The word euphemism Euphemism is Greek, comes from the Greek prefix eu=well and root pheme= Euphemism is rather a social linguistic phenomenon, be inferior to saying is a kind of cultural Language is the carrier of thought, is the epitome of social As a language tool, euphemism is rich in cultural connotations, carrying the social structure, the national psychology, religious culture and other aspects of a However, Chinese and English belong to two completely different style of the language, its background, culture, customs and other aspects of thinking, there exist various Therefore, in both English and Chinese Euphemisms in also exist certain Euphemism is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a cultural There are two English language in a large number of euphemism, because of differences between Chinese and Western culture, so Chinese and English euphemism as a kind of cultural phenomenon also show some In recent years, there are many angles and many domestic and foreign scholars from linguistics, culture, rhetoric of the related research on Death euphemism as an organic component of euphemism, has received extensive English and Chinese Euphemism of death in many aspects such as culture, history, there are similarities and differences In this paper, through the comparative study of English and Chinese Euphemism of death is certain, the language features of English and Chinese euphemism and death and the representation of culture have a better understanding of The contents of this paper are as follows: the first part mainly introduces the definition, function of euphemism; the second part focuses on the analysis of the similarities and differences between Chinese and western of death euphemism, and the deep-seated reasons of the similarities and differences; the third part has carried on the summary to the full
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