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经济矢量的合成和资源的有效配置 王见定李颖伯{摘要}按照传统的经济学理论,经济变量是以标量的形式出现的。本文提出:经济变量实质上是一种矢量。但又不同于物理学中的矢量,有其自身的合成规律。资源的有效配置其实是经济矢量合成的一种形式。本文以一些实例对经济矢量合成的法则进行说明,并进一步阐述这一理论在经济活动中的指导意义。(内容简介:经济学新理论)4吨混凝土和1吨盘钢构成一个5吨的混恁土构件;一个缸的发动机、一个底盘、一个车身构成一辆轿车;一个显像管、一个复杂的线路和一个壳体构成一个精美的电视机;一个美容师半个小时的劳务加上对各种美容美发器械及化妆品的使用,产生了一个时髦的发型;一位外科大夫4个小时的手术以及四个同事的合作、医疗器械和各种药物的使用完成了一个心脏手术这些都是经济矢量合成的事例。 混凝土4吨和1吨盘钢是两种不同的经济变量,像这样既有大小又有一定流向的经济变量,我们定义为经济矢量。4吨混凝土和1吨盘钢构成了一个5吨的混凝土构件,可以看成两种经济矢量的合成。它们之间的比例是一定的,是由构件的用途决定的,而且这种比例将随着生产的发展而变化(当然在一段时间内是相对稳定的)。如果现在有5吨混凝土和1吨盘钢,也只能构成5吨的混凝土构件,多生产的1吨混凝土在这一组合中是无用的。这就是经济矢量的合成法则。这个法则对于不同的经济矢量之间是不同的。这种经经济矢量的合成可以在多个经济矢量中进行。例如一个发动机、二个车身、二个底盘也只能构成一辆轿车,其中的一个车身、一个底盘是多余的。以上例子已说明了经济矢量概念是客观的,也说明经济矢量是按一定法则合成而产生社会的综合效益。这种法则在一定时期具有相对稳定性,它取决于合成商品和劳务的质量要求,也取决于届时的生产水平。 通常,我们在经济学教科书中见到的资源的有效配置,实际上也可看成是一种经济矢量合成的实例,有效的含义就在于不进行多余的生产。当然一种商品和劳务是否是有效的,还取决于价格和周围的环境。例如:一辆奔驰轿车,就它的发动机、底盘、车身以及其他一切配套设施都是可以说是一种资源的有效配置,但其10万美元的价格,相对一般市民来说,就不能说是完全有效的。而对于中产阶级来说却可以看成是一种有效的配置。或者就环境而言,在经济发达国家的美国、西欧它可能是一种资源的有效配置(当然也不能超过一定的数量)。而在那些经济正处在发展中乃至落后的地区,它就不能算是一种资源的有效配置。 世界上,任何国家,不管它是发达的国家,还是发展中的国家,都面临着对资源的有效开发和对资源的有效配置。资源不同程度的无效开发和无效配置,将造成有效资源的大量浪费、环境的严重污染乃至经济危机。近20年来,社会主义国家都面临着计划经济向市场经济的过渡,就实质而言,就是对各种资源进行更有效的开发,对各种资源进行更有效的配置。目前我国进行的下岗再就业工程实质上就是全国范围内进行的各种资源的有效配置活动。所谓新的经济增长点,就是某些地区、某企业、某产品基本上达到了某些资源的有效配置。我们认为,当这种有效配置的覆盖面达到50%的时候,由于经济活动的惯性,全国经济将出现全面好转,展示强大的生命力。就一个地区而言,整个经济活动达到80%的有效将是非常理想的,100%的有效是不存在的,既使是在发达国家美国也至少有20%的无效生产,它需要通过调整,甚至破产来达到有效。 参考文献{1}Samueclson and Nordhaus:“Economics”,12th,Ed,McGraw-HNewYorK,{2}Parkins:“MMacroeconomics”,Prentice Hall,Canada,{3}凯恩斯:《就业、利息和货币通论》中译本,三联书店,{4}克莱因:《凯恩斯的革命》中译本,商务印书店,{5}罗宾逊、伊特韦尔:《现代经济学导论》中译本,商务印书店,{6}高鸿业、吴易乙:《现代西方经济学》,经济科学出版社,{7}王见定:《国民经济行业排列的有序化与经济矢量》,第51届国际统计大会论文集,土耳其,{8}王见定、李颖伯:《经济矢量的合成和资源的有效配置》,国际社会和经济发展大会论文集,墨西哥,{9}王见定:《社会统计学与数理统计学的统一》,前沿科学,2008年第二期,北京,
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"Natural economic theory (the anthropic cosmology)" PrefaceOf human economic activity is the eternal driving force for promoting human progress is to support all human activities, and Can be said to create economic activity in the human history of However, people's economic activities must be binding, otherwise the person's self-serving instincts of each individual's economic activities will not form together, and therefore can not form an effective social productive forces, and even cause confusion and conflict, seriously affect the common development of mankind and the International law, national institutions, laws and regulations, corporate organizational structure and management system, religious beliefs, moral systems, cultural traditions, ethnic customs, and even family management style and all the superstructure of economic activities belong to the constraint Some of them are macro-constraints, there are micro-bound, and some hard constraints, and some soft constraints, they together constitute a constraint The history of mankind shows that reasonable and effective restraint mechanism to promote economic development of better and more economical, whereas unreasonable or invalid constraint mechanism is impeding the development of productivity and progress, and only reasonable and effective constraint mechanism is significant in value and vitality, while those unreasonable or invalid constraint mechanism must be This is an irresistible law of This book made by a natural economic theory was built on this natural law based on economic theory, and its immediate task is to study the economic system at all levels of binding mechanisms and the adaptation of the development of productive The national level, the world, each country or region has its own unique economic activity in restraint mechanism, but because of economic activity and the dynamic development features of a high degree of complexity, there is no mechanism to be called any kind of constraint is perfect and Constraint mechanism for the operation process of emerging problems and failures, we must discover, timely amendments and improvements, which we call the adaptive capacity constraint Self-adaptive ability with a strong binding mechanism is a powerful China's economy vibrant high-speed development, mainly because the reform as a basic national policy, and adhere to the road of reform and opening This shows that reform is the lifeblood of constraint Facts have proved that: whatever the courage to reform the national economy may be rapid and stable development, any complacent legalistic countries whose economies are bound to This is a fundamental human economic activities, the laws of China's reform policy for the development of economics has created extremely favorable conditions, the natural economic theory was born in this country is not Running increasingly globalized world economy, countries or regions not only share the growing trade, but also the interaction of various factors of production more and more freedom of movement and Therefore, the object of study of economics should also be raised from a country or region extended to the countries or regions formed by the global Economic theory of natural research areas covered by the family, business, national, and global village four levels, for the study of modern economics to build a conceptual framework and communication In the global village level, how the gradual establishment and the establishment of what kind of rational and effective restraint mechanism to curb individual members may appear selfish behavior, the formation of each other's needs among its members complementary advantages, mutual benefit and win-win situation, peace-fat

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