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356 评论


氢氧化钾(化学式:KOH),俗称苛性钾,白色固体,溶于水、醇,但不溶于醚。在空气中极易吸湿而潮解。可与二氧化碳反应生成碳酸钾。所以它会被用作吸收二氧化碳之用。制备可从电解高纯度的氯化钾水溶液制得。有强烈腐蚀性,常用于制取碳酸钾,固体氢氧化钾为白色正交结晶,有块状和片状两种,溶于水放出大量热。吸入后强烈刺激呼吸道或造成灼伤。皮肤和眼直接接触可引起灼伤,一旦眼睛或皮肤接触到氢氧化钾,迅速将受伤部位以水不断冲洗15 分钟以上;口服会灼伤消化道,可致死。

180 评论


The oxidation of H-2 to water on commercial platinum catalyzed carbon-polytetrafluoroethylene gas diffusion electrode (GDE) has been studied in deoxygenated aqueous solutions with KOH concentrations in the range 1.0-6.0 mol dm(-3). The H2O vertical bar H-2 couple behaves reversibly in open circuit, closely following the Nernst equation. A semiempirical equation in agreement with a Tafel-Volmer mechanism, accounting for diffusion, adsorption, inhibition, charge transfer, and ohmic-type drop in the wetted electrode pores, has been developed to quantitatively explain the steady-state linear sweep voltammograms for the different media, temperatures, and feeding hydrogen partial pressures tested. Charge transfer is also slow at high overpotentials except for 1.0 mol dm(-3) KOH. The micropolarization in the current-potential region around the reversible potential has been interpreted considering the Tafel reaction as the rate-determining step. The decay in exchange current density and the increase in activation energy both, at the reversible potential and high overpotentials, with raising KOH concentration has been ascribed to the increasing blocking and energetic effect of adsorbed hydroxyl species. The results of the activation energies suggest that the reactive Pt(110) faces are dominant in the dispersed Pt particles of the GDE. (c) 2005 The Electrochemical Society.

182 评论


SCI三区杂志,开源期刊,版面费10000人民币左右。期刊名字 EnergiesENERGIES 期刊ISSN 1996-1073 2016-2017最新影响因子 2.262 2016-2017自引率 29.80% 是否OA开放访问 Yes 通讯方式 MOLECULAR DIVERSITY PRESERVATION INTERNATIONAL-MDPI, KANDERERSTRASSE 25, BASEL, SWITZERLAND, CH-4057 涉及的研究方向 ENERGY & FUELS- 出版国家或地区 SWITZERLAND 出版周期 Quarterly 年文章数 1082

167 评论


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