系。纳兰性德本人及胞弟揆叙和儿子福格均极具才学;父兄子弟所供职官亦文武兼俱,由此构成的家族世系,是封建上流社会的缩影,具有相当的典型意义。

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The long lovesickness (one mountain Cheng Shui Yi Cheng) gathers Sang Zi . Chant snowflake (be not that pass addiction loves light appearance) spirit Sang Zi on the stopper (say that inlaying gold wisp of wrong (morals grew an ear also crazily) at that time now just now). Clear lily magnolia word · Nalan sex is morals Life draws ordinary change but old fan popular feeling but says that old popular feeling is volatile if autumn wind is only sad if what thing to see for the first time Li Shan finishes speaking clear night half tears rain zero bells ends how about inconstant embroidered dress husband or lover not to blaming flying wing to wing including branch wish that very day One doubles, competes for painting hall spring lifetime generation teaching two getting along being overwhelmed with joy. Be lovesick taking a look at block of wood blind date each other, whose spring the day is? Thick fluid is begged for to blue bridge Yi, able blue sea of medicine is difficult to run. If containing each other visit drink Oxford , forget relatively poor. Whose thought west wind lets Silk-Washing Stream cool alone , sough yellow leaves shuts the sparse window. Meditate past events immediately the setting sun. Shy spring of Mo is slept to duplicate each other , the book gambling is disappeared such that splashing the tea incense by the liquor. Thought it was common at that time. Not close , red river biography spring resentment covers two ring , the drizzle spends room painting leisure , unclear wordless general tears of blood flicks a waning , the incense sells the light dream to return back Reclining on a painted screen thinking of past events all is not weeping willow silk spray assuming the lovesickness character for nothing recalling that time,full court butterfly son Gather Sang Zi Bai clothes the eye cuts off a usually fairly sparse lovesickness of biography book wild goose ruler let Zhu fence appoint the late knowledge of tiny year of cold month ? t West Point sideburns frost monarch returning to or not being injured more allowing intending to look like an old times each other Nanxiang is cast light on for son forgotting the woman problem The tear pharynx is more silent just fickle to regretted before rely on the heavy province of painting knowledge have a surplus of having a surplus of grieved painting a sheet of is not The clear language error mythical bird supposed to have only one eye and one wing at the midnight mythical bird supposed to have only one eye and one wing dream is not awake long ago offcial Nong weeps more from being awake long ago from the dream drama eve rain bell Peace and tranquility laughs because wind bun rain sideburns insist to be to come to have no to pear flower allowing close light air of tired low language incense easy to lean on the jade door screen looking at a lunar aureole to have blown over gauze for screening windows heart scheduled time just hurting the spring wound herefrom cutting in right in front of the dusk god of the earth across the end of the world The subtraction character magnolia snuff sways an image , the transparent sparse cold quilt is just just going to be awake. Wait for considering it , not allowing lonely ceaseless dormancy intestines. The boundless sky , immeasurably vast difference feeling one promise. Disturbance of the Milky Way difficult to lead to , to be able to bear surely I wishes the beginning is secondary. The late stage makeup and costume of crescent finishes wanting , the eyebrow faces mirror painting more with the towline. Allow waiting for clearly, preparing rain and cigarette not winning liang. Not teaching star replacing , keep to take reunion fulfiling eventually necessarily. This night is worried about like the red tower , the immeasurably vast difference. Meet by chance language , one Seremban do not write autumn rain. Minor dizzy blush , askew smooth bun heart god of the earth the phoenix curls up. Wait for fearing the person idea with calling feeling out low , straightening for curdling. Had just been going to tell the bosom deep and quiet , been rotated to return to a door screen knock jade hairpin. If dream order exactly is that the burton gold well , full step falling flower are red cool down. The load on slef's mind fluid glance is difficult to meet by chance suddenly once, stable. Whose province , whose province. Herefrom bamboo mat lines shadow.

316 评论


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