这是一本极美的书,字字句句透露着语言和情感的美。每本书它都有自己的美,但是这本书它不仅有美,还有属于它自己的东西:情!作者用三个情,写出了一本书。这三个情很简单:亲情、友情、爱情,看似简单的这三个情,却能巧妙的编织在一起,“织”成了一本能让人用心去读的书,一本优秀的书。故事中的三位女主人公:叶叶、刘莎和濛,就是这三个情的“源头”。叶叶的爸爸入狱后,周围的人和叶叶妈妈都瞒着叶叶,不让叶叶知道真相。这让我体会到了亲情的伟大。那是一种由关心爱做起头的亲情,那是一种妈妈不愿意看见女儿伤心、绝望而起头的亲情。做为叶叶的邻居和同班同学,刘莎也向叶叶隐瞒了实情,为了让叶叶不起怀疑,还让自己的钢琴老师请外国朋友假冒叶叶的爸爸写信给叶叶。看得出为了不让叶叶伤心,刘莎费劲了心思。这让我感受到友情往往会被我们忽视,但却很重要,我们不能小看友情要懂得去珍惜它,不要错过一份近在眼前的友情。俗话说的好:过了这个村,就没这个店。,友情也是一样的。濛和钢琴老师李佳同的那种很纯洁的爱情,像雪花一样,不夹一点儿灰尘,让我不得不佩服。 这是一本亲切的书,读它,好像在听妈妈讲故事。这也是一本让我们更加了解亲情,友情和爱情的书。我喜欢这本书。
Post Office along Bridge Street on the Thank You're In the vicinity of a public phone? Yes, In the first road on the Walk through Central Park A An interesting garden with a small house next to the Kiu is a fun place I know you next Sunday Let me tell you the way to my Walking along Bridge Street, in the new park on the Unit3 Let's first look at pandas it! What do you like animals? I like elephants, they are What do you like other animals? I like She likes to play with her friends and Please be Sleeping in the daytime, but in line to get up, eat the He was twelve years He usually go to bed to relax 20 hours a Why do you like the koala? Because they are somewhat
我妈妈在客厅里看杂志的翻译是:My mother looks at the magazine in the living room
my mother is reading a
My mam look the newspaper