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Unit 1 Friendshi

Unit 2 Education

Unit 3 Traveling

Unit 4 Virtues

Unit 5 Life

Unit 6 Globalisation

Unit 7 Transportation

Unit 8 Economy


Pppendix Maritime Vocabulary


《新视野大学英语读写教程 2 (智慧版 第三版)/“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材》吸收先进外语教学理念,融合优质国际教育资源,选取富有时代气息、体现国际视野的教学材料,经过科学严谨的设计编排,构建线上与线下结合的创新型、立体化教学体系,为新时代的大学英语教学提供丰富资源和有力保障。

《新视野大学英语:读写教程2》特色:本教材是国务院批准的教育部“面向21世纪振兴行动计划”的重点工程“新世纪网络课程建设工程”项目之一。郑树棠教授为项目总责任人和教材总主编,全国十几所重点院校的专家教授参加编写,胡文仲等国内外专家为顾问。教材编写以人为本,以教学为中心,以《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》为指导,以教学手段的改革为思路,以质量为保证,以特色求发展,以上一个新台阶为目标,积极应对高教大发展、教育国际化带来的新挑战。教材编写严谨,体现了高度的科学性、合理性和实用性。充分考虑了外语教学的主、客体需求,积极进行教学手段的改革,顺应全球信息化的趋势。选材注重信息性、趣味性和前瞻性,题材广泛,内容丰富,涉及文化习俗、伦理道德、信息技术、科学教育、社会焦点等各个方面。同步提供课本(Textbook)、光盘(CD-ROM)与网络课程(Online Course)三种不同载体,多层次、多渠道服务于大学英语的教与学。同步提供每级教材的试题库与测试工具,提供试题选择和增删功能,既支持传统课堂测试也支持无纸化测试。网络课程中设计和制作了规模庞大的语料库,既为学科建设的持续发展提供基础,也为大学英语教师从事理论学习和研究提供方便。





3. 1.confidence 2.explore 3emerged 4assume 5pose 6comprehensive 7resources 8yield 9inherited 10transmit

4 uncover uneasy unload applicant resistant accountant assist simplify notify qualify classify

5 1classified 2assist 3resistant 4uncovered 5uneasy 6qualify 7unloading 8applicants 9simplified 10accountant 11notified

6 D H A B M F O I G J

7 1get by 2make the most of 3in advance 4over time 5reap the benefits of 6all at time 7remind of 8stand a chance of 9open the door to 10take pleasure in


5 1stimulate 2potential 3cultivate 4instinct 5confident 6assured 7curiosity 8participate 9approach 10capacity

6 1into 2like 3to 4up 5to 6up 7off 8in



3 1awaits 2efficiency 3donation 4polished 5stuffed 6historical 7emotional 8embarrassed 9dump 10curb

7 1made it 2After all 3strip off 4with open arms 5throw away 6straighten up 7keep back 8free of


4 1awkward 2stretch 3overtaking 4delicate 5anticipate 6immense 7reluctance 8suspicious 9complain 10melted

5 1out 2for 3with 4in 5in 6down 7to 8aboard



3 1competitive 2transform 3typical 4response 5adopted 6focused 7compensate 8analyze 9regulate 10estimate

7 1fired off 2keep up with 3set up 4account for 5stand out 6add to 7take the lead 8at a disadvantage 9in large part 10visit with


4 1concerned 2release 3positive 4ceased 5enable 6decline 7scheduled 8essential 9neglect 10arouse

5 1of 2to 3with 4of 5from 6but 7to 8for

Section AVocabularyIII.1.mutual 2.illusion 3.canceled 4.overlooked 5.proceeded 6.resolve 7.prejudice 8.compromise 9.confirm 10.subsequentlyIV.1.having nothing to do with 2.taking care of 3.met with 4.on the surface5.work out 6.incompatible with 7.ups and downs 8.learned of9.indication of 10.all alongV.1.M 2.L 3.F 4.D 5.H 6.O 7.A 8.C 9.I 10.KWord BuildingVI.1.shopping 2.feeling 3.storage 4.cooking 5.ending 6.beginning 7.gathering 8.removal 9.arrival 10.passage 11.writing 12.marriage VII.1.relationship 2.citizenship 3.leadership 4.membership 5.boyhood 6.livelihood7.brotherhood 8.authorship 9.adulthood 10.neighborhood 11.wisdom 12.ownershipSentence structure VIII.1.It is never too bad for us to do something about the situation.2.One is never too old to learn.3.It is never too late for you to put a stop to this madness.4.It is never too late for you to mend your ways.5.His income was never too small to support his family.IX.1.My best friend,Anna,was here last night.2.The company manager,Mr. Madison,gathered his staff and announced the decision.3.You should have seen an ophthalmologist, an eye doctor.4.He sent for the accountant,the most experienced person in accounting.5."Leave it to me," said David,the man on night duty.TranslationX.1.You are never too experienced to learn new techniques.2.There remains one problem,namely,who should be sent to head the research there.3.Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences.4.Though he has had ups and downs,I believed all along that he would succeed someday.5.I have some reservations about the truth of your claim.6.She isn't particularly tall,but her slim figure gives an illusion of height.XI.1.应尽早告知年轻人:必须认真对待法律.2.他现在面临一个重要决定,这个决定可能会影响他的整个前程.3.即使在情况最糟糕的时候,你也必须保持镇静和信心.4.人际关系的成功与否与双方相处是否融洽以及交流是否顺畅有很大关系.5.他受到袭击,身受重伤,随后不治而亡.6.他的举止至少在表面上像个正常人。ClozeXII.1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.D Section BReading skillsI.1. F 2.F 3.O 4.F 5.O 6.O 7.O 8.F 9.O 10.FComprehension of the TextII.1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.DVocabularyIII.1.arrange 2.criticism 3.innocent 4.criticizing 5.miserable 6.modest 7.compelled 8.somehow 9.anticipate 10.birlliantIV.1.on 2.from...to 3.off 4.with 5.away 6.about 7.over 8.On 9.Concerning 10.toSection B.XV.1.B2.A3.B4.C5.B6.B7.A8.BXVI1. anticipate2. brilliant3. ingredient4. dialect5. somehow6. bubbled7. compelled8. diplomaticXVII1.on2.from to 3.off4with5.towards/ with6.concerning /about7.over8.on

Do not put off until tomorrow the good you can do today. There are so many people who missed out on good opportunities are everywhere, and when it is too late, they regret missing their chance to have been of service. Saying "tomorrow" may just once instead of doing some good may lead to a habit of saying""tomorrow", and tomorrow may never come. One delay is followed by another, and matters get out of hand quickly, even attempts are made to correct them. Therefore, we must take things on as soon as we see them. This is the secret to progress and success.One good deed can awaken us to new and greater opportunities to help people around us, and thus, make our life richer. One good turn lead to another, and thus, the good is made larger. Once something great has been achieved, we are free to set our sights on the next opportunity to help that arise. Each new opportunity may be bigger and bigger than the last. And so, I urge you to use all your your efforts to dowhat good you can today instead oftomorrow . Do not spend your time with things that are neither good nor valuable. This will save you from mistakes. IF you are given a task that you do not believe is helpful, delay it. Time will wash it away for you. At the same time, the beginnings of something positive will have built up. Do it at once! A kind word, or a service to others is never a waste of your time, and youwill reap the benefit of doing good and enjoy peace of mind.


Unit 7Section A. A Rose IS a RosePart II, p. 1891. “Red roses say ‘I love you’,” says Gerald Hager.2. They help those people save money.3. Some are dressed in work clothes, and some in expensive suits and overcoats.4. By holding prices down through controlling every link in the rose chain.5. Because of severe foreign competition.6. The trend is that imported roses are sold across the entire breadth of the industry, from big flower shops to street-corner stands.7. They are trying to work with their overseas rivals instead of fighting them.8. A recent frost killed 25% of Colombia’s rose crop and consequently U.S. rose growers had the good luck to make a lot more money on this Valentine’s Day as there was less competition from overseas rivals.Part Ⅲ, p. 1891. circulates2. distributes3. released4. margin5. launched6. discount7. chased8. bankrupt. Part Ⅳ, p. 1901. go out of style 2. Opinions ranged from … to 3. have left over4. hold down5. go down6. looks like raining7. offered to8. nothing butPart Ⅴ, p. 1901. power2. excitement3. heat4. jobs5. profits6. energy7. electricity8. productionPart VI, p. 1911. seaward: going towards the sea2. backward: directed towards the back, the beginning, or the past; returning; behind in development3. earthward: towards the earth4. outward: towards the outside; away; of the outside, appearing to be true but perhaps not really true5. southward: going towards the south6. upward: going up; increasing, getting higher7. homeward: going towards home8. inward: moving towards the inside; (placed) on the inside; of the mind or spirit Part VII, p. 1911. interchangeable2. intermingle3. interconnected4. interdependent5. interplay6. intermarriage7. interpersonal8. interactive.Part VIII, p. 1921. looked as if she had been through some terrible famine 2. as if it was his birthday 3. as if she knew me 4. as if they spent a fortune 5. as if I were mad Part Ⅸ, p. 1921. I passed him a large glass of whisky, which he drank immediately.2. Last year, some farmers in the village raised chickens and ducks, which grew very well. 3. Yesterday Tom went to a birthday party, which was held by Lucy’s parents for Lucy’s 15th birthday.4. The whole evening Amy was talking about her latest book, of which none of the people present had ever heard.5. The small man in the raincoat, whom nobody recognized, turned out to be Olivia’s first husband. Part Ⅹ, p. 1921. Valentine’s day is the biggest day for the nation’s rose industry, as on this day the rose retailers will sell more than one million roses.2. As for traditional flower shops, selling roses is no longer such a beautiful experience as before, because intense market competition has chased them almost out of business.3. While discount rose retailers watch their business bloom, U.S. rose growers are going bankrupt as large amounts of foreign roses get into American markets. 4. As the imported roses account for 57% of the total American markets, the profit margin of the domestic rose growers has dropped substantially.5. Some smart domestic rose growers have begun to work with the overseas rivals, instead of fighting them. 6. They are going to widen their business range through providing various kinds of service and becoming a representative for overseas flower producers.7. Holding a bundle of roses in his hand, the young man walked into the office and put it on the desk of Lily, the girl he had long been in love with.8. All the people in the office craned their necks to see this handsome young man and were eager to know the love story between the boy and the girl.Part XI, p. 1931. 红玫瑰将永远是最流行的花儿,因为爱情永不过时。2. 有些顾客说,上乘的玫瑰让他们看上去象是花了大价钱。3. 如果我们能用35美元,而不是65美元,就使别人的一天充满光彩,那他们就可以省下足够的钱去买糖果和吃晚餐了。4. 该公司成功的诀窍是控制好玫瑰销售的每一个环节,以降低价格。5. 就在折价玫瑰花店生意兴隆的同时,美国的玫瑰种植商却在残酷的外来竞争中濒临破产。6. 进口玫瑰遍及该行业的各个角落,从大花店到街头小摊都有出售。7. 大量的进口玫瑰已经挤垮了国内一些种植商。8. 所有这些变化使得玫瑰行业的一些人很怀念过去的好日子,那时附近的花店每个情人节都会安排送花。Section B. The ChunnelXVI. 1. by land2. excluded from3. later than the planned time4. emotional attachment to5. defeat6. stimulating Mitterrand to joke7. the people from the company8. pessimisticPart XVII, p. 2071. conquered2. equivalent3. excluded4. bore5. accused6. punctual7. creeping8. approximatePart XVIII, p. 2071. As soon as he entered the office, the director asked his secretary if the general manager’s train was behind schedule2. Women are excluded from the temple.3. North Atlantic Treaty Organization is NATO for short.4. He has a lot in common with his sister Kate.5. The use of typewriters in offices is dying out.6. The building where my department is located goes back to the 19th century.7. By far the most important issue for them is unemployment.8. Given his poor health, he’s done a good job.



我也是网上查到的,语病很多,你自己改一下语序。 从流行文化与日本,韩国以及北美乐活的强大影响力,肯定是在一个大的冲击,台湾的海岸。 One can find magazines, department store ads and even store brands using LOHAS as their main branding and marketing campaign.人们可以找到杂志,百货公司商店品牌的广告,甚至利用他们的主要品牌和营销活动乐活。 There are even department stores and restaurants called LOHAS and sell LOHAS branded products with definitions of 'Cultural Creatives' translated into Chinese.甚至有所谓的百货公司,餐厅和出售乐活与乐活的定义品牌产品的文化创意'翻译成中文。 Considered one of the 'Four Tigers' of East Asia and labeled so for being one of the nations that has maintained a high economic growth rates from the 1960's to present day.被认为是'四小龙'之一,东亚被标为的是从1960年一直保持高经济增长率的国家之一,到今天这样。 Taiwan is a country that is one of the top economic powers in the region.台湾是一个国家,它是该地区最高的经济强国之一。 The other 'Tigers' are South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore.对方的老虎队是韩国,香港和新加坡。 Taiwan has had a steady average 6% economic growth rate since the mid 1990's and survived the Asian economic crisis the best out of all Asian nations.台湾有一个稳定的平均1990年中期以来的6%的经济增长速度和幸存下来的亚洲经济危机的亚洲各国的精华。 The rise of its economy and emphasis on education has developed a fast growing middle class that is recently been questioning the path that the country has taken to get to where it is.其经济,强调教育的兴起,开发出一种快速增长的中产阶级是最近被质疑,该国已采取去的地方是路径。 Unbridled economic growth usually comes with a price to the environment and heath of people.肆无忌惮的经济增长通常带有一个对环境和人民健康的代价。 A recent study from the Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), produced by Yale and Columbia Universities listed Taiwan 143 of 144 countries surveyed and only ranking higher than North Korea.从最近的研究环境可持续发展指数 (ESI)的朝鲜北,排名仅高于生产的144个国家的调查,由耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学台湾上市143。 Many of Taiwan's environmental issues are linked to its dense population of 23 million over 14,000 square miles.台湾的环境问题,许多都与它的人口超过2300万密14,000平方英里。 This averages out to approximately 1600 people per square mile making it one of the most densely populated countries on earth.这出平均每平方英里大约1600人使它成为地球上人口最稠密的国家之一。 The positive thing about this is that there is no other way to go other than up and in spite of all the environmental difficulties LOHAS gaining traction in Taiwan.关于这个正面的事是,有没有其他办法可以去其他比起来,并在所有环境困难,但乐活在台湾获得牵引力。 The public is putting pressure on business and government to implement change in current business and policy standards.市民正在对企业和政府的压力,在目前的业务和执行政策标准的变化。 The government is working to improve its environmental issues by enforcing stringent recycling and energy efficiency rules for businesses and the public.政府正在努力改善执行严格的回收利用,企业和公众对环境的规则,能源效率问题。 Currently they are developing a hydrogen scooter project they hope to implement commercially in the near future.目前,他们正在开发一种氢摩托车项目中,他们希望在不久的将来实现商业化。 The demand for organic foods and new ways of approaching life in a simple and holistic way is on the rise.对有机食品和接近在一个简单而全面的方式来生活的新方式的需求正在上升。 Health and well-being is a very important component of Chinese culture.健康和福祉,是中华文化的一个非常重要的组成部分。 The country has a long-standing tradition of Buddhism and vegetarian cuisine is readily available.该国的佛教悠久的传统和素食菜肴一应俱全。 But many Taiwanese relate vegan and vegetarian diets to the Buddhist religion.但是,许多台湾有关素食和素食的佛教信仰。 Organic food advocates want to promote organics as an alternative way to eat healthy without the religious connotations.有机食品倡导要促进作为替代方法没有吃的宗教内涵健康的有机物。 Organics currently is a very small portion of the total agrarian output.目前是一个有机的整体农业产出的极小部分。 Of that percentage 50% is imported.该比例50%是进口的。 Granted this is small but there is huge potential for growth.诚然,这是小,但有巨大的增长潜力。 Yoga is on the rise also in Taiwan at an average growth of 10% per year and there is an increase in male yoga students compared to years past.瑜伽是对台湾兴起以每年10%的平均增长也有男性瑜伽是一个过去的学生相比,年增加。 Yoga studios are popular and more and more are appearing around the busy subway stations.瑜伽工作室很受欢迎,越来越多的是繁忙的地铁站附近出现。 Green building is being taught on University campuses and new building developments.绿色建筑正在讲授大学校园和新型建材的发展。 Environmental awareness is being taught in elementary schools and rice companies are promoting organic rice farming.环保意识正在教小学和大米公司正在推广有机水稻种植。 Hotels are promoting themselves as green by promoting their low energy consumption and organic food menus.正在推广的绿色酒店,促进其能耗低,有机食品菜单本身。 It is clear that Taiwan nationals want to live healthier lifestyles and educate is population about the benefits of LOHAS.很显然,台湾的国民希望生活得更健康的生活方式和教育是关于乐活的好处人口。 “The term 'organic' is much more related to health here.” Says Joseph Steyr of Organic Lifestyles Magazine Taiwan. “称'有机'更与健康在这里。”约瑟夫说台湾有机生活杂志斯太尔。 “We want to teach people that it is more than that and that it is more holistic.” Organic Lifestyles is run by the P&S International Advertising Agency (PSIAA), an advertising agency that now focuses on promoting organics throughout the nation. “我们要教给人们,这是更重要的是,它是更全面。”有机生活是由在P&S国际广告公司(PSIAA),一个广告公司,现在在全国各地促进有机物的重点。 PSIAA hosted the first Taiwan vegetarian expo last year and plans to expand and host the country's first organics expo later this year. PSIAA举办了首届台湾素食博览会上一年,并计划扩大和主办国的第一次世博会在今年晚些时候的有机物。 Since LOHAS is such a new concept it brings with it new challenges to how companies view business.由于乐活就是这样一个全新的概念它带来了新的挑战,企业如何查看业务。 New avenues of sustainable sourcing need to be developed and policy change need to be implemented.可持续采购需要新的途径,制定和政策的改变需要得到实施。 Currently new distribution lines from organic farms to stores are being developed and organic certifications are in place.从有机农场目前新的配电线路的商店正在开发和有机认证到位。 Internationally known beauty line brands such as Aveda and Jurlique have prominent storefronts in department stores.国际知名的美如雅达和茱丽一线品牌在百货公司突出的店面。 As LOHAS becomes popular the demand for value-based products are anticipated to drive innovations in business practice thus improving health and environment.由于乐活成为流行的价值为基础的产品的需求预计将推动商业创新实践从而改善健康和环境。 “The cost for organics and natural products is close to double that of conventional products. “对有机和天然产品的成本已接近常规产品的两倍。 However it is not out of people's price range.” says Zhu Ping, president of Aveda Taiwan.然而,它不是出于人的价格区间。“朱平说,台湾总统的雅达。 “We are here and we are surviving.” The cost of an Aveda salon treatment tends to be more expensive and is considered a high-end salon. “我们在这里,我们生存。”一个肯梦沙龙治疗费用往往是更昂贵,被认为是高端沙龙。 “Our customers know how we care about their experience. “我们的客户知道如何照顾我们对他们的经验。 We are not just about money but about lifestyle.”我们只是金钱,而是关于生活方式没有。“ Many Taiwanese are interested in developing relations with companies familiar with LOHAS and are very eager to learn more about sustainable business practices partly our of necessity but mostly from sincerity.许多台湾人有兴趣发展与公司的关系,熟悉与乐活是非常渴望更多地了解我们的部分必要性可持续发展的商业做法,但大多是从诚意。 “We are looking for partners” Says Tom Xiao, editor and chief of Organic Lifestyle Magazine, “We want the world to know about the opportunities in Taiwan and educate Taiwanese how to live better lives. “我们正在寻找合作伙伴”小汤姆说,编辑和有机生活杂志主编,“我们要让世界了解台湾教育的机会和台湾如何生活更美好的生活。 LOHAS brings a traditional concept to a modern audience.乐活带来了传统观念向现代观众。 Our ancestors lived simply and in harmony with nature.我们的祖先生活简单,并与自然和谐相处。 It is part of Chinese philosophy.这是中国哲学的一部分。 LOHAS provides the opportunity to show this to the younger generations in a trendy and fashionable way.”乐活族提供了机会,这表明在一个时髦和时尚的方式的年轻一代。“ The literal translation of LOHAS into Chinese means 'happy life' and it appears that Taiwan Chinese want to live a traditional lifestyle with a modern twist.乐活的字面翻译成中文意思是'幸福生活',它似乎是台湾中国希望生活在一个现代风味的传统生活方式。

获得性免疫缺陷综合征(艾滋病)是20世纪70年代末在美国发现的。自那时以来,艾滋病已夺走了20.4万多美国人的生命——其中有一半是在过去几年中丧生的。此外,在100万感染艾滋病病毒的人当中有18.5万人也将在一年内死亡。 被诊断感染艾滋病病毒的人当中有一半是黑人和来自拉丁美洲的美国人。南部农村社区的妇女和青年是数量增长最快的艾滋病患者群体。 尽管数量大得惊人,但联邦和各州政府在实施防止艾滋病蔓延的计划方面行动迟缓。鉴于政府行动不力,许多地方性组织便应运而生了。 南卡罗来纳艾滋病教育网络机构成立于1985年,目的在于防止艾滋病病例数量的增加。和许多地方性组织一样,该组织缺乏资金,这迫使它创造性地使用其资源。为接触更多的社区居民,有些艾滋病教育计划在美发店实施。 美发店老板在顾客进来时向他们散发艾滋病资料,在他们等着头发晾干时,向他们放映有关预防艾滋病的录像片。她还在店里放一些书籍和其他出版物,供顾客等候时阅读。她在工作的同时使许许多多人受到了教育,这一点着实让人赞叹。 最近,这一教育网络机构已开始帮助整个美国东南部的发型设计师们在他们的美发店里实施类似计划。他们也是向学校、社区组织和教堂传播信息的有价值的资源。 这一组织还总结出了一些对其他从事同样工作的团体颇有裨益的方法。尽管还没有一种能战胜艾滋病的方法,但这一网络机构在与艾滋病斗争中获得了以下经验以社区居民能接受的方式与他们交谈。许多社区的居民受教育比例低,这使得向他们散发艾滋病资料、希望他们自己阅读这一做法不切实际。为解决这一问题,需要请一些善于绘画的人来编写适合于教育程度低的居民阅读的艾滋病教育图书。这些书采用简单的、手工绘制的“忧伤的脸”和“幸福的脸”等图画,说明防止感染艾滋病的方法。这些书也展示一些看上去同那些需要接受教育的人很相似的图片。当居民们看到熟悉的面孔和能够理解的语言时,就会发表更多的议论和看法。这样一来,这些书在使用它们的社区里所产生的影响要比政府出版的书产生的影响大,而政府出版的书籍成本要高出数千美元。培训青少年去教育自己的同龄人。由于艾滋病在南部农村地区的青少年当中传播速度最快,发型设计师们设立了一个称为“艾滋病克星”的项目,培训8到26岁的青少年,让他们到社区给同龄人上“艾滋病101”课程。这些青少年使这门课程变得简单易学,在向他们的同龄朋友解释感染艾滋病的危险性时,他们干得比成年人出色得多。他们在帮助父母理解孩子所经受的各种来自于同龄人的压力方面也起着重要作用。 对“存在危险”这一概念重新界定,从而把不同背景、不同婚姻状况的妇女都包括进去。一位妇女的医生对她说她不存在染上艾滋病的危险,因为她已经结婚,而且不吸毒。这类错误观念困扰着医疗机构。根据疾病控制中心的预测,女性将占感染艾滋病病毒人数的80%。 发型设计师们也强调每个人都存在着危险, 所以我们每个人都有权保护自己——无论结婚与否。 这些经验不是解决艾滋病危机的唯一方法,但在找到治疗艾滋病的方法之前,教育不失为预防感染艾滋病病毒的唯一安全措施。 和以前其他传染病不同,艾滋病这一传染性疾病有可能夺去一代人的生命,从而使另一代人失去双亲。因而我们决不能让文化、种族和社会的障碍阻止我们专心从事我们必须做的工作。我们也不能因为政府工作效率低而放弃我们的工作。这是一场不宣而战的战争,我们每个人都必须参加,只有这样我们才能取得胜利。我们绝对不能因为谈论艾滋病会使我们感到难受,而听任人们继续被艾滋病夺去生命。每个人都必须成为教育者,必须学会生存。

根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词.1.Summer is a h season.答案:hot2.Li Lei's eyes aren’t very good, he wears g every day. .答案:glassed3.Are there any f near here , I’m hungry.答案:food4.Cats like eating (mouse) .答案:mice根据所给句子和汉语提示写出恰当的单词,每空一词。1.Don't go near the (蛇).Because they are dangerous.答案:snakes2.He was (幸运的) to pass the math exam .答案:lucky3.Look at the information (下面). 答案:below4.My drink tastes sweet, but (她的) doesn’t.


1 东南大学外语系,目前已经是外国语学院,有英、日、德、法、俄、拉丁语等六个语种,承担着全校各学科从专科生到博士生的所有层次的第一和第二外语教学工作;外语系还开设英语本科(含专升本)、日语本科、英语硕士、日语硕士专业的课程,并拥有英语学士学位、日语学士学位、外国语言学与应用语言学硕士学位、英语语言文学、日语语言文学硕士学位的授予权。2 东南大学(Southeast University),简称东大,坐落于南京市,是中央直管、教育部直属的副部级全国重点大学,中国著名的建筑老八校之一,国家“211工程”、“985工程”首批重点建设的大学,是“卓越工程师教育培养计划”、“卓越医生教育培养计划”、“2011计划”、“111计划”入选高校,“卓越大学联盟”、“中俄工科大学联盟”、“中欧工程教育平台”主要成员。


我来这样回答你的问题。1.你选择上述五个专业方向的任何一个的前提是你必须通过研究生招生考试。现在的基本情况是,英语专业研究生学制三年。前一年半是课程学习,集中学习英语专业的理论课程,比如,语言学,语义学,话语分析等等。这些课程是语言专业硕士阶段的基础,英语专业无论什么方向都要学。在课程学习阶段,也有一些选修课是偏重你希望研究的方向的,比如,跨文化交际、文学翻译等。后面的一年主要是学生修读自己专业方向的课程,最后半年写论文。所以,争取通过研究生招生考试,是至关重要的第一步。2. 有关跨专业报考英语专业研究生招生考试 跨专业考研不是没有可能,主要还是要看你考研专业的专业课的准备情况。 首先,你要系统学习英语专业的主干课程,像基础英语这部分要非常熟练和准确。所谓基础英语,实际是看你英语的功底,也就是听说特别是读写技能达到的水准。另外,高年级的课程也十分重要,比如英美文学、语言学、翻译等等。这些通常是要考试的部分。还有,就是第二外语。一般都是法、德、日、俄语。 英语专业的研究生考试,一般是由三或四部分组成:1.基础英语,考察你的英语功底,这部分考试范围比较广,包括一些英语国家政治、社会、历史、地理方面的知识。这些是通过“英语国家概况”学得的;2. 英美文学或英语语言学,根据方向的不同而不同;3.翻译,英汉互译;4. 写作,有的学校把这部分纳入基础英语,有的则是专门一门。根据要求写一篇或两篇文章。第二外语不可轻视,要达到类似大学英语四级的水平。 如果决定考研,建议你选择一套英语专业本科通用教材,比如外研社出版的《现代大学英语》(杨立民主编)或外教社出版的《新编英语教程》(李观仪主编)。认真学习,打好基础。 如果有目标学校和方向,可以查看学校有关本专业的研究生招生资料,特别是该校英语专业本科主干的课程使用教材,和往年的研究生入学考试试题。3.上述五个专业方向的浅析 1)翻译理论与实践:要求考生有较高的语言修养和文化修养。中英文的水平都要达到相当水平。毕业后主要从事翻译工作和对外交流。现在国内有人事部、上海市和北外都有翻译资格证书考试。 2) 二语习得和语言教学:学习与语言教学有关的课程,比如,教学法、第二语言习得等。将来主要从事英语教学工作。就业面相对较宽。 3)专门用途英语:对英语在某一行业或专业的应用做比较深入的研究,多为理论研究。 4)语言学研究: 多为理论研究,比如功能语言学。可以看做是为将来攻读博士学位打基础。 5)计算机辅助语言教学:对计算机和数理能力要求较高。比如上海交大的这个方向招收的是计算机专业的本科生。 希望上述回答对你有帮助。祝考研成功!

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