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本文部分转载自“阿则外英语笔记”,已获授权中文的“体育”是一个近代才出现的外来词语,是经由日语从欧洲语言引进的。从字面来说,“体育”的含义相当于physical education,被视为一种“教育、培养”。而英语中的sport并不是仅限于指“体育运动”,还可以表示“娱乐、好玩”的含义。从根源来说,sport的各种含义都是源于“pastime, entertainment”(娱乐)这个概念,和“work”(工作)构成相对。Sport的来源Sport给人的印象是一个英语土生土长的原生词语,但实际上却是从拉丁语中引进而来,在大约一千年前的中世纪时进入英语。Sport是拉丁语中disport这个动词的简写形式,但在简化时只去掉了半个词根。Disport相当于英语的carry away,指任意放任、不受约束地行动,也就是“玩耍娱乐”。现在人们偶尔也会使用disport yourself的说法,指“娱乐放松”,大多在幽默开玩笑时使用,带有假装正式的口气。图源:新华社在今天的英语中,sport最常用的含义是“体育运动”,既可以指这种抽象概念,也可以指具体的“体育项目”;这些含义都是在进入现代之后才出现的。在美国英语中,sport在表示“体育运动”时,大多写作sports ,复数形式;但英国英语则视之为抽象名词,是不可数的,因此不采用复数形式,例如:I'm not interested in 表示“好玩”的sportSport的entertainment含义,在今天的英语中仍然使用,但已经不再是主要用法,相关释义在字典词条中大多会按照常用程度排在后面。作为比较正式的说法,sport可以指enjoyment or fun,即“开玩笑、并非当真”,含义和jest或joke相近,例如:The comments were only made in 那些话都是说着玩的,并非有意的。电影《侏罗纪世界》(Jurassic World)中有一句描述暴虐霸王龙(Indominus rex)的话就是这个用法:"She's killing for " 她把杀戮当做消遣。在澳大利亚和新西兰的英语中,sport还作为一种“非正式用法”,作为对成年男性的友好称呼,例如:How are you doing, sport?Sport做动词还有这个意思Sport作动词用时,还可以表示得意地穿戴,或故意展示给人们看,有炫耀的成分。例如,to sport a beard,就表示故意蓄着大胡子。例句:She was sporting a T-shirt with the company's logo on 她穿了一件带有公司徽标的T恤衫,很是得意。编辑:左卓来源:阿则外英语笔记

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1、运动的英文可用exercise或是sport表达,读音为[ˈeksərsaɪz] [spɔːrt]。 2、exercise的用法:exercise作可数名词用,表示练习,习题,体操,功课,操练等,常用复数。作不可数名词用,表示锻炼,运动。

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NBA Sortable Statistics Glossary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESPN Sorts A per 48 Projects averages over 48 minutes, to compare productivity per minute played Last 15/30 days See which players are on a streak or in a slump by viewing statistics from recent action Positions G Point guard/shooting guard SG Shooting guard PG Point guard GF Guard/forward F Small forward/power forward SF Small forward PF Power forward FC Forward/center C Center Averages G Games Min Average minutes played per game FGA Field-goal attempts per game Pct Percentage of field goals made FTA Free-throw attempts per game Pct Percentage of free throws made 3PM Total three-point field goals made Pct Percentage of three-point field goals made Off Offensive rebounds per game TReb Total rebounds per game Ast Assists per game Blk Average blocked shots per game Stl Average steals per game TO Average turnovers per game PAR Average points plus assists plus rebounds (PAR) per game A/TO Overall assist-to-turnover ratio (Total assists, divided by total turnovers) P/Sh Points scored per field-goal attempt ([Field goals made*2] + [3-point field goals made], divided by total field-goal attempts) BkSt/TO Overall block/steal-to-turnover ratio (Blocks plus steals, divided by turnovers) Raw totals G Games played Min Minutes played FGA Field-goal attempts FGM Field goals made FTA Free-throw attempts FTM Free throws made 3PA Three-point field goals attempted 3PM Three-point field goals made Reb Rebounds Ast Assists Blk Blocked shots Stl Steals TO Turnovers SportsZone Player Rating The Zone's player ratings measures a player's overall court contribution using the following formula: [Points + Rebounds + (Assists*2) + (Steals*2) + (Blocks*5) + (FTA*20)] - [Missed FGA + Missed FTA + (DQ*5) + (Turnovers*2) + (PF*20)] The words below are some of the most important used when talking about S Sports - Equipment gall football hockey ball golf ball bat cue golf club hockey stick ice-skates racing car racket saddle sailboard skis shuttle cock surfboard Sports - People athlete badminton player basketball player boxer cyclist diver footballer /football player golfer gymnast hockey player jockey ice-skater racing driver rider rugby player skater skier snooker player squash player surfer swimmer tennis player volleyball player weight-lifter Sports - Places circuit court course gym pitch ring rink stadium Sports - Names of Sports athletics (do) badminton (play) basketball (play) boxing cycling diving football (play) golf (play) gymnastics (do) hockey (play) horse-racing ice-skating motor-racing riding rugby (play) skiing snooker (play) squash (play) surfing swimming tennis (play) volleyball (play) weightlifting windsurfing Sports - Related Words amateur ace basket captain cup game goal kit match medal net professional race record referee skill spectators team whistle Sports - Verbs beat box catch cycle dive draw hit kick lose miss pass pot practice race ride save score (a point / a goal) serve shoot skate ski swim surf tackle train throw volley win More Word Groups The Body Celebrations Clothes Crime Education Entertainment Environment Family Food Health Jobs The Mind Money People Places Science The Senses Sports Travel The Weather

217 评论


1.体操 gymnastics 2.游泳 swimming 3.击剑 fencing 4.举重 weightlifting 5.棒球 baseball 6.篮球 basketball 7.排球 volleyball 8.乒乓球 table tennis 9.足球 soccer 10.跳水 diving 11.马球 polo 12.水球 water polo 13.垒球 softball 14.网球 tennis 15.赛艇 canoe 16.冲浪 surfing 17.自行车 cycling 18.羽毛球 badminton 19.田径 track and field 20.手球 handball 21.摔交 wrestling 22.拳击 boxing 23.射箭 toxophily 24.射击 shooting 25.柔道 judo 26.骑马 equestrian 27.曲棍球 hockey

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《加油中国体育杂志》 RefuelChina

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