to justify the relationship and application of international law on domestic lawThe paper is based on both theoritical and practical analysis of the relationship between international law and domestic law which is a very controversial issue.From domestic law point of view, to sduty the application of international law in our country can be combined with Marxist philosophy and theory, personal views and the final On the future development trend of China's proposed constitutional amendment, which added to the relevant legal provisions of applicable international treaties, the development of particular legislation and suggestions for the future thinking
This article through this has the dispute question theory and the actual two aspect analysis to the international law and the national law relations, from our country's angle inspection international law in our country domestic being suitable, and unifies the Marxist philosophy theory, proposed that individual view, proposed finally to the Chinese future trend of development will revise the constitution, to join in each relevant law is suitable the international convention the provision, the formulation to legislate specially and so on several suggestions and to future ponder.
我是国际法的,字数大概8000左右,那算半个毕业论文啦.首先,理论依据! 这是你之后分析问题的基础,必写,字数大约在一千左右的量。接着,介绍中国的领土与边界的实践中的问题.比如中国和印度边界争端、冲绳凹槽等问题.其后,分析这些问题发生的原因。国际法实际上和国际政治相关性很大,所以需要结合政治背景来说。政治和经济向联系,所以有关国家的经济关系也要谈及。中国的这些领土与边界问题也有一定的历史原因,所以相关的历史你也要说到。再后,中国有和平解决领土与边界问题的先例,比如与俄罗斯的那个黑瞎子岛的问题。你应当阐述,并且分析和平解决的原因。此结合上一节分析出的原因将为你最后的总结作铺垫。最后,提出相关启示或者你的建议。有问题再联系~
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