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The vocational education is in the education important component, its development condition is deciding a national economy, the social development and the labor employment situation. My guozhong duty school's backward present situation was deciding the medium vocational education's curriculum reform is imperative. this article take explores the duty school course to reform the method as a goal, take constructs the principle theory of learning, the cooperation theory of learning, the multi-dimensional intelligent theory as the basis, "Mechanical Foundation" the curriculum original teaching situation conducts the research and the summary to the duty school, pointed out that the duty school implements "Mechanical Foundation" the curriculum and the information technology conformity necessity. Using methods and so on questionnaire survey, comparison research, case teaching summarize suit the information technology and "Mechanical Foundation" the curriculum conformity teaching educational model and the teaching design proposal. The practice summarizes suits the information technology and "Mechanical Foundation" the curriculum conformity teaching educational model, namely: Simulation demonstration educational model, operation practice type educational model, long-distance counselling and online discussion type educational model, independent inquisition type educational model. indicated through the practice research: The information technology with "Mechanical Foundation" the curriculum conformity, can obviously enhance student's study interest, improves student's study habits, trains the student to have the good information technology operation ability as well as to enhance student's information information accomplishment, trains the student to cooperate the study and independent inquisition ability. Under the new educational model, teachers' and students' role had the very big change, the student has become for the entire teaching activity main body, the teacher appears as shepherd's status. has also discovered many restriction information technology in the research process and the duty school "Mechanical Foundation" the curriculum conformity smooth implementation question, for example: School informationization facility backwardness, teacher idea backwardness, student information technology ability insufficiency. Solves these foundational problems is the conformity prerequisite.

250 评论


什么是信息素养? 为什么是信息素养最重要的呢? 谁需要信息素养? 我怎么了解更多的信息素养? 什么是信息素养? 信息素养是一套技能需要寻找,检索,分析和利用信息。 进入21世纪被称为信息时代,因为爆炸的信息输出和信息来源。它已成为越来越清楚地看到,学生不能学习一切,他们需要知道,在他们的研究领域,在几年的大学。信息素养装备与关键技能,使他们成为独立的终身学习者。 我们往往以为是学生写研究论文,并宣读课本,他们获得足够的白细胞介素的技能。事实并非如此。白细胞介素技能,可推出,但现在需要的是一个平行的课程中白细胞介素形成一个强有力的基础,具有大专以上学历。 作为美国图书馆协会的总统委员会对信息素养( 1989年1月10日,华盛顿特区)说: "最终,信息识字人,是那些已经学会了怎样去学习。他们知道如何学习,因为他们知道如何知识是有组织,如何找到信息,以及如何利用信息,在这样一种方式等,可以向他们学习。他们是人民准备为终身学习,因为他们总是能够找到所需的信息,对任何工作或决定,在手" 。 为什么是信息素养最重要的呢? 你们有没有听过的数据浓雾的情况?任期由创作者大卫shenk ,它指的想法太多资料能创造一个无障碍的在我们的生活中。这个数据是烟雾所产生的大量的信息,速度上,它给我们从各个方向,有必要作出快速决定,而感觉焦虑,我们取得了决定,而不必全部资料,这是可用或我们需要的。 资讯素养是要解决数据的烟雾。它使我们能够应付所给予我们的技巧都知道,当我们需要的信息和向何处寻找它的效率和成效。它包括技术所需要的技能,利用现代化的图书馆作为信息的一个网关。它使我们能够分析和评估资料,我们发现,使我们有信心在使用该信息,以作出决定或创造一种产品。

97 评论


Since the information accomplishment” this concept along with the 20th century 70's productions, to eight, the 90's development, has tended to gradually until the 21st century the consummation, its connotation and extension along with society's development unceasingly rich and expansion.Not only the information accomplishment is certain stage raise goal, moreover is each information society member lifelong pursue goal and basic survivability.The information accomplishment raise also will be one of futurological education reform directions.The paper the definition development has made the detailed description on “the information accomplishment”, and elaborates China and America in detail “the information accomplishment” development and present situation.Through article in front of partial detailed elaborations, finally was conducting the comparison research, the spot left the place which Chinese information accomplishment education existence some questions and were worth changing.

265 评论



254 评论


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