The level of recycling of construction waste in China today is relatively low. As a consequence, resource wastage and environmental pollution occured. This paper discusses, in detail, the categories, composition and sources of the construction waste. This paper offers insights on both the current state, and the future trend of construction waste recycling in China at both policy-making and technological levels. The aim of the paper is to illustrate the importance and the dire necessity of the nation-wide adaptation of of the "resourcing" of construction waste. By exploring the methods used in "resourcing" both within China and overseas (with waste wood chips and cement as examples), we propose a few feasible suggestions. Via an analytical methodology, including rigorous examination of the estimations of the amount of construction waste produced, we establish several applicable ranges of the various methods of estimation. Based on the analysis of the relationship between quantity of construction waste, and other contributing factors, we propose a formula which forecasts the amount of production based on data input. 我修改了一下几个句子的顺序。专业名词你可能还得校正一下哦:)
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At present the domestic construction trash converting into resources use's proportion is relatively low, is creating the resources waste simultaneously also the pollution of the environment. This article discussed the construction trash concrete classification and the composition, has analyzed the construction trash composition and has the reason. Summarized the domestic and foreign construction trash converting into resources present situation from the policies and regulations and the processing technology two aspects, and analyzes its trend of development, had expounded our country carries out construction trash converting into resources the importance and the necessity. Introduced some domestic and foreign construction trash converting into resources processing method. Question which exists in view of the construction trash use, put forward some feasible proposals. Summarizes through the induction, carries on the analysis to each building trash output estimate method, proposed that each kind of estimate method's applicable scope, was the construction trash output estimate has provided a more thorough analysis and the basis. To the construction trash output and in its influencing factor's relationship analysis's foundation, proposes the use immediate data forecast output computation relationship. Introduced that the domestic and foreign each building trash converting into resources way, carries on the detailed elaboration take the waste wood and the waste concretes as the example. key word: Construction trash; Using; Converting into resources; Processing method; Way
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