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以下都是国外旅游相关论文。 Tourism destination marketing : a comparative study, between Gotland Island, Sweden and Limbe city, CameroonAuthor : Cathy Nanyongo Ekonde; [2010] Using place branding to attract tourists and residents to Swedish regionsAuthor : Joel Liljedahl; [2010] The Meaning of Authenticity in the Experience Industry: An exploratory study of Swedish concept restaurantsAuthor : Åsa Jugård; Pontus Modig; [2009-08-21T10:00:27Z]Keywords : experience industry; authenticity; concept restaurants; hospitality ; Abstract : Master of Science In Tourism and Hospitality M READ MORE University essay from Linköpings universitet/Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling; Linköpings universitet/Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling; Linköpings universitet/Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling Author : Joakim Bergström; Maria Lehtinen; Mariel Svensson; [2009] The Economic Impact of a Major Sports Event : An analysis what effect the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup in Levi, Finland has on the local economy Author : Patrick Suves; [2009] Have we arrived yet? : Ecotourism operators managing dilemmas in SwedenAuthor : Kristina Axheim; Jessie Kit Wah Ng; [2009] Road’s end – the beginning? : - A study of the marketing practices of small tourism firms in SwedenAuthor : Ahmed Hersi; Magnus Carlsson; [2009] Determinants of regional-international tourist attraction among the member countries of ECOAuthor : Arsalan Balali; [2009] Tourism attractions and their influence on handicraft employment in IsfahanAuthor : Reza Abyareh; [2009] Destination marketing through networksAuthor : Veronica Königsson; Sara Stark; [2009]页码你自己编吧
274 评论


322 评论


[1] Patterson, T M,Niccolucci V,Marchettini N Adaptive environmental management of tourism in the Province of Siena, Italy using the ecological footprint[J] J Environ M 2008, 86(2): 407- [2] Bruyere, B L,Beh A W,Lelengula G Differences in perceptions of communication, tourism benefits, and management issues in a protected area of rural Kenya[J] Environ M 2009, 43(1): 49- [3] Phillip, R,Hodgkinson G The management of health and safety hazards in tourist World Tourism Organization[J] Int J Occup Med Environ H 1994, 7(3): 207- [4] Kozma, C M Medical tourism: a role disease management?[J] Manag Care I 2006, 19(11): 35-

327 评论


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    以下都是国外旅游相关论文。 Tourism destination marketing : a comparative study, between Gotla

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