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1、便秘:Constipation,是指排便次数减少,同时排便困难、粪便干结。2、拉稀:Diarrhea;Loose stool,是指拉屎次数明显超过平日习惯的频率,粪质稀薄,水分增加。3、乳糖不耐症:Lactose Intolerance,乳糖不耐受是由于乳糖酶分泌少,不能完全消化分解母乳或牛乳中的乳糖所引起的非感染性腹泻。4、腹胀:Bloating,腹胀是一种常见的消化系统症状,可以是一种主观上的感觉,感到腹部的一部分或全腹部胀满,通常常伴有相关的症状。5、胃灼热:Heartburn, 是指由于括约肌无法紧闭,导致食物和胃酸逆流回食道或口中,所产生的灼热感觉。6、恶心:Nausea7、呕吐:Vomiting8、胃痛:Stomach pain9、咳嗽:Cough10、发烧:Fever扩展资料:常见的药物英文表达:1、体温计 medical thermometer2、感冒成药 Panadol / Tylenol3、生理食盐水 Saline solution / natural saline4、纱布 gauze5、棉花棒 cotton swabs6、碘酒 povidone-iodine solution7、医疗口罩 surgical mask8、analgin 安乃近9、aspirin 阿司匹林10、aspirin compound tablet (APC) 复方阿司匹林11、ibuprofen 布洛芬12、paracetamol 扑热息痛
187 评论


354 评论


Subcortical ischemic cerebrovascular disease is a group to become the main causes, small in subcortical multiple lacunar infarction and cerebral white matter lesions as main brain damage of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is the most common vascular cognitive impairment of SIVD can cause gait obstacles, such as Parkinson's appearance, all lose tonal gait gait, walking instability or without apparent cause of frequent fall, a study showed that abnormal gait might be early vascular This paper will SIVD gait obstacles in pathological mechanism, gait types, gait obstacles and cognitive impairment of the relationship, gait obstacles analysis and evaluation,

106 评论


5(GDF-5生长分化因子)GDF-5充当信号,为chondrogenesis,成长,图案的发展脊椎动物骨架。它被表达在发展interzone关节。会员GDF-5转变的生长因素TGF_ -科的信号分子)参与关节软骨开发、维护、与再生(34)。GDF-5促进骨软骨细胞分化和刺激蛋白多糖的合成。GDF5_ / _老鼠(brachypodism)制定指间手腕和踝关节缺陷(34)。angel-shaped epiphyseal GDF5引起的突变不典型增生的癌前期病变,其特点是影响食欲办公髋部和手关节(遗传105835号)。个人现在与身材矮小,多epiphyseal发育不良,和hypodontia。phalangeal缩短中间angel-shaped epiphyseal发育不全是相似的brachydactyly中观察到C,这个观察导致识别这个实体GDF5的突变。杂合GDF5也会引起的突变brachydactyly C类,其特点是短的中间第一趾骨逆行掌骨近端关节(35)。纯合子的GDF5突变导致的嘴上Hunter-Thompson形式的acromesomelic骨骼dys - plasias、杜二盘不典型增生的癌前期病变(35)。多态性的推动GDF5的影响(表3)被认为预测对髋关节和膝关节骨性关节炎在亚洲人群。结果的敏感性,降低了多态性转录chondrogenic细胞的活动。Wnt-induced信号蛋白3(WISP-3)小精灵基因是广东成员的家庭参与细胞生长分化与初步鉴定为有一个可能的角色对癌症的控制(36)。Wnt信号调节软骨细胞表型,成熟、和功能。只有WISP3是众所周知的伴随着人类疾病。分泌WISP-3是一个蛋白质表达synoviocytes和软骨细胞和人类是非常必要的软骨的完整性。隐性WISP3突变造成轻微的chondrodysplasiapseudorheumatoid称为进步。关节病没有。#童年(遗传208230)。受到影响的个人现在的年龄在3年,8年进步的小型和大型联合polyarthritis、刚度,和减少机动性。还没有临床证据炎症。揭示了骨骼影像学特点结果表明:spondyloepiphyseal platyspondyly,megaepiphyses,和扩大趾骨天涯海角。射线trigonum巨型的示范操作系统能鉴别这个实体类风湿性关节炎。最近,WISP3多态性相已被证实授予对佳(表3)。一个特定的多态性在Wnt拮抗剂,Frizzled-related蛋白质3、有关联的OA易感基因(表3)。Growth differentiation factor 5 (GDF-5) 5(GDF-5生长分化因子)GDF-5 acts as a signal for chondrogenesis, GDF-5充当信号,为chondrogenesis,growth, and patterning of the developing vertebrate 成长,图案的发展脊椎动物 It is expressed in the interzone of developing 骨架。它被表达在发展 GDF-5 is a member of the transforming growth 关节。会员GDF-5转变的生长factor _ (TGF_) superfamily of signaling molecules and 因素TGF_ -科的信号分子)is involved in articular cartilage development, maintenance, 参与关节软骨开发、维护、and regeneration (34) GDF-5 promotes chondrocyte 与再生(34)。GDF-5促进骨软骨细胞differentiation and stimulates proteoglycan 分化和刺激蛋白多糖的合成。GDF5_/_ mice (brachypodism) develop GDF5_ / _老鼠(brachypodism)制定interphalangeal wrist and ankle joint defects (34) 指间手腕和踝关节缺陷(34)。Mutations in GDF5 cause angel-shaped epiphyseal angel-shaped epiphyseal GDF5引起的突变dysplasia, characterized by early-onset OA affecting 不典型增生的癌前期病变,其特点是影响食欲办公the hip and hand joints (OMIM 105835) Individuals 髋部和手关节(遗传105835号)。个人present with short stature, multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, 现在与身材矮小,多epiphyseal发育不良,and The middle phalangeal shortening in 和hypodontia。phalangeal缩短中间angel-shaped epiphyseal dysplasia is similar to that angel-shaped epiphyseal发育不全是相似的observed in brachydactyly C, and this observation led to brachydactyly中观察到C,这个观察导致the identification of GDF5 mutations in this 识别这个实体GDF5的突变。Heterozygous mutations in GDF5 also cause 杂合GDF5也会引起的突变brachydactyly type C, characterized by short middle brachydactyly C类,其特点是短的中间phalanges and the first metacarpal joints (35) Homozygous 第一趾骨逆行掌骨近端关节(35)。纯合子的GDF5 mutations give rise to the Grebe and GDF5突变导致的嘴上Hunter-Thompson forms of acromesomelic skeletal dys- plasias and Du Pan dysplasia (35) Polymorphisms in the Hunter-Thompson形式的acromesomelic骨骼dys - plasias、杜二盘不典型增生的癌前期病变(35)。多态性的promoter of GDF5 (Table 3) are thought to predict 推动GDF5的影响(表3)被认为预测susceptibility to hip and knee OA in Asian 对髋关节和膝关节骨性关节炎在亚洲人群。The susceptibility polymorphism results in reduced transcriptional 结果的敏感性,降低了多态性转录activity in chondrogenic chondrogenic细胞的活动。Wnt-induced signaling protein 3 (WISP-3) Wnt-induced信号蛋白3(WISP-3)The WISP genes are members of the CCN family 小精灵基因是广东成员的家庭involved in cell growth and differentiation and were 参与细胞生长分化与initially identified as having a possible role in cancer 初步鉴定为有一个可能的角色对癌症的控制(36) Wnt signaling regulates chondrocyte phenotype, (36)。Wnt信号调节软骨细胞表型,maturation, and Only WISP3 is known to be 成熟、和功能。只有WISP3是众所周知的associated with human WISP-3 is a secreted 伴随着人类疾病。分泌WISP-3是一个protein expressed by synoviocytes and chondrocytes and 蛋白质表达synoviocytes和软骨细胞和is essential for human cartilage Recessive 人类是非常必要的软骨的完整性。隐性mutations in WISP3 cause a mild chondrodysplasia WISP3突变造成轻微的chondrodysplasiacalled progressive pseudorheumatoid arthropathy of pseudorheumatoid称为进步。关节病childhood (OMIM #208230) Affected individuals 没有。#童年(遗传208230)。受到影响的个人present between the ages of 3 years and 8 years, with 现在的年龄在3年,8年progressive small and large joint polyarthritis, stiffness, 进步的小型和大型联合polyarthritis、刚度,and decreased There is no clinical evidence of 和减少机动性。还没有临床证据 Skeletal radiographs reveal the characteristic 炎症。揭示了骨骼影像学特点spondyloepiphyseal findings: platyspondyly, megaepiphyses, 结果表明:spondyloepiphyseal platyspondyly,megaepiphyses,and expansion of the ends of the 和扩大趾骨天涯海角。The radiographic demonstration of a mega os trigonum 射线trigonum巨型的示范操作系统can differentiate this entity from rheumatoid 能鉴别这个实体类风湿性关节炎。Recently, polymorphisms in WISP3 have been shown to 最近,WISP3多态性相已被证实confer susceptibility to JIA (Table 3) A specific polymorphism 授予对佳(表3)。一个特定的多态性in the Wnt antagonist, Frizzled-related protein 在Wnt拮抗剂,Frizzled-related蛋白质3, has also been linked as an OA susceptibility gene 3、有关联的OA易感基因(Table 3) (表3)。谢谢,如果不对的话请在线回给我,我去找找看,谢谢 不是goggle呃

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dominant-negative版本的表达两个营和CAAT磷酸腺苷反应要素结合蛋白质/ enhancer-binding蛋白质堵住了葡萄糖响应的地区近端”的态度。

279 评论


Subcortical ischemic vascular disease is a disease becomes the leading cause of small to multiple subcortical lacunar infarcts and white matter lesions of the brain damage of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is caused by vascular cognitive damage to the most common SIVD can cause gait disorders such as Parkinson-like gait, ataxia of gait, ataxia, or no incentive for the frequent falls, a study shows that gait abnormalities may be early signs of vascular This will lead to gait impairment SIVD pathology, type of gait disorder, gait disorder and the relationship between cognitive impairment, gait disorder analysis and evaluation, and treatment were

296 评论


Sensitized Mast Cells Migrate Toward the Agen: A Response Regulated by p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase and Rho-Associated Coiled-Coil-Forming Protein K致敏(或:敏化)肥大细胞趋向抗原:由p38促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)与Rho相关超螺旋蛋白激酶调控的反应。。。供参

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