文献太长,格式编辑也比较复杂,你可以根据我给出的开头内容和reference自己搜索一下。 Internal control Corporate governance, internal audit and strategic renewal In the early 1990s, as the result of a series of eventful organisational malpractices in Europe in both the private and public sector, ranging from financial disasters to operational catastrophes, there was mounting criticism of the quality and scope of financial reporting and the effectiveness of independent accounting. This article discusses the background to corporate governance in the UK. It then covers the development of corporate governance in the Central Bank of Iceland and explains how international currents have affected the Bank. The main elements of internal control are listed and discussed, followed by how internal control and internal audit can be used to stimulate and promote changes and strategic renewal. The conclusion is that internal control is a very important element of corporate governance. Internal audit adds value to the organisation by assessing the control systems and reporting that assessment to the board and management, which in turn use it as a measure of the “health” of the organisational system. The audit function thus becomes the enabler of change by providing knowledge about the true state of the organisation and the rate of the change taking place through an assessment of internal control systems. ...... References Auditing Practices Board, The Audit Agenda, 1994, Bank for International Settlements, Central Bank Governance, Managing the Process of Change, Basel, 1996. Bank for International Settlements, Central Bank Governance, Performance Efficiency and Cost, Basel, 1996. Bank for International Settlements, Enhancing Performance and Improving Efficiency, Basel, 1996. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Enhancing Corporate Governance for Banking Organisation, September 1999. 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1.王利彦、张继东 《企业内部控制》 机械工业出版社 XX年年8月出版;
2.示嫣红 《企业内部控制》 浙江大学出版社 2010年1月出版;
3.颜梦玉 《浅谈企业内部控制》 《企业家天地》XX年年第11期;
4.李连华 《企业治理结构与内部控制的链接与互动》 《会计研究》 XX年第2期;
5.张岳麓 《企业内部控制的创新》 《企业改革与管理》 XX年10月;
6.邹歆贤 《浅谈企业内部控制》 《大众科学》 XX年年第16期。
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内部控制是衡量现代 企业管理 的重要标志,对于防范和发现各种财务舞弊行为有着重要的作用。下面我给大家分享一些内部控制学术论文,欢迎大家阅读参考。内部控制学术
目前中小企业是我国经济发展的重要力量和组成部分,很多中小企业内部控制效果不佳。下面是我为大家整理的浅谈中小企业内部控制论文,供大家参考。 《 论中小企业内部会计
希望对你有点帮助论文大纲第一章 导论1.1 选题背景和研究意义1.2 国内外研究综述1.3 研究内容及方法第二章 上市公司内部控制理论基础2.1上市公司的界