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我刚好也这专业的我记得有一个什么论文网 全是PDF格式的论文 好像新注册可以免费下载5篇的 毕竟久了 记不太清什么网你慢慢找吧 那里文献很多
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电子信息工程翻译为Computer engineering (计算机工程)比较准确。电子信息工程专业的英文介绍如下:Computer engineering is a discipline that integrates several fields of computer science and electronics engineering required to develop computer hardware and (计算机工程是一门学科,集成的多个领域的计算机科学和电子工程开发计算机硬件和所需的软件。计算机工程师通常接受电子工程(或电气工程),软件设计和硬件 - 软件集成方面的培训,而不仅仅是软件工程或电子工程。)Computer engineers usually have training in electronic engineering (or electrical engineering), software design, and hardware–software integration instead of only software engineering or electronic Computer engineers are involved in many hardware and software aspects of computing, from the design of individual microcontrollers, microprocessors, personal computers, and supercomputers, to circuit This field of engineering not only focuses on how computer systems themselves work, but also how they integrate into the larger (计算机工程师参与计算的许多硬件和软件方面,从单个微控制器,微处理器,个人计算机和超级计算机,电路设计。这个工程领域不仅关注计算机系统本身的工作方式,还关注它们如何融入更大的图景。)Usual tasks involving computer engineers include writing software and firmware for embedded microcontrollers, designing VLSI chips, designing analog sensors, designing mixed signal circuit boards, and designing operating (涉及计算机工程师的常见任务包括为嵌入式微控制器编写软件和固件,设计VLSI芯片,设计模拟传感器,设计混合信号电路板以及设计操作系统。)Computer engineers are also suited for robotics research, which relies heavily on using digital systems to control and monitor electrical systems like motors, communications, and (计算机工程师也适用于机器人研究,该研究严重依赖于使用数字系统来控制和监控电机,通信和传感器等电气系统。)In many institutions, computer engineering students are allowed to choose areas of in-depth study in their junior and senior year, because the full breadth of knowledge used in the design and application of computers is beyond the scope of an undergraduate (在许多机构中,计算机工程专业的学生可以在初中和高年级选择深入学习的领域,因为计算机设计和应用中使用的全部知识超出了本科学位的范围。)Other institutions may require engineering students to complete one or two years of General Engineering before declaring computer engineering as their primary (其他机构可能要求工程专业学生在宣布以计算机工程为主要重点之前完成一年或两年的通用工程。)拓展资料计算机工程(英语:Computer engineering)一个以电机工程学和计算机科学的部分交叉领域为内容的工程学,其主要任务是设计及实现计算机系统。参考链接电子信息工程——百度百科

338 评论


B2B eMarketplaceAnnouncements and Shareholder WealthThe advent of the Internet as an instrument for business commerce has fundamentally altered the economy by ushering in increased efficiencies and more transparent Since businesses started conducting Internet transactions in 1995,the growth has been Forrester Research estimates that worldwide electronic commerce(e-commerce)revenues were about$650 billion in 2000 and projects they will grow to$8 trillion by The greatest impact is in the businessto-business(B2B)sector,where new supply chain models within electronic marketplaces (eMarketplaces)enable companies to significantly lower procurement costs and increase operating B2B eMarketplaces streamline the supply chain by making better use of more The time it takes to match buyers and sellers can be radically reduced,precautionary inventory levels can be lowered,and the range of potential suppliers and distribution outlets can be expanded as geographic boundaries Projections of online B2B revenues differ vastly,primarily because defining what counts and how to count it varies But despite these differences,forecasters agree that online B2B trade will grow B2B e-commerce is generally believed to account for about 80 to 90 percent of total e-commerce Forecasts typically project USline B2B revenues of about$2 trillion by 2003,up from roughly$336 billion in B2B e-commerce is expected to impact the USy Brookes and Wahhaj(2000)argue that the rapid growth of B2B e-commerce will have an economic impact over and above that of the normal process of innovation and productivity They suggest that as a result of B2B e-commerce,annual GDP growth in the large industrialized countries should rise an average 25 percent for the next ten years—with the level of GDP eventually 5 percent higher than it would otherwise have Brookes and Wahhaj conclude that the dominant long-run effect of B2B e-commerce will be on output and equity markets,rather than on inflation and bond 全文内容省略Investors should respond favorably to announcements of new B2B e-commerce initiatives,as long as they believe these moves will ultimately result in higher profits and increased productivity without fueling We examine the potential impact of B2B e-commerce initiatives on the New Economy paradigm using the efficient markets hypothesis(Fama et 1969),which implies stock prices reflect all available information about individual companies and about the economy as a Information is the key So in efficient capital markets,prices will immediately adjust to reflect any new Thus,B2B e-commerce announcements should immediately raise stock prices if investors believe a firm’s value will be increased by higher net future cash flows resulting from higher productivity,lower costs, or higher

301 评论


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  • 电子信息工程文献

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    燕yan燕yan 3人参与回答 2023-12-06
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    天权STAR 2人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 电子信息工程学术论文全英文

    我刚好也这专业的我记得有一个什么论文网 全是PDF格式的论文 好像新注册可以免费下载5篇的 毕竟久了 记不太清什么网你慢慢找吧 那里文献很多

    3未闻花名3 3人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 电子信息工程英文文献


    沉默的苏克 3人参与回答 2023-12-11