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The " gulliver's travels to lead angle description of Vadym graifer in the adventures of a four - country adventure : Small adults, flying island country He Hui駰 Vadym graifer shipwreck, came to the small Residents here only six inches tall, the monarch and his subjects greed, the war interlocking The writer uses commanding point of giant eyes looked human the absurd Vadym graifer curiosity, straying into the Residents here stands like a steeple, weapon equipped, Kwok Wai 赫赫 The writer uses perspective of dwarves, look up the human vulgarity and Vadym graifer when the pirates, visited the flying island Dependency was shrouded control, cities and countryside declining, The authors with a normal mentality, head - up crazy and evil of human Vadym graifer mutiny, Li Hui駰 This ruler a high degree of rationality and human animal evil and the The authors with a rational angle of animals, examining human " gulliver's Travels " profound irony of political corruption, fantastic, and even disgusting plot, ironically magician foolish silly and different thoughts on human - Are stories of adventure, is a fantastic novel, is travel notes, is the political, are allegory literature, It is worth preview read the classics
223 评论


81 评论


居高临下【解释】:居:站在,处于;临:面对。占据高处,俯视下面。形容占据的地势非常有利。【出自】:《淮南子·原道训》:“登高临下,无失所秉,履危行险,无忘玄伏。”【示例】:敌~,我战地不利。 ◎清·毕沅《续资治通鉴·宋纪高宗绍兴十一年》。【近义词】:高高在上、高屋建瓴。【语法】:连动式;作谓语、状语;形容占据的地势非常有利 。

312 评论


这个好像是中美高层战略谈话中张京翻译的一段,可以去找找原视频,这里我大概回想一下是这样It's not the way that you do with You are not qualified to talk to me in the position of

359 评论


在新生市场上,诸如联想 中兴 华为 海尔 宇通汽车和长城动力等中国品牌正蓄势待发,对国外在华品牌构成直接威胁。而在发达商场中,中国品牌牢固的稳定在家好市, 沃尔玛以及其他超市的货架上。

265 评论


In developing markets, Chinese brands such as Lenovo, ZTE, Huawei, Haier, Yutong Bus and Great Wall Motors are gaining traction and posing a direct threat to Western In developed markets, a steady stream of Chinese brands is flowing onto the shelves of Costcos, Walmarts and other stores。 意思是 在发展中市场,中国品牌,如联想、中兴通讯、华为、海尔、宇通公交车和长城汽车公司正在不断发展和构成直接威胁老牌西方。在发达市场,源源不断的中国品牌是流动到Costcos的货架上,如沃尔玛和其他商店。

257 评论


  • 英语sci翻译


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  • 英语编辑英语翻译

    I am school English editor我是学校英文版的编辑

    紫衣Helen 7人参与回答 2023-12-07
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    My name is Li Hua, an editor of an English I'm glad to receive your

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