Summary:Investigated the content of the ecosystem tour loading dint, load ecosystem dint theories to apply to travel in the ecosystem, built up environment a loading dint valuation model, to national nature reserve area existing view area ecosystem tour environment loading the dint carry on a Keyword:Ecosystem tour;The ecosystem loads dint
The ecosystem tour loads dint analysis and evaluationSummary:Investigated the content of the ecosystem tour loading dint, load ecosystem dint theories to apply to travel in the ecosystem, built up environment a loading dint valuation model, to national nature reserve area existing view area ecosystem tour environment loading the dint carry on a Keyword:Ecosystem tour;The ecosystem loads dint人翻不来!拉到、、
Abstract: The author has probed into the conception of the Carrying Capacity of ecological tourism, and applied this theory into ecological tourism An evaluation model of the environmental Carrying Capacity has been established and the ecological tourism Carrying Capacity in exsiting tourist attractions of national-level nature reserves has been 采纳了查 红玉总监(翻译的好)的大部分;按照写摘要的文体,把某些句子改为被动语态。Keywords:Ecological Tourism,Ecological Carrying Capacity另个题目:Analysis and Evaluation in the Carrying Capacity of Ecological Tourism
Summary:Investigated the content of the ecosystem tour loading dint, load ecosys
风俗节日 [编辑本段] 春节 习惯上称“过年”,是兴宁人最隆重的传统民俗节日,过年时出外工作的兴宁人都会回家过年。农历十二月二十五称为“入年卦”后,人们忙着筹备
《回眸九寨沟》 一 近些年来,因为工作的缘故,国内不少旅游胜地都有幸驻足。我对旅游景点的选择,明显地有些挑剔。或有着悠久的历史背景,或深具浓厚的人文色彩。如果一
我的家乡有许多名胜古迹,其中一个地方很好玩,那就是西施故里。 从前四大美女之一西施到这里来浣过纱,还住过这里,所以称为西施故里。 里面有许多好玩的地方。