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Box ZLM50E gearbox design and finite element analysis Abstract: ZLM50E transmission in China in recent years the use of relatively broad. This gearbox for ZLM50E-loader, and through the advance and retreat third gear third gear for the loader to provide the necessary road speed. Box is designed to be an essential part of the gearbox. Although such operation in the box on the more mature, but still there are flaws in the design. For example, too much stress on the box, leading to box and use the life expectancy of lower performance. With finite element analysis of maturing, it has penetrated into all fields, so we can use finite element analysis to improve the box and found the design flaws, and optimize the box. Among the specific work as follows: 1. ZLM50E gearbox familiar with the structure, Analysis and load the relevant calculation. 2. Box 3-D modeling. 3. Finite element analysis of the box. 4. Optimization of the proposed cabinet. Key words: ZLM50E gearbox finite element analysis loader Converter

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My good!!

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  • 有限元分析论文参考文献

    《清华大学有限元分析及应用》百度网盘资源免费下载 链接: 清华大学 有限元分析及应用|教材和目录.txt|84. Video I-8.mp4|83. Vide

    qiuchi0808 2人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • 关于有限元分析的论文

    Box ZLM50E gearbox design and finite element analysis Abstract: ZLM50E transmiss

    散光女王 3人参与回答 2023-12-12
  • 有限元分析论文盲审要模型嘛


    默默茶叶 3人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 有限元分析论文作业

    有限元分析(FEA,Finite Element Analysis)利用数学近似的方法对真实物理系统(几何和载荷工况)进行模拟。利用简单而又相互作用的元素(即单

    就是爱你一下 3人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 有限元分析论文查重


    城阳高升移门 8人参与回答 2023-12-05