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Second third rubber is that rubber industry is hit by most important one raw material, but is binary second the third, three yuan mark second the third, changes nature second third sums hot plasticities second third With the Shan olefin ethene , propylene copolymerization but able be called second third binary rubber; Use ethene , propylene and a small amount must conjugate that pair of alkene are monomer copolymerizations but make second third San Yuan Can change the nature means by bromination , chlorinating , sulphonating second third rubber are carried out with the person changing nature, third rubber extensive use has provided a lot of breed and grade to Low-density height filling , outstanding functions such as being able to bear an ageing , being able to bear corrosivity , the person had by that second third rubber have had in addition applying broadly already in auto industry , building industry , fields such as electrical equipment and electron Second third San Yuan rubber among them uses rubber to seal off a product already becoming main body material in giving birth to a child in our country vehicle , whose develops and applies having the vast marketplace At present, the second third rubber industry productive technologies route has solution aggregation method , suspension aggregation method, and meteorological phenomena gather three legal species, culture Lieutenant General introduces it's technology situation , technology characteristic 标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、
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论文题目:机化实验课堂教探究  摘要:本文机化实验三层递进式教模式进行探究针三层实验内容:基础规范性实验、综合设计性实验、研究探索性实验别设计问题引领互式、任务导向参与式、专题研讨探究式三种实验教模型该促进自主习、自主实验、自主创新能力培养提高综合素质  关键词:实验教;三层;设计  实验教作高等教育重要实践教环节培养综合素质创新能力重要教手段探索高校实验教模式与培养自主习、自主实验、自主创新(三自主)能力高校实验教重要研究课题[1-2]机化实验化、化工及其近化类专业必修门基础课近浙江工业基础化实验基础化实验家精品课程建设程机化实验课程内容重新进行规划设计构建实验内容三层即:基础规范性实验、综合设计性实验、研究探索性实验;教同内容采用同形三层递进式教特色充体现教师主导、主体教理念;培养三自主能力面取显著效充发挥作家级实验教示范建设单位示范辐射作用  、机化实验三层递进式实验教模式设计思路  机化实验设间数高校、二级根据同习阶段(低级)知识能力结构要求课题组机化实验内容划基础规范性实验、综合设计性实验、研究探索性实验三层循序渐进培养自主习、自主实验、自主创新能力提高综合素质三层递进式实验教设计思路图1所示:  第层基础规范性实验机化实验基本原理、基本操作技能基础培养实事求、严谨科态度良科研素养及良实验室工作习惯关键第二层综合设计性实验训练、巩固基本操作重要环节提高自主习能力、自主实验能力程;第三层研究探索性实验拓展思路、提高科研素质、培育创新意识、锻炼创新能力程  二、三层递进式实验教模式层设计  课题组培养三自主能力目标围绕机化实验三层内容探索设计三种教基础规范性实验采用问题引领互式教意调思维侧重培养规范实验操作技能、自主习能力;综合设计性实验采用任务导向参与式教激发习积极性培养自主习、自主实验能力;研究探索性实验采用专题研讨探究式教科研问题导向培养自主探索、自主创新能力

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