提供一些资源环境和城市管理专业的毕业论文选题,供参考 。1、含砷废水的处理与工艺2、含酚废水的处理与工艺3、含氟废水的处理与工艺4、含甲醇废水的处理与工艺5、含氨氮废水的处理与工艺6、粉末活性炭的水处理工艺7、制药厂污水特性及其处理工艺8、造纸厂污水特性及其处理工艺9、制革厂污水特性及其处理工艺10、医院污水处理技术11、电镀污水处理技术12、炼油厂污水处理技术13、农药生产单位废水处理与处置技术14、啤酒工业废水处理与利用技术15、铜冶炼废水的处理技术16、工业生产中重金属废水的处理技术17、氮肥厂废水特性及其处理技术18、磷肥厂废水特性及其处理技术19、水处理常用工艺及其特点20、水处理新工艺及其应用前景21、水处理中脱氮除磷常用工艺及其特点22、我国中水回用现状及其发展前景23、好氧处理常用工艺及其适应性24、厌氧处理常用工艺及其适应性25、城市生活污水的处理技术与应用现状26、UASB反应器处理酒精废水的研究27、A/O法对含氮化工废水的处理研究28、SBR工艺脱氮除磷研究进展29、我国水处理剂的现状及发展前景30、中高浓度氨氮废水的综合处理31、废水脱氮除磷生物处理技术32、沉淀池类型及其应用33、氨氮废水处理技术现状及发展34、奥贝尔氧化沟的应用现状及其发展35、生物膜反应器在污水处理中的应用及研究进展36、餐饮废水的处理方法37、城市污水资源化的开发利用及其对策38、颗粒污染物净化技术39、机械式除尘器的应用现状及其研究进展40、过滤式除尘器的应用现状及其研究进展41、静电式除尘器的应用现状及其研究进展42、气态污染物净化的常用方法及其适应性研究43、烟气中SO2净化技术的研究现状及进展44、烟气中NOx净化技术的研究现状及进展45、含氟废气净化技术的研究现状及进展46、含挥发性有机物废气净化技术的研究现状及进展47、火电厂氮氧化物的处理技术48、机动车尾气的净化处理技术49、固体废物填埋场对环境的影响研究50、城市生活垃圾处理工艺51、生活固体废物的处理工艺52、城市生活垃圾的焚烧技术53、热电厂粉煤灰的综合利用54、卫生填埋法处理城市垃圾55、有机固体废物的沼气化处理56、城市垃圾的回收与利用57、城市污水污泥处理与处置58、城市污水厂污泥处置方式及资源化利用59、农村生活垃圾的处理与处置60、城市生活垃圾的分类收集与处理61、工业固体废弃物的处理与处置62、农业固体废弃物的处理与处置63、城市生活垃圾的成分及处理对策64、我国城市垃圾资源化现状及其发展前景65、我国现有环境管理制度综述66、我国现有自然资源环境管理综述67、我国现有区域环境管理综述68、水环境质量现状评价常用方法及其特点69、空气环境质量现状评价常用方法及其特点70、水质现状评价的新方法及其应用71、空气质量现状评价的新方法及其应用72、乡镇工业对农村(周边)的环境影响73、加快城镇化建设应注意的问题74、我国五大淡水湖的水质现状及其治理对策75、我国七大水系的水质现状及其治理对策76、松花江哈尔滨段水质现状及其治理对策77、哈尔滨市空气质量现状及其治理对策78、我国西部大开发的利与弊79、环境保护、可持续发展与政府政策80、湖泊富营养化的成因及其治理对策
Experimental study of electrostatic precipitatorperformance and comparison with existingtheoretical prediction modelsS.H. Kim, K.W. Lee*Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,1 Oryong-dong, Puk-gu, Kwangju 500-712, South KoreaReceived 1 February 1999; received in revised form 21 May 1999; accepted 2 June 1999AbstractA laboratory-scale single-stage electrostatic precipitator (ESP) was designed, built andoperated in a wind tunnel. As a "rst step, a series of experiments were conducted to seek theoperating conditions for increasing the particle collection e$ciency by varying basic operatingparameters including the wire-to-plate spacing, the wire radius, the air velocity, the turbulenceintensity and the applied voltage. As the diameter of the discharging wires and the wire-toplatespacing are set smaller, the higher collection e$ciency has been obtained. In thesingle-stage multiwire ESP, there exists an optimum wire-to-wire spacing which providesmaximum particle collection e$ciency. As the air velocity increases, the particle collectione$ciency decreases. The turbulent #ow is found to play an important role in the relatively lowelectric "eld region. In the high electric "eld region, however, particles can be deposited on thecollection plates readily regardless of the turbulence intensity. The experimental results werecompared with existing theories and Zhibin and Guoquan (Aerosol Sci. Technol. 20 (1994)169}176) was identi"ed to be the best model for predicting the ESP performance. As the secondstep, the in#uence of particle contamination at the discharging electrode and at the collectionplates were experimentally measured. The methods were sought for keeping the high collectione$ciency of ESP over elapsed time by varying the magnitude of rapping acceleration, the timeinterval between raps, the types of rapping system (hammer/vibrator) and the particle reentrainment.The rapping e$ciency and the particle re-entrainment were increased withincreasing magnitude of rapping acceleration and time interval between raps. However, whenthe thickness of deposited #y ash layer is su$ciently high, the concentration of re-entrainedparticles starts decreasing abruptly due to the agglomeration force which can interact among0304-3886/99/$ - see front matter ( 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 3 0 4 - 3 8 8 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 4 4 - 3deposited particles. The combined rapping system is found more e!ective for removingdeposited particles than the hammer rapping system only. ( 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. Allrights reserved.Keywords: Electrostatic precipitation; Turbulent #ow; Rapping; Particle re-entrainment; Collection e$-ciency; Negative corona1. IntroductionElectrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are one of the most commonly employedparticulate control devices for collecting #y ash emissions from boilers, incineratorsand from many other industrial processes. They can operate in a wide range ofgas temperatures achieving high particle collection e$ciency compared with mechanicaldevices such as cyclones and bag "lters. The electrostatic precipitation processinvolves several complicated and interrelated physical mechanisms: creationof a non-uniform electric "eld and ionic current in a corona discharge, ionicand electronic charging of particles moving in combined electro- and hydrodynamic"elds, and turbulent transport of charged particles to a collectionsurface.Generally, the collection e$ciency of ESP decreases as the discharging electrodeand collection plates are contaminated with particulates. Thus, a rapping system isneeded for removing the collected particulates periodically. While there have beennumerous theoretical and experimental studies on particle collection characteristics ofelectrostatic precipitators, a relatively small number of the studies addressed thee!ects of particle accumulation both at the discharging electrodes and at the collectionplates. Both phenomena are known to in#uence adversely the performance ofelectrostatic precipitators. Many researchers, such as Deutsch [1], Cooperman [2],Leonard et al. [3], Khim et al. [4], Zhibin and Guoquan [5], and Kallio and Stock[6], conducted particle collection measurements of ESP. However, they concentratedmostly on the e!ects of both turbulent mixing and secondary wind in multiwiresingle-stage electrostatic precipitators. Speci"cally, Cooperman [2] considered reentrainmentand longitudinal turbulent mixing e!ects, Leonard et al. [3] the "nitedi!usivity, and Zhibin and Guoquan [7] the non-uniform air velocity pro"le. Amongthem, only Zhibin and Guoquan [7] measured the collection e$ciency of a singlestageESP covering a wide particle size range. Even though their experimental dataare considered to be practical and useful, their experimental conditions were notidenti"ed clearly.In the present study, well-de"ned collection e$ciency data for an ESP are presentedcovering the particle size range of 0.1}100 lm. The particles used in the present studycame from the Bo-Ryung power plant in Korea. In addition, the ESP performancewas evaluated in terms of optimum operating conditions. Finally, the optimumrapping conditions were sought under which the rapping e$ciency increases and theparticle re-entrainment decreases.4 S.H. Kim, K.W. Lee / Journal of Electrostatics 48 (1999) 3}25Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the wind tunnel for the eight wired single-stage ESP performance test.2. Review of theoretical models2.1. Particle chargingFig. 1 shows the laboratory-scale electrostatic precipitator. The particle chargingsystem consists of discharge wires with diameter (D8) and two grounded parallelplates of length (¸). A high negative voltage (<8) is applied to the corona dischargewires, and suspended particles of diameter (d1) #ow with air between the plates ata velocity (;) in the y-direction. In the whole range of particle sizes, both "eldcharging and di!usion charging mechanisms contribute to signi"cant charges [8,9].In these theoretical analyses, it is nearly correct to sum the rates of charging from thetwo mechanisms and then solve for the particle charging as follows:dq1dt"q4q A1!qq4B2#d21eN04 S8k¹pmexpA! 2qed1k¹B (1)where q1 is the particle charge, q4 is the saturation charge,N0 is the average number ofmolecules per unit volume, e is the electronic charge ("1.6]10~19 C), b is the ionmobility ("1.4]10~4 m2/V s), e0 is the permittivity of free space ("8.85]10~12 F/m), d1 is the diameter of particle, k is the Boltzmann constant ("1.38]10~23 J/K), ¹ is the absolute temperature ("293 K), m is the mass of a particle("(p/6)d31o1), and o1 is the particle density ("2.25]103 kg/m3).2.2. Theoretical models of particle collection ezciencyTheoretical models of ESPs were provided by Deutsch [1], Cooperman [2],Leonard et al. [3], Zhibin and Guoquan [7] and others. The Deutsch model forS.H. Kim, K.W. Lee / Journal of Electrostatics 48 (1999) 3}25 5calculating the particle collection in an ESP assumes complete mixing by turbulent#ow and thereby uniform concentration pro"les. In order to improve the drasticassumption of in"nite di!usivity in the Deutsch model, many researchers tried todevelop "nite di!usivity models by dealing with the convective-di!usion equationwith various boundary conditions.Cooperman [2] developed a theory which modi"es the Deutsch model to accountfor the e!ects of turbulence and particle turbulent di!usion. The major limitations ofthe Cooperman model lie absence of a general method to estimate the re-entrainmentfactor and the particle di!usivity. Leonard et al. [3] developed a more complicatedtwo-dimensional model using the method of the separation of variables from theconvective-di!usion equation. He assumed uniformity of velocity components ofcharged particles and particle di!usivity. This assumption fails to adequately describethe particle di!usivity near the collection plates, where it is governed mainly by themolecular transport and, therefore, the di!usivity near the wall is signi"cantly lowerthan the di!usivity in the turbulent core. Zhibin and Guoquan [7] suggested a newmodel for the single-stage ESP which takes into account the e!ect of turbulencemixing by electric wind. Predicted collection e$ciencies of the above theoreticalmodels are summarized as follows:gDe"1!exp(!De), (2)gCoo"1!expC;¸2D!SG A;¸2DB2#(1!R)PeA¸=B2HD, (3)gLeo"1!P10PA m!DeJ2De/PeBdm, (4)gZhi"1!S Pe4pDeP10expC!Pe4De(m!De)2Ddm, (5)where
除氧器是如何进行热力除氧 除氧器是作为驱除锅炉给水中所含的溶解氧的设备,以保护锅炉避免氧腐蚀。工作原理给水的除氧是电站锅炉或工业锅炉防止腐蚀的主要方法。在容器中
AbstractNow, environmental issues have become the iron and steel enterprises hav