(P2P) traffic dominates the Internet (Parker, 2005) and the P2P service Skype dominates global VoIP. This paper is an introduction to IP overlay networks and P2P applications, such as are used for content distribution and communications. P2P SIP is the standards based approach for P2P communications. The main design features of P2P SIP networks are presented along with interesting usage scenarios that would be difficult to implement with client-server (CS) SIP systems. The properties of P2P communications, security and control issues are described. P2P communications are the opposite to complex infrastructure based Voice over IP (VoIP) and multimedia systems such as IMS and TISPAN and may render them largely obsolete for reasons of cost, complexity and ease of innovation at the edge of the network.
①P2P是peer-to-peer的缩写,peer在英语里有"(地位、能力等)同等者"、"同事"和"伙伴"等,P2P也就理解为"伙伴对伙伴"的意思,或称为对等联网。就是我们说的P2P流媒体技术!P2P就是人可以直接连接到其他用户的计算机、交换文件,而不是像过去那样连接到服务器去浏览与从网络看,P2P也不是新概念,P2P是互联网整体架构的基础。人们认为其在加强网络上人的交流、文件交换、分布计算等方面大有前途。即时讯息ICQ、AOL Instant Messenger、Yahoo Pager、微软的MSN Messenger以及国内的OICQ是最流行的P2P应用。它们允许用户互相沟通和交换信息、交换文件。用户之间的信息交流不是直接的,需要有位于中心的服务器来协调。不过,现在人们多指p2p流媒体电视直播软件方面的应用,如PPLive 、PPStream 还有两网站:①http://hi.baidu.com/suncx7881/blog/item/d200e8f4d3827fea7609d7bc.html②希望是你所需要的(⊙v⊙)嗯
(P2P) traffic dominates the Internet (Parker, 2005) and the P2P service Skype d
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