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底线_有道词典底线[数] base line;underscore更多释义>>底线 Baseline;bottom line;end line基本底线 the bottom line is that讨论底线 Discussing the bottom line;The Bottom Line of Discussion详细用法>>
323 评论


253 评论


这一不完整的句子有错。正确的说法应为: Doesn't your conscience, 表达的意思大致为: 扪心自问,内心愧疚,良心呢

356 评论


No being able to satisfy others, just being non-

155 评论


Nothing can be completely successful and consummate without any flaw,just let it go and have a clear [good] 你可以参考conscience这个词语的用法哦,我copy过来供你参考:【习惯用语】 A clear conscience laughs at false [谚] 只要问心无愧, 旁人的指责可一笑置之。 A clear conscience is a sure [谚] 只要问心无愧, 旁人的指责可一笑置之。 A good conscience is a constant [谚] 问心无愧, 高枕无忧。 A good conscience is a soft [谚] 问心无愧, 高枕无忧。 A guilty conscience is a self - [谚]做贼心虚。 A guilty conscience needs no [谚]做贼心虚。 A quiet conscience sleeps in [谚]没做亏心事, 不怕鬼叫门。 a matter of conscience 要凭良心来决定的问题 for conscience's sake 为了问心无愧 freedom of conscience 信教的自由 liberty of conscience 信教的自由 get off one's conscience 解除良心上的负担 go against one's conscience 违背良心 have no conscience 没有良心, 失去良知 have on one's conscience 觉得有负良心, 为心中不安 have the conscience 竟厚颜无耻到(做、说) have the conscience to do 竟厚颜无耻到(做、说) have the conscience to say 竟厚颜无耻到(做、说) in all conscience 凭良心说, 真的, 的确, 一定 make a matter of conscience 凭良心对待〔做〕某事 My conscience ! 啊呀! 嗳! 好家伙! (表示惊奇, 遗憾等) on one's conscience 有负良心, 心中不安 speak one's conscience 说心里话 tell one's conscience 说心里话 the pricks of conscience 良心的责备〔悔恨〕 the twinges of conscience 良心的责备〔悔恨〕

310 评论


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