Information network is to produce more and more big tourism in developing tourism, tourist e-commerce business, there are both opportunities and challenges to the great tourist e-commerce sites, and to the highly competitive environment development, not only need good operation method, financing, management mode and advanced service concept, need more determined according to the actual situation of the development of suitable good profit Based on our tourism electronic commerce development on the basis of overall understanding, select key object studied cross-border network tourist e-commerce mode Based on the existing about other industry e-commerce mode profits of literature study, extracted the e-commerce sites profitable way and profit model Based on the basic situation and cross-border basic business investigation, analyzed the profit pattern of cross-border profit pattern, and the existing
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mode of making profit 或profit-making mode
上市公司盈利质量分析储一昀 王安武 (上海财经大学会计学院 200433) 一、研究目的 上市公司盈利问题一直是个很敏感的问题,因为它关系到投资者、债权人和其他