国际刊号 ISSN: 2044-1398创刊时间 First publish year: 2007Start cooperation with Emerald since 2010出版周期 Frequency: 4 issues per year(季刊,每期6篇)海外合作出版商 Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing读者对象 Audience: 学术研究人员、金融从业者、政策制定者以及对中国和其他发展中经济体的金融市场感兴趣的其他个人和机构愿景——打造中国金融学科国际话语权的英文学术期刊目前的数据库收录情况:Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)-since 2016Scopus-since 2016FMS Journal Rating Guide (ranked 34/78, Finance )Business Source Premier (EBSCO)The Chartered Association of Business Schools' (ABS) Academic Journal Guide 2018The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Quality Journal ListABI/INFORM Complete, ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Professional AdvancedCabell’s Directory of Opportunities in Publishing in Accounting, Economics and Finance一些代表性的高水平文章:•Textual analysis for China’s financial markets: a review and discussion by Alan Huang, (University of Waterloo), Wenfeng Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) and Tong Yu (University of Cincinnati), V 10 N 1 •Ownership identity and corporate donations: evidence from a natural experiment in China by Chun-Keung (Stan) Hoi (Rochester Institute of Technology), Jun Xiong (City University of Hong Kong) and Hong Zou (University of Hong Kong), V 10 N 2 •Implicit and explicit norms and tools of safety net management by Edward Kane (Boston College), V 10 N 3 •FinTech and household finance: a review of the empirical literature by Sumit Agarwal (National University of Singapore) and Yeow Hwee Chua (National University of Singapore), V 10 N 4•Consumer finance / household finance: the definition and scope by Jingjian Xiao (University of Rhode Island) and Chunsheng Tao (Minzu University of China), V11 N 12017年至2020年,CFRI期刊投稿平均接受率在5%左右2019年的模拟影响因子在WOS中相当于在Business& Finance领域中的Q2分区期刊截止目前CFRI被SSCI/ESCI期刊引用418次,施引期刊含Review of Finance、Journal of Financial Economics 、Accounting & Finance、Pacific-Basin Finance Journal等金融学科顶尖期刊,以及自然科学,工程学,数学等领域的优质期刊
AIChE JournalChemical Engineering ScienceIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Rese