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达到境界“信、达、雅”境界是最难的:“信”指忠实于原文,不歪曲、不遗漏,也不要随意增减意思;“达”指不拘泥于原文形式,译文通顺明白;“雅”则指译文时选用的词语要得体,追求文章本身的古雅,简明优雅。一般说来,意译是在翻译句子或更大的意群时使用的,在文学作品中使用的比重较大,而在翻译学术文章的时候中直译的情况较多。按照以前的翻译标准,在直译时既要保持原文的内容,又要保持原文的形式。这样产生的译文有时会显得不是很通顺,不怎么符合汉语的表达习惯,翻译的痕迹看起来比较明显。所以现在的翻译标准是直译时要尽量保持原作的语言形式,同时还要求语言流畅易懂,也就是说直译不代表着死译。在翻译过程中,译者的个人修养很重要,其中包括译者的英文水平,理解能力和文字功底等,这些都是需要在反复的练习中才能逐渐提高的。要想翻译出好的学术文章,掌握一定的技巧之后勤加练习是唯一途径。在做论文翻译等学术翻译时,有几个值得参考的地方:由于学术文章的广泛性,每个专业都有很多专业术语。因此需要对被翻译对象的基本内容和背景知识有一定的了解,动手之前做一点功课是必须的,这样才能做到翻译的准确性和合理性。学术文章有特定的结构:标题、摘要,正文(引言、论述、结论)。因此掌握一些固定模式的翻译方法,以后再翻译其他同类型文章就很容易了 。学术文章以客观陈述为主,句子结构严谨合理,较多使用被动句,大量使用非谓语动词、名词及介词短语。掌握这些固定句式就可以举一反三,这也是学术文章翻译中比较容易的地方。有时直译在部分否定句型中不好使用、有些习语翻译不准。如果不可避免地造成读者理解的困难时,翻译者可能通过使用译者注加以说明,帮助读者理解。对于某些意译,可以通过附加原文的方式,使原文得以重现。也可以让读者在理解的时候可以互相参考,得到更准确的信息。对于学术文章的翻译,意思表达准确是最重要的。如果“信、达、雅”都能做到当然最好,如果水平有限那至少保证做到“信”,其他两点不用勉强。
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84 评论


Practice on the development of foreign direct investment in the service industry started later than its theoretical research, system theory has not formed, the relevant research is focus on manufacturing FDI and international trade theory to explain the service industry development, FDI, analysis of some key empirical research is the influence factors of service industry FDI In Wang Zhi, Wang Yaozhong (2009) written by the service industry foreign direct investment review article, analysis of the FDI in service industry from two angles, namely, based on the study of foreign direct investment manufacturing theory and based on the research of the theory of international In a small number of services in the FDI theory, Denning's eclectic theory of international production is one of the most important theoretical The important significance of this theory to the service FDI that Denning later to continue the development of the eclectic theory of international production, to extend it to the service sector, that is also applicable in the service field of the eclectic theory of international In 1989 he was in "transnational enterprises and value-added services: concepts and theoretical problems" in one article, has made the detailed elaboration to the service industry FDI Denning fully demonstrates the applicability, the eclectic theory of international production for service FDI he believes that, first of all, the incomplete market will lead to the Multi-National Corporation ownership advantage, incomplete and services market also exists in the market, so the service Multi-National Corporation might have ownership advantage; secondly, service enterprises are often higher than the manufacturing industry enterprises are facing the middle market more incomplete risk, have more proprietary technology and secret knowledge, so that the service enterprises will solve this problem through internalization, thus producing internalization Denning will also some specific service industry as example for detailed analysis, the framework for the application of the eclectic theory of international production to service Multi-National Corporation, to study its theoretical analysis and conclusions are widely applied in the service industry Multi-National C

255 评论


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