在一些合法专业机构内部挑选吧 问问导师也可以比如艾德思
您好,意得辑对新客户都有新客折扣,针对字数多的稿件我们也有特殊折扣价,每月也会推出各式不同优惠活动,欢迎百度"意得辑",到官网咨询客服,给您最优惠的价格。意得辑editage 成立于2002年5月,主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务。已协助全球 34 万名科研作者, 编辑 106 万份论文稿件, 目前在英国、美国、中国、日本、韩国等地均设有办公室, 我们提供论文英文润色、翻译、投稿指导等服务, 协助您顺利发表国际期刊。欢迎百度"意得辑",到官网咨询客服,给您最优惠的价格与可信赖的品质。
原始网址: 一般来说,科学论文可以分为综述论文(review paper)和实证研究论文(research paper)。这两种类型都可以作为深入了解特定科学研究领域的极好来源。然而,这些论文密集,并且包括一些可能令人生畏的术语。如果你有耐心,并有条不紊地研究论文,你将能够理解呈现的研究,并将其纳入你自己的工作中。[1] 1、确定论文是综述论文。 综述论文总结了许多其他论文的数据和结论,为您提供特定主题或领域的概述。 通常,您会在论文的标题或摘要中看到“综述(review)”一词。[2] a. 如果你不熟悉某个特定领域,一篇综述文章(review paper)可以让你更好地理解。综述论文还可以帮助你确定你需要阅读的经验性论文 (research paper),或将其作为你自己工作的来源。 2、确定论文是叙述性综述还是系统性综述。 叙述性综述通常更容易阅读,并提供对特定学术领域或研究领域的广泛概述。 系统综述更详细,可以评估所综述的论文的方法和数据。 [3] a. 作者通常在论文的标题或摘要中说明综述的类型。系统评论在医学研究中最为常见。 3、通读论文的摘要和介绍。 摘要是综述论文的总结,包括提出的问题和论文作者找到的答案。 引言解释了作者选择进行综述的原因。 [4] a. 在阅读了摘要和导言之后,如果你认为这篇论文与你的兴趣无关,就没有必要再阅读了。 4、批判性地评估综述的设计。 一个系统的综述结合了几个不同研究的结果,以产生对研究领域更全面的理解。然而,只有当综述包括使用相同方法的已发表和未发表研究时,这才有效。 a. 在某些研究领域,已发表研究的结果与未发表研究的结果不同。 仅包括已发表研究的综述并不能呈现该领域研究状态的全貌。b. 一些综述论文可能会考虑不同类型的研究,特别是在尚未完成大量研究的新兴研究领域。 5、跳转到论文的结果部分。 首先阅读结果部分可以让你在阅读论文的其余部分时知道要寻找什么。一旦你知道作者的结论,你就可以专注于支持这一结论的研究中的数据。[5] a. 结果部分应该有逻辑地组织并且相对容易让您遵循。 它还通常包括作者综述的任何给定类型研究数量的摘要。 6、仔细分析综述的方法。 对于综述论文,方法学部分将讨论如何选择研究内容纳入综述。这包括综述作者使用的标准,以及他们搜寻的研究数据来源。[6] a. 作者通常会讨论他们用来确定一项研究是否应包括在他们的综述中的标准。 想想这些标准是否给综述带来了一些偏见。b. 方法论还包括综述作者如何综合综述研究结果的描述。 通过综合,该综述得出了一个新的(通常是更广泛的)结论,而不是所综述的任何单个研究。 [7] 7、研究呈现的合成数据图形。 一篇系统性的综述论文利用被称为“森林图(forest plots)”的图表来评估综述中所有研究的所有结果。一旦你知道如何解释它们,你可能会发现森林图比其他统计图更容易阅读。[8] a. 水平方向是综述所分析的条件或实验方法。 纵轴表示没有效果。 在该轴的左侧,将根据其结果的极限程度绘制得出结论有效的研究。 在轴的右侧,绘制了有利于控制而不是实验或干预的研究。b. 通过大多数综述,您应该能够一眼看出大多数研究是否支持实验或干预。 密切的研究森林图: 除基本图外,森林图还包括大量其他信息,包括所综述研究的作者姓名、每项综述研究进行或发表的年份,以及每项研究中实验组和对照组的患者数量。 8、从头到尾把这篇论文翻一遍。 现在,您已经对该综述及其方法有了深刻的理解,您将能够更好地理解本文的其余部分。积极阅读,边走边记笔记。记下你可能想自己阅读的综述中包含的个人实证论文。[9] a. 如果您看到任何您不理解的内容,请突出显示或记下。 您可以稍后在线查找,或查看科学词典。b. 在阅读时做笔记可以帮助您在以后自己的写作中转述论文中的信息,而不必担心抄袭原始来源。 1.↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 9.↑
1.Enago:这是一家专业的学术论文翻译和润色服务公司,服务范围包括SCI论文翻译和润色、学位论文翻译和润色、期刊投稿准备等,有着丰富的经验和专业的团队。2.Editage:这是一家专业的学术出版服务公司,提供SCI论文翻译和润色、学位论文翻译和润色、期刊投稿准备等服务。他们有专业的团队,能够为客户提供高质量的服务。3.Wiley Editing Services:这是Wiley出版公司旗下的学术论文翻译和润色服务品牌,提供SCI论文翻译和润色、学位论文翻译和润色、期刊投稿准备等服务。他们有专业的团队,能够为客户提供高质量的服务。当您选择机构时,可以考虑机构的专业性、服务质量、价格和客户评价等因素,以及是否有合适的语言专业人员来完成您的翻译和润色任务。
在一些合法专业机构内部挑选吧 问问导师也可以比如艾德思
1.Enago:这是一家专业的学术论文翻译和润色服务公司,服务范围包括SCI论文翻译和润色、学位论文翻译和润色、期刊投稿准备等,有着丰富的经验和专业的团队。2.Editage:这是一家专业的学术出版服务公司,提供SCI论文翻译和润色、学位论文翻译和润色、期刊投稿准备等服务。他们有专业的团队,能够为客户提供高质量的服务。3.Wiley Editing Services:这是Wiley出版公司旗下的学术论文翻译和润色服务品牌,提供SCI论文翻译和润色、学位论文翻译和润色、期刊投稿准备等服务。他们有专业的团队,能够为客户提供高质量的服务。当您选择机构时,可以考虑机构的专业性、服务质量、价格和客户评价等因素,以及是否有合适的语言专业人员来完成您的翻译和润色任务。
一、英语语言学毕业论文题目: 1、中西语言方式对比 2、 词汇学 3、 近代英语语言的衍变 二、 英语语言学课程由三个知识模块组成:理论启蒙、基础理论、研究方法。理论启蒙模块内容涉及英语的词汇知识、语音知识、语法知识、修辞知识、语体知识
英语专业翻译方向毕业论文选题参考:地方名胜古迹汉译英探析语境在翻译中的作用商标的翻译广告语言的翻译论英汉互译中的语义等值问题中西文化差异与不可译性英汉谚语的理解和翻译浅谈颜色词在英语中的翻译英语比喻性词语中文化内涵及翻译英语意义否定表现法及其汉译浅谈新闻标题的翻译伟大的翻译家严复英语长句汉译简评《简•爱》的几种汉译本英语专业本科论文所涉及的专业方向 (一)英语语言习得理论研究 该方向着重研究英语语言学及语言习得的相关理论与实践,可着重讨论某一种语言现象产生的原因及具体表现或某一语言理论在实际生活、教学中的运用。学生可以进行:1.英语修辞研究;2.文体研究;3.英汉比较研究;4.各类语体研究;5.语法研究;6.词汇研究等。 (二)教学理论与教学法该方向主要研究英语教学的理论与实践以及相关的教学指导原则和具体的方法,选题应着重探讨英语教学的方法,可具体到某一课程的教学理念、策略和方法的应用及效度,现代教育技术在英语教学中的应用与探索。学生可以进行:1.英语学习策略研究;2.英语学习焦虑研究;3.英语测试研究;4.英语教学法研究;5.英语教学策略研究;6.计算机辅助英语教学研究等。 (三)商务英语文本研究该方向着重研究商务英语文本文体,语言特点及相关的翻译实践问题。学生可以进行:1.商务英语语言特征研究;2.商务英语文体研究;3.商务英语翻译理论研究;4.商务英语翻译时间探讨;5.商务英语翻译标准探讨等。 (四)翻译理论与实践该方向着重研究英汉互译过程中的口、笔译理论、翻译标准、原则、方法及技巧。论文选题可选择评论赏析某一翻译家或某一本(篇)著名的译作,或论述某一种翻译理论的技巧在实践中的运用,也可讨论某一翻译现象中所反映的文化内涵。学生可以进行:1.翻译理论研究;2.翻译家研究;3.翻译史研究;4.文学翻译研究;5.非文学翻译研究;6.翻译过程研究;7.翻译批评研究;8.翻译的接受与影响研究;9.翻译教学研究;10.翻译标准研究;11.典籍翻译研究等。 (五)英美人文与历史研究 该方向主要研究英美国家的社会、文化、人文、历史各个方面的具体内容,既可宏观也可微观地研究或比较英美国家的某一历史阶段的社会问题或文化现象或评论某一历史事件或历史人物,或跨文化交际方面的相关内容。学生可以进行:1.英美社会制度、社会问题研究;2.英美历史问题、历史人物研究;3.英美文化现象研究;4.西方宗教研究;5.西方影视作品研究;6.跨文化交际研究等。 (六)英美文学研究该方向主要研究英美文学史及各时期的文学流派,作家,作品的文体与写作风格。论文可选择做某一文学理论或作家作品的分析、评论,比较中西文学作品或作家,分析作品中的主题或人物角色。学生可以进行:1.文学流派研究;2.作家研究;3.作品评论或分析;4.文学批评理论研究;5.中西文学作品的比较研究等。
The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no lessa magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy. A man does what he must in spite of personal consequences,in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures and that is the basis of all human morality.
To be courageous…requires no exceptional qualifications,no magic formula,no special combination of time,place and circumstance.It is an opportunity that sooner or later is presented to us all. Politics merely furnishes one arena which imposes special tests of courage.In whatever arena of life one may meet the challengeof courage,whatever may be the sacrifices he faces if he follows his conscience,the loss of his friends,his fortune,his contentment, even the esteem of his fellow men,each man must decide for himself the course he will follow. The stories of past courage can define that ingredient,they can teach,they can offer hope,they can provide inspiration.But they cannot supply courage itself. For this each man must look into his own soul.
If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong ora clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and allknowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I amnothing. If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, butdo not have love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does notinsist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, butrejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they willcease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophesyonly in part; but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. When I was a child,I thought like a child; when I became and adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see inmirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully,even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and thegreatest of these is love.
Now as to the matter of lying. You want to be very careful about lying, otherwise you are nearlysure to get caught, once caught, you can never again be, in the eyes of the pure and the good,what you were before.Many a young person has injured himself permenently throuth a singleclumsy and ill-finished lie, the result of carelessness born of incomplete training. Someauthorities hold that the young ought not to lie at all. That, of course, is putting it ratherstronger than necessary. Still, while I can't go quite so far as that, I do maintain, and I believe Iam right, that the young ought to be temperate in the use of this great art until practice andexperience shall give them that confidence, elegance, precision which alone make theaccomplishment graceful and profitable. Patience, diligence, painstaking attention to detail- these are the requirments. These, in time ,will make the student perfect. Upon these, andupon these only, mayhe rely as the sure foundation for future eminence.
Think what tedious years of study, thought, practice, and experience ,went to the equipmentof the peerless old master who was able to impose upon the whole world with the lofty andsounding maxim that "Truth is mighty and will prevail."- The most majestic compoundfeature of fact which any of woman born has yet achieved.
For the history of our race and every individual's experience, are sown thick with evidence thata truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal. There is in Bostain a monument ofthe man who discover the anesthesia. Many people are aware, in these later days, that he didn'tdiscover it at all, but stole the discovery from another man. Is the truth mighty, and will itprevail? No, My hearers, the monument is made of hard materials, but the lie it tells will outlasta millon years. An awkward, feeble, leaky lie is a thing which you ought to make it yourunceasing study to avoid. Why, you might as well tell the truth at once and be done with it.
Today, it is worth celebrating this festival. On Christmas day, of course, we can not live without Santa Claus and Christmas presents. I think Christmas is a holiday for children. Today, children will "carnival". They will go out to travel, to play.
I like Christmas hat, it is red. Every Christmas will be present in it. There is also a stealth, of course, is happy. Only today happy, can be blessed.
Today, I want to receive a Christmas gift, of course, is a teddy bear and a Santa Claus, I like it very much. This desire, I realized. Mother bought me. She saw through my heart.
I also want to send each of children welfare orphanage a Santa, but it can only be achieved after I grow up.
This afternoon, we went to the supermarket. The door had the Santa Claus in candy, of course, is that people play. Go to the supermarket, there is a high Christmas tree, hung above the bells, a flash, etc. With card, of course, is a blessing to people.
Is worth celebrating this day, Christmas day is to cheer!
I like green, because I see green you can think of the endless prairie, here in the green grass was full of all kinds of flowers, beautiful! Standing on the grassland, looked up to see blue sky, there are tens of thousands of white clouds in the sky, like a lovely cotton candy, cows and sheep are grazing grassland, there are horses in the running on the grass.
Green represents health, make people for life is full of vitality and hope. Rose up in the morning, looking at the distant green, eyes will become more bright; Green grass will make cows and sheep have become more strong. The green grass and trees, flowers, can make the air more fresh; Dense forest to animals brought a beautiful and happy home; From a distance, a rolling tall green mountain, budao edge of the mountain is linked together with day, like a picture.
Green is the standard of health, green can beautify the environment, we should jointly building a green, green protection, protect the environment. Let the world become more beautiful.
Everyone has the responsibility of protecting the environment, the environment to our life have a close relationship, throw rubbish casually, spitting, throw waste batteries, these small things will pollute the environment.
Usually it is not hard to see on the way people throwing rubbish and spitting everywhere. They throw a garbage, face is the feeling of guilt, they don't know a group of waste paper, throwing a plastic packaging will pollute the environment; They don't know what cleaners are, how much effort to clean the ground, was one of their small garbage. They don't know what they unconsciously spit out phlegm can make a lot of people have a cold, and those people don't know, is the ground of sputum for their disease. Now everyone knows the forest area is greatly reduced, yeah! That is so disorderly cut down trees, people killed animals living environment. Without the protection of the forest will make dust storms ruined city, dust storms have left many people were killed. The usual thick forest became desolate desert.
Although there are a lot of people pollute the environment, but also have to protect the environment.
Since the people began to advocate environmental protection, green. Our schools are beginning to have a batch of volunteers, small to primary school, to university. The middle-aged and elderly people also have to attend. They protect the environment, advocate environmental protection shopping bags, don't use plastic bags, because he is hard to break down; Don't throw battery anywhere, please put them in the village of professional recycling station; Don't open car, please try to walk or by bus. Leading everyone doesn't want to cut down a tree, they take the lead in planting trees, make the air more pure and fresh, to build forest construction of animal house. The leadership don't spit, they clean the ground, let us live in a clean, comfortable environment. They believe that their homes will be more beautiful.
"Everyone needs to help protect the environment," from now on, from now on, let us act, environmental protection, environmental protection, make the city more beautiful tomorrow.