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首页 > 期刊论文 > 英语广告的论文开题报告

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2、语义双关语义双关是利用某个词语的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关,在字面上只有一个词语,而实际上同时关顾着两种不同的意义,言在此而意在彼,从而造成一种含蓄,深沉委婉,耐人寻味的意境,增强了语言的表达效果。[3](66)这种双关与谐音双关有异曲同工之妙,在广告中也得到广泛运用。(4) Fresh up with 7-up.译文:君饮七喜,提神醒脑。这是美国七喜汽水的广告。“7”在西方国家是个吉祥的数字,赌博时掷色子的“7”者为赢,Up指“come up with”(突然想到)也有“活泼向上,使人清醒”的意思,同时7-up又是饮料的商标,整个广告读起来铿锵有力,富有节奏性,且具感召力让人一目了然。因此,代表积极向上的7-up的饮料在西方市场极为畅销。(5) You need the strongest line of defense against gum diseases.译文:用最坚固的牙线,筑起牙龈疾病最坚固的防线。这是美国强生公司的牙线广告。众所周知,使用牙线是为了保持口腔清洁,从而起到预防蛀牙的危险,广告正是从这一点出发,广告语中使用的“line”一语双关,既指“清洁牙齿的牙线”,又指“预防牙病的防线”,这使消费者一目了然。而且广告具有鼓动性,广告用语极尽夸张,即使用本产品就可“筑起牙龈疾病最坚固的防线”从而达到广告宣传的目的。(6) Different countries. Different languages. Different customs. One level of comfort worldwide.译文:不同的国家。不同的语言。不同的风俗习惯(海关)。舒适一流,畅游世界。这是一则航空广告。“customs”既有风俗习惯之意,又有海关的意思。在此广告中,航空公司打出了无论来自哪个国家,说什么语言,有什么样的风俗习惯都会让你感受到专业贴心的服务。But 2, the semanteme equivoque righteousness word or phrase with double meaning is tomake use of the word or phrase with double meaning that some's terms polysemy forms underspecially appointed environment, before character only have a terms on the surface, the pass istaking care of the significance different two kinds in fact at the same time, word here butintention is in that , bring about thereby one kind has been implicit , tactful , affording food tothought deep artistic conception, has strengthened language's to express effect. [3] (66) thiswords or phrases with double meaning and harmonic tone words or phrases with double meaning haveachieving the same goal with different means that is wonderful , also find broad application inadvertisement. (4) Fresh up with 7-up. Translation: You drink Seven-Up , refresh self being awakebrain. This is USA Seven-Up soft drink advertisement. "7" is a lucky figure to the west country ,"7" person who throws dice when gambling is to win , Up points to "the come up with " (think ofsuddenly) can't have "lively make progress, make sober " meaning of person, 7-up is the drink brandat the same time , entire advertisement reads be sonorous and forceful , rich rhythm , utensilappeal lets person be clear at a glance and. 7-up's drink making progress therefore , on behalf ofactively sells well extremely in west marketplace. (5) You need the strongest line of defenseagainst gum diseases. Translation: With the firmest dental floss,build the firmest gum disease lineof defense. This is USA Johnson & Johnson dental floss advertisement. It is known to all thatusing a dental floss is clean for keeping an oral cavity, get up thereby to in advancetooth-decay-preventing danger, advertisement exactly is to set off from this one point , the "line"that advertisement uses in language means more than the word tells, now that pointing to "dentalfloss of clean tooth", point to "the line of defense , preventing a tooth from falling ill" thismakes a consumer be clear at a glance. And advertisement has instigate , the advertisement termuses up hyperbole extremely, be that "the firmest line of defense achieves advertisement propagatespurpose thereby use this product to may build the gum disease" right away. (6) Differentcountries. Different languages. Different customs. One level of comfort worldwide. Translation:Different country. Different language. Different customs and habits (customhouse). Comfort isfirst-rate , has a good swim in the world. This is one items of aviation advertisement. Now that"customs" having intention of customs and habits, meaning having customhouse. Middle , airways haveshown here advertisement disregarding which country , what to say language to coming from , whatto customs and habits city having let you experience intimate service of special field.

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浅析格赖斯合作原则理论在商业英语广告中的应用 全文加七四五六九零四六零摘要:在广告英语的使用中,广告是广告主和消费者之间一种特殊的交际活动。广告主通过公开、有意的违反合作原则,使广告语言新颖独特。让消费者能够意识到这一违反,并根据字面意义推导出隐含意义,使之产生兴趣,刺激其消费的欲望,而后付诸行动,最终达到的目的。 (共1页)

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